Police Detective

Chapter 240 Result

The walking distance was actually not very far. Since four people came together to discuss it, the route progressed very quickly. This location information is actually not difficult to understand. What is really difficult is the complex terrain.

After about an hour, the four people arrived at their destination successfully. The place written on the address should be the place in front of me.

This place is located on the back of a mountain, and the trees are very lush. Bai Song originally thought that the area with a radius of 100 meters was a very simple area. No matter how troublesome it was, it would be like the East Third Hospital. But when we really arrived in the jungle, we found out what this area actually meant. What are you wearing?

All four people separated and explored for almost two hours, but found nothing. If anything was different, it was a cliff.

What Bai Song thought before was that if he encountered tombstones, cemeteries, caves, etc., he would not go deep casually, but would retreat temporarily. So what about this cliff?

The four of them continued to search like a net, and finally concluded that the only suspicious thing here was the cliff.

This time we came not without ropes, but even with a set of rappelling equipment, but Wang Suo firmly disagreed with everyone just going down like this.

The edge of this cliff is very long, and Bai Song is a little afraid of heights. The last time he was in Southern Xinjiang Province, he almost fell off the cliff, which almost caused Bai Song to have a psychological shadow.

After exploring along the shore for a long time, we still found a way to go down directly from the edge of the cliff. However, the way was very steep. Bai Song wanted to tie a rope and go down to have a look, but Wang Suo didn't agree.

After wandering around for a long time, I finally decided to retreat.

In this case, the only option is to seek help from the local police.

Some marks were left along the road, and the return trip went very quickly. At around four o'clock in the afternoon, a few people drove back to the village.

When we arrived in the village, our mobile phones had signal, and everyone started making calls.

Bai Song told Li Han about the situation and sent some photos of the scene to Li Han. Li Han frowned when he saw these photos and said to Bai Song: "It's hard to analyze even if I'm not at the scene, but from what you gave me, The unknown number said that the feng shui of this place is okay, but with such a deep and long cliff, how can this be the feng shui that can be used for funerals? It is unrealistic."

"Brother Li, do you still know about Feng Shui?" Bai Song had heard Li Han talk about Feng Shui before, but now when he heard what Li Han said, it seemed really interesting.

"It's not that I understand. I don't really believe in this thing anyway, but studying history will help you learn a little bit about Feng Shui. After all, in ancient times, this can even be regarded as science!" Li Han continued: "In short, this place is wrong. People who don't understand I don’t have any ideas, but I have some knowledge of Feng Shui and I know there won’t be a tomb in this place.”

"What does it mean that there won't be a tomb?" Bai Song asked.

"What do you think?" Li Han asked.

Bai Song nodded, exchanged a few words and hung up the phone.

While Bai Song was on the phone, Wang Suo contacted the local police. It was said that they would come over tomorrow with equipment to help, but that was all they could do today.

After going down the mountain, Bai Song drove the car and arrived at the village first. This was also the unanimous idea of ​​​​everyone. When he went to the village and asked, this village was the closest village to this area.

The four people went to ask separately. The villagers were very enthusiastic about the police's visit. The folk customs were simple. The four people asked more than a dozen households. After getting a lot of information, they came back to summarize and found that the villagers on the cliffs in this place basically knew. But no one has ever been there.

The limit that the van can go is the limit of the villagers' farming. However, people who have lived here for a long time are familiar with the mountains and the cliffs here. Everyone warns their children not to go down. It is said that some people went down a long time ago and never came back. It didn't come up, so no one knew what was underneath.

"Is this scar face kidding us?" Wang Suo asked on the way back to the county town.

"It's impossible to tease us, right?" Ma Xi analyzed: "However, I feel that the words in the notebook were not written by him at all. Maybe it was a smoke bomb."

"No one can ask Scarface for a handwriting appraisal at this time, but this place shouldn't be a trap for us. What's the point of this?" Feng Baodao said: "Let's withdraw first and talk about it tomorrow. If there is no progress tomorrow, we will It’s time to go back.”

"Okay, we'll leave early tomorrow. If that doesn't work, we'll go back." Wang Suo also nodded.

"The problem is, I'm a little worried. What if there is support here tomorrow? How to get down? It's impossible to let people take the risk." Bai Song asked.

"Don't worry about this. Don't underestimate this place. They will come with drones tomorrow." Wang Suo was confident.

"Drones? Is this county so powerful?" Bai Song exclaimed.

Although there were no drones in 2012, most of them were imported, and Baisong had only seen them a few times. Anyway, Jiuhe Branch did not have them, but this county was actually equipped with this one, so it was considered a good thing.

"I have to say that some of the infrastructure here is not worse than ours at all, or even worse." Wang Suo also lamented.

"Wang Suo, I'd say the main reason is that our country produces coal and has a lot of money." Ma Xi was also a little surprised.

In any case, it is a blessing to get local support when going on a business trip. The comrades in the county also know that it is not easy for the four of them to go on a business trip, so they set off at around 7 o'clock in the morning and accompanied Wang Suo and others straight to their destination. .

After getting the direction, the journey became much smoother. The county only sent two young policemen, one should be said to be a combination of a civilian policeman and an auxiliary policeman. They were both physically strong and they arrived near the cliff before nine o'clock in the morning.

The policeman's name was Li Jun. He carried a large backpack and spoke very politely. With the help of his teammates, he quickly assembled the drone. In addition, Li Jun's companion also carried a backpack, which was probably a drone, but for now, only one is enough.

Bai Song was a little excited. Looking at the bottomless cliff, he felt a little emotional about the importance of technology. If there was no drone, he could only go down directly, and the danger level would rise sharply.

The image of the drone was quite clear, and several people gathered around the screen, holding their breath and looking at the screen.

The cliffs here were shady and foggy, and were covered with moss. Bai Song's scalp was numb when he looked at them. Even non-professionals like Bai Song knew how dangerous it was to climb down such cliffs.

As the drone descended, traces of cutting by sharp tools appeared on the rock wall, and the more they went down, the more they went down. Near the bottom of the valley, the drone's wide-angle lens still showed the so-called result that Bai Song had been searching for - ——Scarface is dead.

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