Police Detective

Chapter 241 Living in the Village

Scarface is at the bottom, and has been dead for a long time.

From the drone, we can already see the situation at the scene. It has been dead for many days, and the specific white pine cannot be seen. After all, in this climate condition, the temperature on the mountain exceeds 30 degrees.

No one could actually tell whether it was Scarface or not, but the four of them knew it was him.

Scarface is the main culprit in the theft case that Bai Song is chasing, but this is not the key. The reason why Bai Song keeps looking for him is really not because of a theft case where the thief did not call the police, but because he always felt that Scarface left in such a strange way. , he must have done something more serious that violated laws and regulations, maybe tomb robbing, maybe selling contraband, or something like that.

Bai Song had always thought about such a possibility, but now that he actually saw the corpse below, he still couldn't let go. After chasing this case for so many days, is this the ending?

"This?" Li Jun saw this scene and swallowed hard: "Is this what you are looking for?"

"That's right." Bai Song looked at the corpse in the image and looked at it carefully, "Isn't the death time a bit long?"

The auxiliary policeman next to Li Jun couldn't stand it after just one glance at this image. He found a tree hole and started to vomit.

The corpse was completely decomposed, and had experienced swelling and cracking after high levels of decay. The scene was basically impossible to see. The images from the high-definition camera could clearly see many fly larvae.

Bai Song looked very uncomfortable, but it was better than Li Jun. After all, he was no longer the cute little boy before.

"How to deal with this?" Feng Bao asked Xiang Wangsuo: "We have to go down here. Didn't we bring a set of rappel ropes? Let me go and take a look first."

"You can't see the body if you go down, and there is a set of rappel ropes, but there are no pulleys and clothing buckles. It's too dangerous to go down like this. Call for reinforcements." Wang Suo turned to Li Jun and asked, "You drone , can you measure the height of this cliff?"

"There is no signal here and it is impossible to measure the height. According to my experience, the lowest place is about 60 meters." Li Jun thought about the operation process and said directly without looking at the screen: "Do you still need to look around for other places? ?”

"Well, trouble." Wang Suo looked at the screen intently.

This place is not so much a valley as it is actually a large pit, surrounded by cliffs. This place is relatively close to the bottom. The remaining places are more difficult to deal with. Some cliffs are not so steep and are overgrown. All kinds of thorns make it impossible to get down. Without signal support, the drone could not fly too far, and the battery life was only fifteen minutes. Li Jun quickly operated the drone to return home.

"Trouble, this kind of scene is the most troublesome." Wang Suo also had a headache, "We can't get down to the current equipment, so let's go back first."

They could only leave temporarily, and everyone agreed.

But Bai Song knew that leaving was only temporary, because there was no signal here, and he had to face the scene here when he turned back. Before leaving, Bai Song found a stone, avoided the position of the body, and threw it down horizontally. After a while, several people heard the sound of the stone falling to the ground.

"About 4 seconds." Bai Song looked at the timer on his phone, "It is indeed about 70 meters. You need to prepare more ropes."

"Can you still count this?" Feng Bao asked curiously: "What is this called? I remember it was junior high school physics?"

"That's right." Bai Song scratched his head, "This is really high enough."

"Yeah." Maxi was not very interested in this and sighed: "This scar face died quite miserably."

"This man has done all the bad things, and this time he is rewarded with evil." Bai Song said bitterly. Bai Song knew so many of Scarface's "life stories". This kind of person will only continue to add problems to society. There is no way to educate them well.

Li Jun didn't say anything. To be honest, it was his first time to see such a corrupt scene. His behavior was only a little better than that of the auxiliary policemen who were accompanying him, and he slowly followed the team down the mountain.

When they arrived at a place with signal, everyone took out their phones and made the call.

The first thing to consider is the issue of jurisdiction.

If a corpse is found in Xiaoyuan County, it should be said that it is under the jurisdiction of the local area, but the discovery party is from Tianhua City, and it is probably related to the case in Tianhua City. It should be said that everyone has jurisdiction.

No one wants this kind of case, and everyone is worried about this situation. As soon as the local government heard that Tianhua City wanted to take the case, they immediately expressed their willingness to cooperate with the procedures. The case will be handled by Tianhua City. Li Jun felt relieved when he heard this One breath.

This scene was so special that there was no need for protection. After some calculations, Wang Suo arranged for Feng Bao and Ma Xi to return to the institute first. They would be on duty tomorrow. He and Bai Song continued to stay here, waiting for support from the branch.

Ma Xi and Feng Bao also knew that this matter was not something they were rushing to do. They were the only two to go back, and it would not be easy to be on duty tomorrow. They nodded and agreed to Wang Suo's arrangement.

Bai Song smiled bitterly, thinking that during this on-site inspection, Sun Jie didn't run away. Although Sun Jie is not a very experienced forensic doctor, the terrain of this place is so steep that if you are older, you may have trouble getting down.

After going down the mountain, Wang Suo and Bai Song planned to live in the village. One was to leave the car to Ma Xi and drive back directly, and the other was for the psychological comfort of "protecting the scene."

Ordinary people would avoid it, but the scene is so precious. If conditions didn't allow it, Wang Suo would have planned to stay on the mountain tonight.

There is no special hotel in the village, and Li Jun doesn't know the people in the village. However, Wang Suo and Bai Song didn't care much about it. They contacted the village chief and spent a little money to spend the night at a farmer's house. It wasn't that bad. Be very particular.

As for Ma Xi and Feng Bao, who would be on duty tomorrow, they left most of the water and food behind and drove away early. Support from the branch would arrive at noon tomorrow.

The village here is actually quite remote. You can only make calls on your mobile phone. You have to be lucky to send pictures. The side near the mountain is better. There is basically only 2G signal deep in the village.

There are foreigners living in the village, and it is said that they are policemen from big cities. It is considered a big news in the village. Yesterday, Bai Song and others also visited some households. Some villagers were not strangers to the two of them. People came to visit from time to time, wanting to hear something new.

In the countryside, the chickens of the old Zhang family in the east end of the village laid two eggs a day. At night in the west end of the village, it was considered outdated news. Everyone was happy to spread the news that would make others take a good look at them. However, the arrival of outsiders , is undoubtedly the focus of the story.

What are the police here for? Who committed the crime in the village?

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