Police Detective

Chapter 258 Is studying the Fa useful?

Soon, the scene was contained, the sound of whips stopped, and the sound of trumpets was reduced a lot. It has to be said that when the police came, they still gave them some face.

After stopping them, the two of them had already planned to leave. As a result, after taking a few steps, the sound of the whip sounded again.

This made Mahi very angry, so he immediately turned back and quickly persuaded him.

When the three old men saw the police coming, they still stopped raising their whips. Several old ladies originally wanted to turn up the speakers a little louder, but they stopped making gestures.

"Comrade police, don't try to persuade me. It's okay if I don't use the whip. You ask those people to turn off the speakers. I will definitely not use the whip. I will just quietly do Tai Chi for a while." The leader of the uncle hugged himself. whip and said to the women.

This gave Maxi a headache. Are those aunts so easy to persuade?

Logically speaking, near residential areas, in the summer, as long as the sound is not too loud, square dancing is allowed until ten o'clock in the evening. This ten o'clock in the evening is said to be set by the Environmental Protection Bureau of Tianhua City, but no one has actually read the specific documents. I just talk to the aunts every time and they say that it is only allowed until 10 o'clock, which is basically fine. talk.

When the police station dispatches police, this kind of thing is basically a mess. There is no way, this matter itself is a mess.

Bai Song didn't believe in evil, so he went to talk to a few aunts, but was defeated in the end. It was only after eight o'clock, and our voices were not loud, so why were we not allowed to dance?

After all the chatter, Bai Song also understood that as long as the sound was below a certain decibel level, it was indeed not illegal.

However, the problem arises. Auntie’s voice can be adjusted, but the whip cannot.

The whip either makes no sound, or if it does, it makes a sonic boom in the air.

Many people don't understand why whips sound. In fact, the principle is very advanced, that is, the tail of the whip goes supersonic.

Yes, it is the same thing as the sonic boom emitted by a supersonic aircraft when it reaches the critical speed. Therefore, there is no proficiency in this thing, and you can’t make a sound when dancing. This is indeed a technical job. Because of this, men who can make sounds when dancing are very fascinated by their ability.

Please don't be obsessed with me, he is just a legend.

Due to this principle, there is absolutely no way to lower the volume when waving a whip.

Unable to do his job, Bai Song came over to persuade the uncle again.

"Uncle, why don't you move a little bit? I think the park further away is good. The sound of your whip is really loud like a bell. I'm afraid the residents of this community won't be able to stand it." Bai Song first praised it. After a while, everyone likes to hear good things, right?

"Well, your words are quite pleasing to the ear, much better than those old ladies. However, they are still playing music. If I just leave like this, will they laugh me to death?" The uncle was still unwilling, and the other two uncles He also echoed.

Ma Xi gave Bai Song a look, and Bai Song understood: "Uncle, let's say good things first, don't hurt the peace, right? The sound of your whip is really too loud, and it is illegal to keep disturbing the people."

"Yes, we have relevant regulations." Ma Xi immediately started to sing a blackface: "They are all from the same jurisdiction, so don't make it difficult for us."

"Huh? Are you trying to scare me with the law?" The uncle said that he would not take this at all: "If I remember correctly, noise pollution falls under the jurisdiction of the Environmental Protection Bureau, right? The Environmental Protection Bureau is off work at this time, when did the Public Security Bureau still control this? "

This was naked toughness and ridicule. Ma Xi immediately said: "Uncle, you can't say that, it's so close to the police station, right?"

Ma Xi played the emotional card, and Bai Song was a little angry. This old man was a bit too much. He relied on his elders and ignored them, and blatantly flouted the law? After Ma Xi finished speaking, Bai Song saw that the uncle was still unmoved and said directly: "I don't know, where did you hear that the Public Security Bureau does not care about noise pollution as you mentioned?"

"Huh?" The uncle was a little angry when he heard what Bai Song said, "Don't think that just because you are wearing these clothes, you will know how much you understand the law. Let me tell you, my son is a lawyer in the company, and he is not a lawyer. Qing, noise pollution is under the control of the Environmental Protection Bureau.”

"Then maybe your son needs to study the law carefully. According to Article 58 of the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law", anyone who violates the legal provisions on the prevention and control of noise pollution in social life and makes noise that interferes with the normal life of others will be given a warning. ; If a person fails to make corrections after being warned, a fine of not less than 200 yuan but not more than 500 yuan will be imposed.

I think you don’t want us to forcibly interrupt you at such an old age and then issue a letter of reprimand, right? Or pay a fine the second time? "Bai Song's voice was a little cold. This was a very unconventional law, but Bai Song read it once and memorized it.

"You're not deceiving me, are you?" The uncle looked suspicious: "I've heard about the law and order regulations, and this one?"

Seeing Bai Song's affirmative look, the uncle took out his mobile phone, walked dozens of meters outside, found a quiet place and made a call.

Seeing that the uncle had left, and the two remaining uncles were standing far away, Ma Xi asked Bai Song, "Why don't I remember this? I heard others also said that this needs to be taken care of by the Environmental Protection Bureau?"

"It's like this. The first half of this law says 'violation of legal provisions on the prevention and control of noise pollution in social life'. In fact, it is something like the Environmental Protection Law. We cannot punish it directly. We need the environmental protection department to issue a certificate of noise pollution first. , we can only punish it, so it’s quite troublesome, and it’s not that easy in practice. So, over time, many people, including ourselves, felt that this matter was under the jurisdiction of the Environmental Protection Bureau.” Bai Song told the truth, and he was actually lying to the uncle.

In fact, Bai Song has no right to directly identify the uncle's whipping sound as disturbing the public. This identification needs to be determined by the Environmental Protection Bureau, and then the public security department can punish it.

However, if the uncle continues to fail to comply and the police stop him and continues to violate the law, then it may constitute other violations, such as obstructing the performance of his duties.

All in all, the police do not represent themselves, and it is not easy either. Why bother to compete with the police?

After four or five minutes, the uncle probably found out about this "rare" law and told him that it really existed. The uncle scolded his son for not being good at academics and hung up the phone.

It took the uncle more than ten seconds to walk out 20 meters, and it took more than half a minute to walk back. Looking at the two policemen with calm faces, he laughed and said: "Hey, comrade police, where did you say just now? Yes, yes, yes, It's indeed a bit late. My arm hurts a little today, and my shoulder is also a bit old and injured. I'll go back and rest for a while.

Alas, you don’t know, my body and bones were very good back then! Now, people, you can’t accept your age.”

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