At the first meeting of the three teams, Bai Song was a little absent-minded.

The reason is very simple. At 8:30 this morning, the results of the judicial examination will be released!

No one who came to the meeting today knew about Bai Song's situation. After all, this kind of thing had no impact on others.

At half past eight, everyone first listened to the branch's video conference in the conference room of the third team. This conference room is very small, only ten people can sit around the desk, and the rest can only sit on the chairs next to it. Bai Song came to the meeting late and could only sit around the desk.

Most people who first arrived chose to sit in a slightly remote place, so that when Bai Song arrived, only the seats around the table were left.

The work of the criminal police team is different from that of the police station. The duty here is once every six days, which seems to be easier than that of the police station. However, the duty here does not rest on the second day. In other words, you are on duty on Monday, go to work on Monday morning, and get off work on Tuesday at 5:30 pm.

Overtime pay? Stop joking, okay?

However, those who are on duty on Saturdays and Sundays are generally given a compensatory day off on Monday, and the same is true for police stations. Therefore, for units such as the Public Security Bureau that require 24/7 on-duty duty, meetings on Mondays are often not full, and all meetings are usually held on Tuesday.

But today, all the old and new members of Team 3, including the leaders, a total of 21 people, are here.

The person speaking on the TV was a leader of the Political Department. There were not many people attending the meeting on Monday, and there was nothing relevant to everyone. Bai Song refreshed the data on the official website of the Ministry of Justice with a complicated mood.

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of candidates from across the country all poured in. For a moment, nothing could be seen in the data. Bai Song was nervous and irritable.

At around 8:40, the video conference ended and Captain Li held a meeting for everyone.

Bai Song put away his cell phone and listened intently to Captain Li's arrangements for everyone.

Captain Sun, the original top leader, now serves as the deputy captain of the Criminal Investigation Detachment. After Captain Li took over the work, the work of the third team was temporarily divided into two parts.

The first is traditional work, mainly focusing on cases of property infringement. Robbery, robbery, theft and fraud; the second is emerging cases, mainly targeting telecommunications fraud cases.

As mentioned earlier, many property theft cases are mostly handled by the police station. Because there are too many petty thefts, it is absolutely impossible to rely solely on the three teams to work. After all, there are nearly a thousand police officers in more than a dozen police stations. How can these few people in the third team be busy with so many things?

This time the new third team was established, the most critical issue was telecommunications fraud.

Due to technical limitations, the police station cannot handle many telecommunications fraud cases at all. Without technical support, even the simplest IP address query is enough to torture people. The most important thing is that fighting independently is not conducive to the centralized investigation of some cases.

Generally speaking, instructor Wang is responsible for the first group, which is the telecommunications fraud group, deputy captain Zhao is responsible for the original cases of the third team, and team Li is responsible for the overall work. Bai Song was assigned to the second group.

This was something Bai Song didn't expect, but Wang Liang was assigned to a group, and Bai Song generally understood the leader's arrangement.

As for the duty arrangement, Bai Song and Wang Liang were in the same group, and the other person on duty on the same day was Team Zhao. Judging from this duty grouping, Team Li did not completely separate the first and second groups, but arranged the duty together, and each duty group had an experienced policeman or duty leader.

This arrangement is actually very scientific. Bai Song thought about it for a while and understood what Captain Li was thinking. The three teams are a whole, but each has its own division of labor.

I came here today, there is nothing specific to do. Arranging everyone's accommodation, applying for meal cards, moving, and getting familiar with the new office, that's all for the day.

None of this has anything to do with Bai Song. He already has his residence here, and he also has a meal card. He doesn't need to be familiar with the environment. All he needs to be familiar with is a new desk and some new cases.

It is said that various offices have a backlog of unsolved telecom fraud cases during this period, as many as fifty or sixty in total. This is just a criminal case, there are even more security cases.

The beginning of case handling is the two steps of acceptance and filing. Public security cases only need to be accepted, and the police station can accept the case. Once the case value reaches a certain level, for example, the current standard line in Tianhua City is 2,000 yuan, if it exceeds this standard, the case filing process can be entered.

In other words, theoretically speaking, if you are defrauded of one dollar, the police station should accept it.

One group, the electronic fraud group, will take on a lot of cases starting tomorrow, and the second group will have no time to spare. This summer, there have been several burglary cases that have not been solved.

There are more burglaries in the summer because people sleep with windows open. There are more pickpocket cases in the winter because they wear more clothes. The third team has also summed up some experience over the years. However, such cases are still frequent and must be severely cracked down. The higher the detection rate, the more deterrent it can be. crime suspect.

Bai Song once heard from Team Zhao that Director Ma once worked in Team 3, specializing in catching burglary cases. During that time, thieves in Jiuhe District were frightened and would be caught if they raised their hands. Many thieves avoided it. But Bai Song doesn't believe this. This is just flattering, huh!

Of course, that was all before. After Bai Song left the conference room, he had no other thoughts and immediately refreshed his mobile phone.

Login in! The page pops up!

Bai Song's heart rate soared rapidly, and he covered the screen of his mobile phone with both hands, as if he were gambling and opening cards, slowly leaking out the corners of the screen bit by bit.

Huh. Huh.

It is indeed refreshed.

The first thing that leaked was his handsome photo

I feel relieved. What is the use of this now? Can Shuai be used as a score?

As long as the average score in each of the four subjects is over 90, you can get the A certificate in the judicial examination!

Paper 1 score 127

I c?

Bai Song blinked. Could it be that the phone had a display error?


Paper 1, don’t panic, Paper 1 is the easiest subject. Next is Paper 2, you must pass 80 points.

116 points

Seeing this moment, Bai Song directly revealed the answer.

Name: Bai Song Total score: 456 points passed


Bai Song gets frustrated every day and goes crazy. Fortunately, he is not looking from the back to the front. Otherwise, when he sees the last number of 56 points, Bai Song would be more willing to believe that it is 356 points. In that case, he will not cry to death.

This is such a cool thing, I need to share it.

But who to tell?

Just when Bai Song was excited, his cell phone rang. Bai Song glanced at the caller ID and immediately calmed down.

Zhao Xinqiao, she is probably the only one who still cares about Bai Song's exam at this moment.

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