Police Detective

Chapter 259 Exam

Everyone also knew that this legal regulation might not be used in work. On the way back, Ma Xi still asked Bai Song two or three times, muttering that he had to memorize it.

Although the police do not need to recite the law and can directly say: "According to relevant regulations" when enforcing the law, if the original text is spoken directly, it will be more deterrent to many people because it is more convincing.

When they arrived at the station, Ma Xi still had some unfinished thoughts. He asked Bai Song about some of the laws and regulations commonly used by the police. In fact, these are available online, but Ma Xi still felt that it was more interesting to listen to Bai Song.

Public Security Law Articles 42, 43, 44 Criminal Law Articles 232, 233, 234

In fact, Bai Song didn't memorize the law very much. The judicial examination did not require or need to memorize the law. These things that can be directly checked online are never tested in the judicial examination. In fact, in the judicial examination in recent years, it has been allowed to take the open-book examination with law books, because for those who do not know how to take the open-book examination, it is not possible.

After going back from work, it was another busy night, with several fights and disputes, which continued forever.

I think all readers are getting tired of reading it. Thinking of this, the author actually laughed out loud. There is no way, this is the real police station, not so thrilling, more of these trivial things.

It wasn't until 12 o'clock in the evening that Bai Song returned to bed and fell asleep. Tomorrow, there will be an exam.

In 2012, according to the salary income in Tianhua City, a police officer’s monthly salary was about 4,000. A legal worker with a bachelor’s degree earned an average monthly salary of only 2,500-3,000. However, a lawyer with the same bachelor’s degree and a lawyer’s certificate had an average monthly salary of approximately It's over 10,000 yuan. Of course, the income of lawyers at the bottom is not that high, but after working hard for a few years, it is very impressive.

So, how important is the judicial examination?

In short, useless against white pine.

He was just trying to have fun.

At seven o'clock the next morning, Bai Song took a taxi, had breakfast, and went straight to the examination room in the outer district.

A total of nearly 30,000 people registered in Tianhua City this year, which is almost the same as in previous years. Last year, the number of people who passed was 700.

It is a non-essential exam, and the registration fee is several hundred. The qualification for registration is a bachelor's degree. Almost all those who sign up will study law. Even so, the passing rate has never been more than 5%.

More than 200 laws, four papers, full score of 600, passing score of 360.

There are two papers to be tested today, and each paper lasts three hours, one morning and one afternoon. Moreover, even after such a long time, most students still cannot finish the questions. College entrance examination students cannot experience the intensity of this exam.

Bai Song seemed very calm when he got the paper. He answered the first question.

The first paper was about legal theory, legal history, international law, etc. It was mainly a test of memory, not the most demanding on the brain. Bai Song concentrated on it and kept doing the questions. Three hours passed by in a flash.

After handing in the paper, Bai Song felt a little enriched. Is this what it feels like when your mind is filled with knowledge? Oh, I'm a little worried.

At noon, Bai Song found a nearby hotel. He would not go back to the hotel tonight, so he would stay here for one night.

After having some lunch, Bai Song was not in the habit of taking a lunch break, so he took out the criminal law, criminal procedure law and administrative law that were to be tested in the afternoon, and looked at them in general. No problem, I knew every word in the book! OK, stable.

In the afternoon, Bai Song entered the examination room in high spirits, confidently waiting for the issuance of Paper 2. The main content of Volume 2 is criminal law, criminal procedure law, and administrative law. of which administrative law

Why not first see how many administrative departments there are? Environmental protection law, public security management penalty law, etc., from administrative licensing to administrative penalties to administrative reconsideration

Okay, without further ado, let’s do the questions.

The first question is, um, the crime of refusing to pay labor remuneration. I have learned this before, so it is not difficult.

The second question is, A and Otome are in love. B proposed to break up because of A's disability, but A disagreed and held B back to prevent him from leaving. B scolded him and refused. A desperately shouted: "I can't get you, and neither can anyone else." He stabbed B more than a dozen times, causing B to die tragically on the spot. A few days after he escaped, he surrendered and showed remorse. Regarding the application of the death penalty in this case, which of the following statements is consistent with the concept of fairness and justice in the implementation of the law?

In order to strictly prevent others from committing the crime, even if Person A surrenders and repented, he should be sentenced to death and executed immediately?

Or should we uphold the authority of the Criminal Law and impose the death penalty?


To be objective, if A's behavior can be judged to be "extremely serious", then the death penalty can be used. Since there is a surrender link, it is also necessary to comprehensively consider whether there is an "evil" situation.


Bai Song saw the fifth question with trepidation.

Which of the following acts constitutes an intentional crime?

A. Someone wanted to commit suicide by jumping off the building. Onlookers shouted "Why don't you jump yet?" The other person jumped off the building and died.

B. The driver was eager to go home and ran a red light while driving, killing pedestrians on the road.

C. Mistaking the sleeping twin sister-in-law for his wife and having sex with her

D. A guest friend smoked drugs at home, and the host pretended not to notice.

Is this question really a multiple choice question? ? ?

excuse me?

Who can tell me why this question is not ABCD?

Well A, no, the onlookers have no control over the suicide and are not responsible for the suicide's actions. Therefore, the onlookers do not have intentional intent under criminal law. B The crime of traffic accident is a crime of negligence. C

Well, subjectively he mistook her for his wife, lacking the knowledge to go against the woman's will, and there was no intentional intention by Gong Suan.

This question is D.

Okay, it’s quite interesting. What a ghost! When this question is written like this, are you really not afraid that someone will misunderstand option C and then do something to argue that you don’t know?

Well, we are all legal professionals and we understand that there are many other situations involved.

These questions are easy to answer. People who have never studied law can also comment on them. Most of the questions are still very professional. In fact, the judicial examination never tests recitation, but rather comprehension.

For three hours, Bai Song spent a lot of effort before he could finish the answer. 50 single-choice questions, 25 multiple-choice questions, and 25 indefinite items.

How difficult are some questions? A multiple-choice question, with six questions and six paragraphs, combining dozens of knowledge points, and then the following four options, each of which is very long, and this question is still indefinite.

Call this a multiple-choice question? Shouldn't this be a big question worth 18 points?

So, 100 multiple-choice questions, more than 30 pages of A4 paper. So, if the author puts out two indefinite multiple-choice questions here, a whole chapter can be written. Forget it, I am afraid of being beaten.

After the exam, Bai Song felt that his hair was smoking and he was more tired than after running a marathon.

He couldn't remember how he handed in the test paper. Bai Song only knew that after finishing the test, he was already preparing for World War II next year, because he really had no idea how many points he could get in the test.

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