Police Detective

Chapter 244 Dealing with the scene

"Why are you two looking at me?" Li Han looked at Wang Suo and Bai Song's questioning expressions, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Brother Li, you are a history expert sent by our branch. Have you learned anything different?" Bai Song asked.

"What are you thinking about?" Li Han said helplessly: "Actually, you have misunderstood. The reason why I came is because the criminal police have been busy with other cases recently and are short of manpower. They just wanted to call Wang Liang and drag me on." There is nothing I can do to help you here."

"Well, Brother Li, take a look at the feng shui of this place. How is it? Is it possible that it is the fake tomb of the person you mentioned?" Bai Song still looked expectant.

"To put it this way, from my understanding, it is definitely not possible. This place is a sinkhole, a dead end. It is taboo to have a hole in front of a grave. Generally, if you want to use this place, you have to fill up the hole, but... this The pit is too big." Li Hanzhi shook his head: "Anyone who knows a little bit about Feng Shui would not think that there are tombs above or below."

"Okay, I'll understand once you confirm. Let's go help Sun Jie." Wang Suo said.

"Is there anything I need to pay attention to?" Wang Suo walked five or six meters away from the body and asked Sun Jie.

"No, just come in. It has rained here recently, and there are no traces of footprints." Sun Jie shook his head: "How do you think he died?"

"Starved to death?" Bai Song looked at the surrounding environment, "I couldn't climb up, so did I starve to death?"

"It's impossible to starve to death. For such a big man, there is rain and snakes and rats down here, so he can eat them anyway." Li Han had some doubts.

"If you eat a snake without fire, you will definitely die, right?" Bai Song retorted: "Wild animals cannot be eaten directly, and snakes have many parasites. As for rats, they probably can't be caught with bare hands."

"Tell me what you think." Wang Suo said nothing else and looked at Sun Jie.

"If I were to write a report," Sun Jie looked at the situation at the scene: "I think it was a homicide. The man's back of the neck received a strong impact. It didn't look like he had fallen, but more like a stick or other blunt object. of."

"Hit with a blunt instrument?" Wang Suo looked around: "That should be the case. In this case, more than one person came down. One of them killed the other, then took away the things and left the body here. .”

"Then why not bury it?" Bai Song had some questions: "Wouldn't it be better if it was buried in this barren mountain?"

"I think there is no need to bury this hole at all. There is fog here all year round. Who would come down casually?" Sun Jie said instead: "This is probably a murder, and this is the scene."

"Then, let's do the investigation here." Wang Suo nodded: "How do you take this body back?"

"You guys go investigate, I have to clean it up, otherwise there are so many larvae that I can't bring back. Let's go back and freeze them." Sun Jie said: "You may need to ask other masters in the team to take a look with me. I'm still out now." No report.”

"Okay, it's up to you." Wang Suo agreed.

This time, everyone's investigation was much more detailed than before. Wang Suo also reported the situation to Team Zhou and others in time, and this became the first scene of the murder.

As an outdoor environment, the climate here is changeable, the temperature is high, and it is rainy. It basically changes every day. After some discussion, we will only explore this time here, and we will take as much evidence as we can get.

This time it's not that simple.

If you walk around an area of ​​several hundred square meters to see if there are any big items, it can be done by one person in five minutes, but if you survey it bit by bit, it will be a careful technical job.

After more than an hour of searching, the three of them found several things that did not belong here.

Several pieces of nylon rope fiber, a broken lighter, a small triangular piece of iron, a piece of torn paper that was about to rot, four or five plastic bags, a few rusty coins, and three or four plastic bottles.

Fortunately, this place is an inaccessible place, otherwise I would probably pick up a lot of garbage. These things are of little value. There are no conditions for extracting DNA and fingerprints. You can only complete the procedures and records, and take good photos, that's it. .

The processing on Sun Jie's side has come to an end, and the three people watching are all panicking. As police officers born in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, the three of them have all seen the scenes of many dead people, but no one can remain so calm after seeing this scene, let alone have their hands so steady when cleaning up those extremely disgusting things. .

After everything was done, the three of them stepped forward, put on new gloves, and helped Sun Jie put them into the special bag bit by bit.

Bai Song thought he was no longer feeling anything, but he still felt like vomiting when he was so close. This is a kind of human instinctive disgust. Masks cannot block the smell at all. Disposable medical masks can only block some bacteria and droplets. Those stinky sulfur and phosphorus compounds penetrate into the nose without any obstruction.

In fact, the smell could be smelled from the entire bottom, but it was really different up close. Bai Song felt that his nose had been filled up, and he almost vomited when he tried to breathe through his mouth.

Bai Song couldn't help but look at Sun Jie. Sun Jie's eyes were still calm. Yes, it was almost all cleaned up, and the rest was pretty good. . .

After packing it up and wrapping it in a big bag, Sun Jie directly put on another layer.

There are two rappel ropes, the first one is used to pull the bag and Sun Jie. After making contact, the four people above used their strength to quickly pull Sun Jie and the bag up. Everyone was on tenterhooks during the whole process. If there was something wrong with the bag, it would fall off or be cut open.

Then came Wang Suo and Li Han. Originally, Wang Suo wanted to be at the bottom, but Bai Song didn't agree. He was the heaviest and it took the most effort to pull him up, so it was better to keep him for last. Because of this, Wang Suo and Li Han both packed up, carried all the evidence on their backs, and were slowly pulled up.

Finally, there’s the white pine.

Looking at the bottom of the valley, it was already a little dark and still a little scary. As an atheist, Bai Song felt a little powerless after experiencing these two hours of physical torture.

The people on top are actually very tired. It is very easy to lower the rappel rope down. No one is required to help from above. The person on the rappel only needs to slowly loosen the rope by himself. But if it goes up, if there is no If you can't climb, you can only deadlift. I've done it twice just now, and even though there are many people up there, it's still quite slow.

Bai Song also knew that everyone was tired, so he took advantage of the cutouts in the wall and used his hands and feet to climb as many times as possible. It had to be said that these cutouts were quite useful.

The next chapter was blocked and the circumstances of She's case had to be deleted.

If you are interested, you can check this case on Baidu. Thank you for your support.

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