Police Detective

Chapter 260 The end of a story

The hotel we stayed in was right in front of the examination room. It was very cheap. It was considered a prosperous area. A slightly larger hotel was very expensive. Baisong didn't have any requirements, so he just stayed there by himself.

After checking in, Bai Song took a shower first, and then ordered two takeaways. He ate so much hot-boiled mutton yesterday, and now he felt like he hadn't eaten meat for a year. He ordered a family bucket and a hamburger set. Plus a chicken leg barbecued pork rice bowl and a lot of drinks. Think about it, what if it’s not enough? Ordered two more breakfasts. No, what should I do if my breakfast is eaten early? Bai Song ordered another hamburger set.

Today's test day is as tiring as six hours of long-distance running. In fact, during this period of study, although Bai Song ate a lot and exercised less, he actually lost some weight. It was really a waste of energy.

While eating, the soundproofing of the hotel was really not very good, and soon the sound of the quarrel next door reached my ears.

Bai Song was very tired at the moment and was eating quietly, not wanting to care about anything. The quarrel was over.

Although Bai Song ate faster, because he ate a lot, it still took him more than 20 minutes to finish. During this period, the noise in the room next to her became louder and louder, and more than one group of people came. Was this the quarrel escalating?

After eating, Bai Song was going to read tomorrow's exam books, but it turned out that there was already a fierce commotion next door, and they even started smashing the wall.

How can this be done?

Bai Song had no choice but to take a look after leaving the house. If there was really a problem, call the police.

As soon as the results came out, I found that there were several people standing in the corridor, several of them were waiters, and they were all ready to call the police. However, several young men nearby refused to let the waiters call the police, saying that it was an internal matter and they would handle it themselves.

The door of the room next door was not closed, but only ajar, so Bai Song knew as soon as he heard that there was a fight in that room, and there were several people cheering him on. What is this all about?

The young man Bai Song at the door looked familiar, but he didn't know where he had seen them before. What do young people do nowadays? Have fun and have fun? Bai Song looked at these young men and couldn't remember where he had met them before. It must have been a one-time encounter.

Bai Song didn't want to cause trouble, so he planned to go back to the house and call the police. It was inconvenient for him to be alone now, but a man came over immediately and stopped Bai Song.

"Don't move. Are you going to call the police? Don't call the police. There is a conflict between two people in this room. It can be resolved in ten minutes at most. Can you just leave it alone?" said a young man.

"Oh, then I'll go back to the house." Bai Song shrugged and said noncommittally.

"You can't go back. Wait here for ten minutes before going back." Another young man came around.

"Are you planning to restrict my personal freedom? Do you want to illegally detain me or what?" Bai Song said with interest.

The two looked like students. When they heard Bai Song's words, they immediately felt embarrassed, but they still stood side by side at the door of Bai Song's house, trying to prevent Bai Song from entering.

Seeing this situation, Bai Song was not in a hurry, turned around, went directly to the room where there was a lot of noise, and opened the door.

This wave of operations made several people at the door dumbfounded, and they were about to go up to stop Bai Song, but Bai Song went straight into the house.

The room was not big. Two well-dressed young men were fighting each other, with blood on their heads. Three or five people were surrounding them, cheering for the two men. Next to them, there was a woman squatting with disheveled hair. She didn’t know what happened. thing.

Bai Song knew who the squatting woman was at one glance. Although she was wearing heavy makeup, Bai Song could tell it was Sun Xiaohui. Take a closer look at the two men who took action. Who else could it be if they weren't Chen Kai and Jia Fei?

Bai Song once dealt with two people calling the police. At that time, the two of them had a very fierce fight. They also agreed that no one would call the police if they fight in the future. It seems that this time they are really successful. With so many classmates surrounding them, the two of them fought 1v1. That's a bad thing.

At this moment, the two men outside also came in and wanted to drag Bai Song out. Bai Song looked at the two men's hands that were about to reach out and glared: "Touch me and try."

Bai Song said a word, and the people in the room immediately saw him and wanted to drive him out immediately. Even the two fighting men noticed Bai Song.

Several people were about to come forward to chase Bai Song away, but Chen Kai and the other two stopped at once, "Don't touch him, he is a policeman."

When Chen Kai said this, Sun Xiaohui also raised her head, and when she saw Bai Song, she lowered her head for a moment.

"What are you doing here to cause trouble??" Bai Song didn't think these people were here to take the judicial examination! In fact, people within the circle attach great importance to this kind of exam, but those outside the circle have never even heard of it.

Several people stopped talking or taking action. Although Bai Song is not wearing a uniform now, when these college students see Bai Song, they feel like children being caught by their parents while surfing the Internet in an Internet cafe.

"Your name is Jia Fei, right?" Bai Song stared at one of them and said, "If I remember correctly, you will graduate in June this year. What else can't be solved with these people? You act like a child every day. , what problems can be solved by fighting?"

"Officer, what you are saying is unreasonable. This hotel is our family's property. Xiaohui and I are living here very well. But this Chen Kai wants to make trouble. No, we have agreed Yes, I have signed a life and death certificate, and I am not responsible for any injuries!" During the time after graduation, Jia Fei has matured a bit, and is a bit like a rich second generation.

Chen Kai didn't say anything. The most important thing was that he didn't seem to have hit Jia Fei just now.

Bai Song glanced at the messy bed with a "life and death" picture on it, and was a little speechless. "A personal promise to yourself for minor injuries is invalid. Are you making such a fuss here? Let's break up, one day at a time. What's this called?"

Bai Song understood why the waiter ignored him. Logically speaking, he should have called the police, right? It turned out that this man was the son of the hotel owner. So, Sun Xiaohui and Jia Fei were fine?

Sun Xiaohui was embarrassed to look at Bai Song. Bai Song waved to several people. Jia Fei wanted to say something, but when he saw Bai Song's look, he didn't say anything and walked out angrily.

Hehe, even if they are the second generation of rich people, they are still a bunch of stupid kids, so Bai Song doesn't have anything else to worry about. After everyone left, Bai Song glanced at Sun Xiaohui, "Is this your decision?"

Her father committed suicide and her mother was imprisoned. Did Sun Xiaohui just let herself down like this?

Yes, Bai Song also admitted that Sun Xiaohui's parents may not be good people, but their love for their children cannot be faked.

"Yes." Sun Xiaohui bit her lip, and after more than ten seconds, she nodded stubbornly.

"Yeah, that's fine too. It's your choice." Bai Song nodded, turned around and left.

When there is no expectation for a person’s future,

This person's story is over.

A story I wanted to write at the last moment. The last sentence is my feeling tonight.

Hope you like it

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