Police Detective

Chapter 245 Driving back to the city

There is a place to help, which makes the early climb particularly easy. This stone wall is not entirely made of granite and marble. Below it is a sedimentary rock layer that is easy to excavate, but it is very poorly excavated. How was this excavated?

If it is a hammer, why are there sharp marks? If it is a knife, then the blade of this knife is really a bit short, right? Bai Song even suspected that it looked like it was dug out with his fingernails.

Bai Song also specially tried it with his fingernails and found that it really didn't work and his hands hurt.

"Slow down, slow down." Bai Song reached the top of these sedimentary rocks, and further up was the granite that was difficult to dig. Bai Song saw traces of digging on the rock layer, but it was obvious that it was not dug, but judging from the scratches on the granite , the digging tool should be a metal tool.

He looked at his hand and didn't try to make another stroke.

It's not Wolverine after all.

"Wait a minute." Bai Song reached a height, used the intercom to tell the people above to pause, observed carefully, locked the rope, and said, "I seem to see something, hand me a ruler."

After a while, Bai Song hung in the air, and the people above used ropes to get down a set of on-site survey boxes. Bai Song took out the survey ruler, took a few photos, and did a simple survey.

Bai Song was not very professional in this area and could only do some basic work. After finishing, he pulled the safety rope and spoke to the person above him through the intercom, and then the people above him worked together to pull him up.

Several people asked curiously.

"It's just a scratch. I want to go back and study how it was done. There are some other marks nearby." Bai Song said, "Fingerprints cannot be collected here."

"Well, okay, let's go back first."

The local government also attaches great importance to this case. After all, such a rotten corpse was found in their jurisdiction. The local government originally wanted to do a DNA test first. If it can be confirmed that it is related to the case in Tianhua City, it will be transferred. However, in order In order to better handle the case, after negotiation, the deceased was transported back to Tianhua City for preservation. It involved intentional homicide. Before several people returned, Tianhua City had already made preparations.

Of course, because of this, Tianhua City Public Security Bureau has also conducted relevant exchanges with local departments. If it is not Scarface, it will be sent back.

However, on the way back, Bai Song heard that the criminal police had been busy again recently. Bai Song was still curious about this, but he was arranged to be in the same car as Wang Suo and Sun Jie. Sun Jie didn't know what was going on. He only knew that several seniors were arranged to go on a business trip.

The first thing to do after returning to Tianhua City is to confirm the identity of the deceased, and then the next step of the work can be determined. Everyone thinks and is sure that the deceased is Scarface, even Sun Jie thinks so, but this is still not enough, let alone rely on this suspicion to carry out further work.

Because of this situation, serious problems have occurred in the past, and I have to mention it here.

That incident happened in 1994. A man named She from a certain place and his wife Zhang disappeared. Zhang’s family suspected that She had killed Zhang. Coincidentally, three months later, a female corpse with a blurred face was found in a nearby village. After Zhang's family members, especially Zhang's mother, identified the corpse, they all believed that the dead person was Zhang.

DNA technology was very immature at that time, but no one doubted that the deceased was not Zhang, because "the mother of the child would never mistake the child."

As we mentioned before, the courts have a two-instance system. In criminal cases, the grassroots courts, that is, the county-level courts, can sentence up to 15 years in prison. Once the case may be sentenced to life or more, the intermediate court must also The case is heard in the municipal court, and the appeal is in the provincial high court.

After hearing the case, the Intermediate People's Court considered it sufficient to identify She as a murderer. However, when appealed to the High Court, the evidence was deemed insufficient.

What happened next in this case was once written into textbooks.

Because of this, the laws have been changed.

As a lesson learned from the past, DNA testing is required for such cases nowadays. After returning to Tianhua City, the six soldiers divided into two groups, one group went to arrange the corpse, and the other group took samples for DNA testing. At the same time, they were sent People have collected the DNA of Scarface's parents, and the results will be available tomorrow.

Technology has advanced a lot, and results that once took many days are now enough in one night.

Bai Song should be on duty today, and it was already late at night when he returned to Tianhua City. Now he didn't need Bai Song's help in the case, so he took Bai Song directly back to the office.

I was very busy today. When I returned to the station at one o'clock in the middle of the night, Ma Xi and Feng Bao were not there. They were both out on duty. Shortly after Bai Song came back, he heard a call from Ma Xi and others for reinforcements. He and Wang Suo were naked. Instead, just drive straight to your destination.

This day has been very busy for Ma Xi and Feng Bao. They have not been idle since morning, and there are still such troubles late at night. However, they did not expect Bai Song and Wang Suo to come back, so they saw the two coming. When reinforcements arrived, Mahi's tired eyes still lit up.

It wasn't a big deal, it was just a fight. Two groups got into a fight over trivial matters at a skewer shop, and the shop owner called the police.

Due to the large number of people and some people drinking too much, the two tired police officers were unable to control the situation. They were mainly worried about a fight, so Mahi called for reinforcements.

Wang Suo went directly to the side where the noise was the most violent, and Bai Song went to the other side.

There was a tall and strong man in front of Bai Song. He could barely restrain himself when he saw Ma Xi, but when he saw Bai Song without uniform, he looked a little unkind.

"Who are you? What are you meddling in?" The man stepped forward and pulled Bai Song away, continuing to yell at the other side.

"Who am I?" Bai Song did not answer his question, but moved closer to the man.

The tall and muscular man also drank a lot of wine. Not long after he came into contact with Bai Song, he felt particularly nauseous.

The smell of Bai Song that could not be dissipated and that humans instinctively disliked entered his nasal cavity.

Today I have been exposed to the highly decomposed corpse for a long time. Even if I wrap it in a bag, it will not be of much use. The smell of the clothes cannot be washed away, so I have to throw it away.

Then I take a shower N times, and then I have to use various types of body wash several times to get rid of the smell.

This is all based on experience. After all, the smell of corpses is the most disgusting smell in human instincts. There is almost no one. Bai Song's nose has now completely adapted to the smell, but that doesn't mean others can too.

this taste

People who have eaten enough and drank enough will smell this smell.

It collapsed immediately!

This chapter has a lot of nonsense. I can’t help it. The previous one was banned and 500 words were deleted. Alas.

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