Police Detective

Chapter 257 Continue to dispatch police

Instructor Li is leaving.

After Bai Song finished his meal, he chatted with Ma Xi and others for a while before he found out what was going on.

The competitive examination for department-level leading cadres will be held in October, and selection for new appointments will begin one month after the examination. The subject-level examination is valid for three years. Instructor Li and other senior leaders took the examination last year and do not need to take it this year. Therefore, they are also faced with job transfers.

Instructor Li was about to leave, but he had a good relationship with everyone, and wanted to treat everyone to a meal. However, due to work reasons, it was unrealistic to treat everyone from the police station to a meal at once, so he divided into groups and treated everyone to a meal of boiled mutton, with water instead of wine. It can be considered a grassroots characteristic. In fact, instructor Li has invited the first, second and third groups a few days ago, and today is the last group. Bai Song really doesn't know about this because he has been busy with the case outside.

Precisely because it was a noon treat, we missed the peak period from 11:30 to 12 o'clock and changed it to eat at 12 o'clock, so the scene just happened. The chef at the front desk was the first to finish the meal, and finally left three kilograms of meat for Bai Song. Bai Song ate happily, and the fatigue of the night was gone.

Where is instructor Li going? Bai Song was very curious, but after asking several people, he got no answer.

However, what is certain is that horizontal promotion is certain. And he will definitely not go to the Criminal Investigation Detachment. Professor Li and the Ma Detachment are on the same team. He will definitely not choose to be a subordinate of the Ma Detachment. Otherwise, he will have to quarrel every day. If he can't quarrel, he will be annoyed by the Ma Detachment sooner or later.

And this promotion must still be in the formal sequence. The department level and the division level are two different levels. Once you reach the division level, you are a serious leading cadre and can be transferred across units and regions. Section level is not allowed.

Therefore, it is normal for the top leaders of a certain place to be transferred across provinces at once, while department-level cadres can only be transferred within their own region. Everyone estimates that Instructor Li will go to a certain department or police station to be the top leader this time. He will still maintain the rank of full department, but the order will be advanced.

These white pine trees are not very understanding, and this is not what he needs to consider now.

Bai Song is also preparing to leave, so there is nothing sad about it. In any case, in the circle of Jiuhe Branch, you will always see him if he lowers his head but does not raise his head.

After lunch, we chatted with everyone for a while, mainly focusing on the murder case of Chen that was just discussed at the dinner table. Bai Song and Wang Suo were also teased about the smell of returning home in the middle of the night.

That is to say, everyone is more accustomed to it. Otherwise, most people can't bear to talk about this while eating.

In this case, from when Ma Xi and Bai Song took over the missing case to now when they solved it, Bai Song went from beginning to end and told each coincidence one by one, which amazed everyone. Even Instructor Li, who was not very familiar with the case, listened with great interest. , and even joked with Ma Xi: "If it weren't for Bai Song, would you be able to solve this case?"

Ma Xi naturally laughed and even said that he was not good enough, which made Bai Song embarrassed.

After chatting for a while, 110 called the police again. One afternoon, the exciting police work began again. Bai Song was quite used to it.

When encountering a dispute, if you can pull away and start talking, if you can't, just stand and listen to the two sides arguing quietly. When you are tired of arguing, it will be easier to talk.

At around 8 o'clock in the evening, Bai Song was chatting with Ma Xi at the front desk, and the 110 police rang.

"What's the matter?" Ma Xi and Bai Song said it together.

"The 110 police report is that someone discharged poisonous gas into his home." Master Sun was amused: "Which mentally ill person called the police?"

"What the hell? Pour poison gas into his house? Who?" Maxi was a little unhappy. He had been busy all day and was most annoyed by these people making fun of the police.

"Let me call and ask if it's okay." Master Sun looked at the location where the police were called: "This household calls the police thirty or forty times a year, and the content is the same every time."

Bai Song was a little nervous at first, but when he heard what Master Sun said, he immediately felt much calmer.

After a while, Master Sun called to verify. It turned out that it was indeed the mentally ill person who called the police. It was a false alarm. Master Sun coaxed the caller for a long time before he was able to coax him.

"It's okay." Master Sun said, "Don't worry, it's nothing serious while I'm on duty."

After hearing this, Bai Song gave Master Sun a thumbs up. He was a master after all, and he always had confidence in what he said.

Man, you just can’t blow. Just as Old Sun finished speaking, an alarm bell came from the computer speaker.

Master Sun's smile gradually faded

"Oh, it's not a big deal, it's a police nuisance." Master Sun looked at his watch: "It's only what time, why did someone call the police and report a nuisance to the people?"

After finishing speaking, Master Sun called the policeman. After hanging up the phone, he said: "It's Dongheyuan Community again. Someone is shaking a whip too loudly in the square at the door. There are also people dancing in the square there too loudly. You two should go there." , just give me some advice.”

"It's this kind of police again. The police are calling the police at this hour. How loud can it be?" Mahi complained.

"No way, let's go there," Master Sun said with a smile on his face, probably because he was embarrassed about his crow's mouth.

"Okay." Bai Song put on his hat, "Brother Ma, let's go together."

Mahi nodded.

Dongheyuan Community is not far away, and the two of them soon arrived at the scene.

Every summer night, there are a lot of such alarms, especially for square dancers. Thanks to the low threshold of electronic equipment, various portable loudspeakers with large decibels emerge in endlessly.

These speakers do not pursue sound quality at all, but only pursue large capacity, large volume and low operating difficulty. They are quickly popular in major squares, and of course not only squares, but also the flat areas at the entrance of various residential areas.

When the two arrived at the scene, they found that the sound was very loud. They didn't know which workshop was so awesome. The singing in the speaker was really loud!

"That's a magical heavenly road~~~~Hey, take it."

After getting out of the car, the two discovered that the singing was constantly mixed with the sounds of "pop" and "pop". A closer look revealed that they were three men practicing whipping. The sound of the whips was crisp and loud.

Sometimes Bai Song really can't fully understand the elderly. The square dancer is understandable. Some women exercise. It's not a good thing if they don't disturb the people. What is the purpose of this whipper who keeps beating like this? ?

What’s so fun about it that maybe I haven’t reached that age yet? ? ?

The sound was really too loud, so the two of them immediately called for it to stop. They finally managed to persuade the two parties to reconcile. One party lowered the volume by several dozen decibels, and the other party stopped using the whip for the time being.

After getting to know each other, I realized that after a long time, these two groups of people were choking on each other. Your voice is loud, and I must overpower you.

One yelled until his throat was broken, and the other cracked his whip, just to grab territory?

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