Police Detective

Chapter 264 Softness in the Heart 2

Bai Song left the house feeling a little annoyed.

Really annoying.

Are the merchants, the merchants on the right side of this floor, and the landlord so selfish?

During his time as a police officer, Bai Song met a lot of bad guys. We have arrested several murderers, liars, and robbers, but why are there so many low-quality people around us?

Thinking of this, Bai Song felt a little tired.

Maybe these dark sides were revealed to the police? Bai Song couldn't help but think again why so many police officers at grassroots police stations suffered from mental illness, and why so many frontline police officers died suddenly on the job.

Why are you thinking of this again? Bai Song shook his head, trying to get rid of these thoughts.

"Brother Song, that house on the left, haven't we told them yet that their house is not leaking?" Sanmi suddenly reminded them when they went downstairs.

"Ah? They should know, right? We've been busy at the house next door for so long." Bai Song said.

"These two are so old, and they work so slowly, and their ears are not that good, okay? Why don't you wait for me and I'll go back and tell them." Sanmi looked particularly patient.

Thinking of the old couple just now, Bai Song felt inexplicably tender in his heart, "No, I'll go with you."

The two turned back and heard the quarrel between the merchant in the middle and the landlord upstairs. In fact, it was not a quarrel, it was just a little loud to discuss the price. Bai Song didn't bother to care about this and gently knocked on the door on the left.

After almost 20 seconds, the door was slowly opened.

The time when heating is approaching and just after heating is actually the lowest temperature in the home of the year. But the elder sister's forehead was still slightly sweaty.

As the door was opened, Bai Song suddenly saw that Big Brother had pried open more than a dozen floors and was still lying on the ground looking for leaks.

Many people may not feel this scene, but Bai Song saw the big brother take off his glasses, put on a short-sleeved shirt, and his hair was a little messy. Bai Song felt his eyes were a little sore inexplicably, and quickly asked the male host to stop. .

"We just checked. It's not your side that's leaking water, it's the one next door." Bai Song regretted a little. After just confirming it, he should have informed him as soon as possible. At this time, even if these two people said a few words to him, he would not complain.

"No?" The eldest sister smiled and looked very happy, "That's good."

Big Brother was also very happy, "Here, help me put the floor back together."

Watching the elder sister go to help, Bai Song felt sad. Bai Song didn't know how to install the floor, but he could learn it now. He immediately stepped forward to help and installed the floor back with Sanmi.

Installation is much easier than disassembly. Two young men also helped, and it was installed in three to five minutes. It's just that after this floor was renovated, the gaps were much larger than before, and the service life was greatly reduced.

"Thank you both very much." The hostess took two cups and poured some hot water: "Without you two, we have to work a little longer. Let's drink some water before leaving."

"No, no." Bai Song waved his hand quickly, "Today's matter is really troublesome for you."

"It's okay, young man," the hostess said with a smile, "It's the best ending if it's okay, isn't it?"

Bai Song had forgotten how he left the building, so much so that he had to drive halfway back before he finally recovered. Before that, driving was purely based on instinct.

After so many police calls, Bai Song was really warmed up this time.

A kind word will warm you in winter, but a bad word will hurt you in June. This simple truth has been memorized by Bai Song since he was a child, but he has almost forgotten it. In the online society, such friendly situations are even rarer, which is very frustrating. Sigh.

Back at the police station, Bai Song still hadn't recovered from what the old couple had just done. Maybe this is the meaning of being a police officer - there are always a lot of people who are worthy of the police's heavy burden. .

Throughout the night, Bai Song called the police several times. It was still rare to meet such a couple, but Bai Song was in a really good mood and the sun was shining brightly, which made Ma Xi look sideways. What happened to Bai Song?

After hearing that Bai Song was leaving the police station, colleagues in the fourth group were a little reluctant to leave. Bai Song made an agreement with everyone that when arrangements were made for the third group, he would find time to treat everyone to dinner at the end of the month. Everyone happily agreed.

In fact, the personnel of the police station change quite frequently. Colleagues from the four groups all told Bai Song some things about the criminal police team and were very supportive of it. When Bai Song went there this time, he directly followed Professor Li from before, and Master Sun Tang is also in the third team for the time being, so it can be said that there is nothing for everyone to worry about.

The third team can be said to be stronger this time. It originally only had about ten people. After this expansion, there are a total of eighteen policemen, including leaders, there are 21 people, and there is still a vacancy for the position of deputy captain.

Most of these police officers are young people, and several of them are similar to Wang Liang. They have certain computer proficiency and can reach Level 2 or above standards. They are mainly aimed at the increasingly serious cyber crimes.

There are many cadre positions at the deputy section level in municipalities directly under the Central Government. If it is in a local area, the deputy section level is the proper level of deputy director of the county public security bureau, but in Tianhua City it is nothing. This is just like many large government agencies, where division-level officials are not considered cadres at all.

And this weekend, the news that shocked Bai Song the most was the branch's arrangements for the Ma detachment.

The Ma detachment is going to be Director Ma. They are both at the deputy director level, but their status and duties are completely different. Director Tian has not yet reached the age of retirement. I originally heard that Director Tian would take a back seat, but now it seems that is not the case. Because the branch has always had a vacant position of deputy director, Director Ma directly took over part of the security work and part of the criminal work. To put it simply, the criminal police assigned several teams to the Ma detachment, and also assigned several police stations to the Ma detachment. Oh well, it should be called Director Ma now.

Bai Song suddenly understood what Captain Li was thinking. The people in the Ma detachment had already been promoted, and they couldn't hide anywhere. It would be a good choice to simply follow the arrangement and come to the third team as the leader.

After all, the branch attaches great importance to telecommunications fraud cases. Everyone can see this. This position is at the forefront, and ordinary people are not good at it.

As for the new detachment leader, it was said that he came from the city bureau. Bai Song was not curious about this matter. It was normal for deputy division level cadres to be transferred and had nothing to do with him. Anyway, he didn't know anyone from the city bureau. However, it should still be some time before he officially takes office. The person currently in charge of the work is political commissar Yu.

The next step is to stay in the third team, work hard, do your part, and take responsibility!

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