Police Detective

Chapter 263 Softness in the Heart 1

The house in the middle is the most likely to leak, followed by the house on the left, and the one on the right is the least likely.

However, when I knocked on the door, there was no one in the house in the middle. In this way, the probability of water leakage in the middle house is the highest. The more no one is in the house, the easier it is to cause such a serious water leakage.

Bai Song immediately called the office to check the household registration.

Although the heating has been turned off now, Bai Song is still anxious because he doesn't know how much water has accumulated upstairs.

At this moment, the door of the house on the right has been opened. The person who opened the door was a young man. After hearing about this, he checked the various pipes in his house and found that there was no problem, so he closed the door with a bang.

It doesn't matter to Bai Song. Basically, it can be concluded that it is the household in the middle, but it is basically impossible to conclude that it is the household on the right.

The merchant downstairs saw that this household was not easy to deal with, so he muttered a few words, sighed, and wanted to knock on the door again to confirm with the landlord, but in the end he did not try to knock on the door of this household again.

The door to the house on the left is also open. The houses here are not big. How big can an old house with three rooms on one floor be? It's only about fifty square meters, but it's well-decorated, with wooden floors throughout.

The person who opened the door was a woman in her 60s. She looked quiet. After hearing about this, she invited Bai Song and others into the house for a while, and then poured water for everyone.

The merchant downstairs found that the elder sister was very easy to talk to, and for some reason she felt more confident, so he asked the elder sister to check it carefully, and if a leak was found, she must pay full compensation.

The eldest sister didn't say anything and carefully inspected her home. "Don't be anxious, everyone. Drink some water first. There should be no water leaks in my home. Why don't you check the neighbor's house?"

I don’t know why this sentence made the merchant angry, "Drink water! Do you know how much leakage there is? Although the water pipes in your house are not leaking, there are many pipes running underground in the living room. How can you Are you sure the pipe down here isn’t leaking?”

"Well, let me see if there is any leakage under the floor." The woman slowly went to the bedroom and called out her husband.

The man who came out of the bedroom must be in his 60s, but his hair was not messy at all. He was wearing a pair of light and wide-rimmed glasses. Bai Song raised his eyelids, as if to see his hairstyle, and suddenly felt discouraged. No need to think about it. After working all day, Bai Song's hair must be very messy, and his temperament is incomparable to that of his big brother.

Big Brother brought a toolbox and looked at the floor carefully, seeming to be thinking about how to open the floor. The house is not big, but the floor should be made of solid wood. It looks a bit difficult. The male owner spent a long time looking for an angle and didn't know how to open it.

The merchant was extremely anxious and was about to rush again. Bai Song glared at him. The merchant shrank back in embarrassment and finally did not say anything.

At this moment, Bai Song's cell phone rang. The office has contacted the homeowner, who lives in this community, and will arrive immediately. This house has been rented out for more than half a year. It will take some time for the tenants to come back, but the owner also has the key.

As soon as they hung up the phone, they heard someone coming upstairs. It was the owner of the house in the middle. The three of them quickly left the house on the left, turned around and went to the corridor, closing the door behind them.

The owner of the house in the middle was almost 50 years old. He opened the door anxiously and was the first to enter the house.

Bai Song followed in second. The room type here is very simple, with a small corridor, a wall on the left, a small toilet and a small kitchen on the right, a living room on the right front, and a bedroom on the left front. The bedroom is already full of water, and there is already a lot of water in the living room.

When I went in and took a look, sure enough, the valve of the heating pipe was still ticking.

"How can these heating companies do this? They don't even go door-to-door to check." The homeowner began to shirk responsibility as soon as he came in.

"Hurry up and clean up the water first." Bai Song took a cursory look and found that there were still two or three centimeters of water in the bedroom. Calculated based on the 10 square meters of the bedroom, there were more than 200 liters of water. We couldn't let it flow like this. Excessive water seepage is harmful to the building structure.

Fortunately, this tenant did not place anything like sockets on the floor, and several sockets were on the walls. Otherwise, it would be much more troublesome if there is electricity leakage here too.

Under Bai Song's command, several people took some wet clothes and quilts, built a "dam", and then used brooms to "drive" the water into the toilet, and drained the water out through the toilet's drainage system.

The four people worked for more than ten minutes before finally draining most of the water out of the bedroom, which was barely clean. The rest was to take a mop and clean it everywhere.

The loss was huge now. Bai Song checked the heating problem and found that it was not the heating company's problem at all, but that the heating drain valve in the family's bedroom was completely open.

Many heaters have drain valves, which are usually used to release air. But many owners of these old houses secretly use this water as a heat source.

The water in the heater cannot be used. It is mixed with a large amount of rust removers such as sodium phosphate, and there are also strong alkalis such as sodium hydroxide. One is to soften the water, prevent rust, and remove scale, and the other is to prevent theft. The cost of this water is actually higher than that of tap water, and the price is several times that of tap water.

However, there are always some people who, in order to take advantage, take out some hot water, use it to scald something, and then throw it away after scalding.

This water release valve has been modified to release water as fast as a large faucet, and it doesn't turn off at all.

In other words, this valve has been open since the heating ended in March this year, and it leaked when the pressure was pressed today.

"Is this valve modified by the tenant?" Bai Song squatted next to it, looked at it, and took a photo with the law enforcement recorder.

The homeowner's eyes rolled, as if he was trying to think of a good excuse. Bai Song took one look and understood what it meant, and said directly: "Okay, I'll call the heating company over and let's see how to solve this matter."

When the landlord heard this, he understood everything at this time. He had to suffer the consequences of being dumb. He quickly said: "No need, no need. I can solve this matter. I can solve it."

With that said, the landlord called the merchant into the living room to discuss it. The homeowner also understood that it was his responsibility to tell the truth about this matter. A little greed and forgetfulness before, this loss

The tenant will come back soon, and I'm afraid there will be a second wave of compensation.

However, Bai Song suddenly thought that it would be good to have some capital. The landlord made a mistake and could still afford to pay for the downstairs, while the tenant could agree to reduce or reduce the rent for a few months.

It has to be said that people still need to have the ability to pay for their own mistakes.

Alas, keep fighting hard, Aoli is here!

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