Police Detective

Chapter 239 Location

"Huh?" Bai Song heard Li Han's words and immediately put the phone in front of Li Han.

"This place..." Li Han looked more and more confused: "This place looks like a cemetery, right? You are no longer looking for the living but the dead when handling cases?"

"Huh? Cemetery, how can you tell this?" Bai Song looked confused.

"This orientation is in the Five Elements Bagua in ancient my country... How should I put it? In this location, there are yin and yang and directions. The direction is northeast to southwest, which is the Dui hexagram in the Bagua..." Li Han frowned: "Who would be like this if not a cemetery? Mark the direction."

"Huh? Is there anything else going on?" Wang Liang also came up: "Why can't I see it?"

"Your place..." Li Han ignored Wang Liang's statement and fell into deep thought: "I always feel like I have seen it somewhere."

This sentence woke up Bai Song. Of course, you should ask professionals for professional matters. Bai Song immediately asked Wang Liang to find an unoccupied room and told Li Han exactly what happened at this location. He also told Li Han about the two The book and anecdotal records were also discussed with Li Han.

"I said why it sounds so familiar. This is the reason..." Li Han suddenly realized after hearing what Bai Song said: "Why are you still planning to go to this place?"

"Yes, I have been looking for such a clue for so long. Of course I have to check it out. The director has agreed to go on a business trip."

"It's not impossible to go to this place, and I have never heard of this place, but I have heard the story you told. The tomb robber you mentioned who founded the sect is indeed very famous in history. . But one thing you may not know is that this person has been obsessed with one thing his whole life.

This matter actually has to start with the death of his grandfather and father. Back then, his grandfather and father were both trapped because of a fake tomb, and some of these fake tombs actually existed in history. They were usually designed to trap tomb robbers, allowing unprepared tomb robbers to escape without ever returning. Some of these places are to protect real tombs, while others, I understand now, are just psychological abnormalities.

And this man had some abnormal psychology. It is said that he made several fake tombs for his own tomb, and his level of making fake tombs was actually much higher than that of tomb robbers and real tombs.

There is a consensus in the archaeological community on this point. Some people even say that he can be called a master at the level of institutions and fake tombs. However, this aspect is not a good thing after all, so it has not been recognized. "

"Ah? Then what you said is that this place is probably a trap?" Wang Liang looked worried: "Don't go there."

"Not necessarily." Li Han said: "You may be underestimating this person. If it is really his trap or his fake tomb, it is a place that archaeologists want to study. Although this person is not He is a master of mechanism skills, but he is almost there. However, this place is probably not a good place. Judging from the location, it does not look like good Feng Shui."

"Ah?" Bai Song thought for a while: "Brother Li, are you free recently? I would like to apply for us to go together."

"This is not very realistic. If you apply again after you have already signed with the director, the leader will think it is making a fuss." Li Han said: "When you get to the scene, you can call me and we will discuss it together. But I am not an archaeologist. , this matter is just at the level of hearing about it, but you must be careful, if you find a tomb or any cave, don’t rush in, you can ask the local police or archeology department to go deep together.”

"Well, I understand. We must be careful." Bai Song nodded.

"Well, you have to be careful. After all, some things may not be in the books. The locals sometimes know things that are not recorded in the books, so you must be extremely careful." Li Han warned again and again.

Li Han was okay. Wang Liang was itching for a while and wanted to go, but Li Han couldn't go, so Wang Liang had no hope. Moreover, Wang Liang was due to take the exam in the next few days, so he should still go. Take a moment to think.

Leaving the key behind, Bai Song left here with doubts and caution.

Overall, I was very happy on this business trip because I was going by car.

According to the business trip subsidy standard, the daily subsidy for driving a bus will be lower, but it is more convenient. Everyone packed up at noon, and the four of them set off after eating in the canteen.

Today we will go to Xiaoyuan County and spend the night there. Sun Suo assigned the new Wuling Hongguang, which is in the best condition, to the four people on the business trip. Moreover, driving has the advantage of being able to carry weapons. The four of them carried two weapons in total. A gun, just in case.

Before departure, we were near the supermarket and everyone bought some food and drinks. Bai Song bought more than 200 yuan worth of mineral water and instant noodles just in case of emergencies.

Wang was speechless when he saw that Bai Song was just like moving. Fortunately, this car has a lot of space.

This business trip seemed very new to everyone, even the director sounded a little new. Although he said he was looking for someone, everyone was discussing the news Bai Song had just received from Li Han.

The journey was smooth. They arrived at Xiaoyuan County before dark. The four of them found a place to eat a bowl of noodles and rested. They would set off again tomorrow morning to their destination thirty kilometers away.

One night, Bai Song tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. He and Feng Bao were in the same room, and Feng Bao slept soundly.

What happened to Scarface? Did you succeed? What treasure did you get? where are you now?

Feng Bao was snoring. Bai Song could only look out the window and didn't know what to think. There were a lot of mosquitoes here. Bai Song didn't even dare to open the window. After thinking for a long time, he took out his phone and looked at the map. The map of the mountainous area was indeed I didn’t quite understand it, and I didn’t gain much from looking at it, so I took out a law book and started reading.

The next morning, the four of them finished eating and headed straight to their destination.

You can navigate from this location to a village. The next section of the road is a mountain road, but it is not difficult to find. Before nine o'clock in the morning, the car swayed and arrived near the destination. The rest of the way can only be walked. .

The weather was a bit cloudy today, so the four of them were all wearing long-sleeved and long-leg pants, sprayed with anti-mosquito medicine, each carrying a bag, and set off.

The climate in the mountainous areas here is not much different from that in Tianhua City, except that it is indeed cooler in the mountains, but after all, it is steep and walking is very strenuous.

"Go forward, there is a big tree 400 meters away. Let's take a rest when we get there." After walking for half an hour, the mountain road here is not easy to walk, so Wang Suo arranged for a rest.

Even though this address is very detailed, it is still very troublesome on this mountain. Going around and around, the energy is lost quickly.

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