Police Detective

Chapter 266 The happiness you deserve

Bai Song was very happy and felt a little comfortable answering the phone call.

In fact, Zhao Xinqiao originally wanted to wait for Bai Song to call her. No matter how late Bai Song was, he should know the results at 9 o'clock, right? However, it's already half past nine, and I haven't received any news from Bai Song yet, so I guess it just hasn't happened yet.

Zhao Xinqiao also felt a little uncomfortable, but considering that Bai Song might not have passed, he didn't get angry, and instead started chatting about family matters in the first sentence.

Bai Song understood and suppressed the joy in his heart. He claimed that he had just had a meeting. The network here was very poor and the results could not be refreshed. He told Zhao Xinqiao his ID number and password and asked her to help check it.

When Zhao Xinqiao heard this, his worries suddenly turned into joy. After all, in her opinion, Bai Song would not be unable to pass, so she readily agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Xinqiao carefully entered Bai Song's ID number, 3719900504.

Then the password is .xinqiao666

What password is this!

After Bai Song sent it, he suddenly thought that he had also sent his password. Well, this password was made by himself when he first registered. Thinking that Zhao Xinqiao encouraged him to take this exam, he came up with this name on a whim, but it was okay. Otherwise, it would be so embarrassing if the numbers at the back were not written!

Zhao Xinqiao blushed and was a little funny. After entering the input, the results came out immediately.

The moment he saw the results, Zhao Xinqiao understood immediately. Although Bai Song's newly bought mobile phone does not have 4G yet, it is not unable to refresh. This is obviously just to show off to himself.

Zhao Xinqiao was very angry. It was the end of the first class and there were many people around her. Seeing her expression, many people gathered around her.

Almost all of the second-year postgraduate students present passed the judicial examination. One person exclaimed when he saw the results, and a crowd of people immediately gathered around.

"Who is it, 456 points, so high?"

"Hey, this photo is quite handsome."

"This photo was taken in police uniform. It looks like she is Xiaoqiao's college classmate."

"I know, I know, I think I heard Xinqiao talking about this person."

"What? Tell me quickly."

Most of Zhao Xinqiao's classmates were girls. Who would have thought that these top students would be so gossipy, vying to see the photos and scores on her phone, and quickly attracted the teacher over.

As a last resort, Zhao Xinqiao resorted to all means and talked about the matter.

"How can a police officer at a police station score such a high score? I don't believe it." Several people expressed doubts.

"Yes, I got 423 in college, which was already the highest score in our department."

"It's more than 450, I've never heard of it. It's really a bit buggy, and the Criminal Law test can test 116. I feel that if I take the test now, I may not be able to get such a high score in the second paper."

If you pass the judicial examination, you cannot take it again. This is different from CET6. English level 6 can be improved, and you can continue to take the test if you pass it, but the judicial examination cannot. Therefore, for CET6, which has a full score of 710, some people can score close to 700. Therefore, the score of the Judicial Examination is really very high. Generally, the highest score in the country is around 460.

Even if Zhao Xinqiao or even Fu Tong, who is studying for a Ph.D., take the exam, they may not be able to get high scores. The reason is simple. They are studying criminal law, but criminal law only accounts for about 14% of the score in the judicial examination.

As a result, no one in the entire class had a higher score than Bai Song.

Where is this? This is a graduate student from Huaqing University!

"With this score, even if you have no academic qualifications, some big law firms will give you the green light," a classmate said enviously.

There is no reason why everyone should be dissatisfied with the score. Bai Song's achievement is indeed something that many of the proudest people in heaven admire. Even the teacher said: "There is always a mountain higher. Okay, hurry up and go to class. Let's talk about 'evidence' in this class."

Law firms and law firms are different.

Many people have no access to the world of top law firms. In fact, truly outstanding law firms not only handle litigation and non-litigation cases, but also accept some arbitration cases.

How much money can be made from arbitration cases?

Civil cases heard by courts are open to the public as long as they do not involve business secrets or personal privacy. Therefore, many companies do not want certain matters to be made public, so when signing an agreement, they will stipulate arbitration after breach of contract with another company.

Arbitration generally involves going to an arbitration office recognized by both parties, and then issuing 2% of the arbitration subject matter (arbitration amount) as arbitration fees, and finding three arbitrators.

One of the first arbitrators can get 35% of the fee. This first arbitrator needs to be approved by both parties. Find two more brokers, one from each side, and each will get 10% of the fee. The remaining money belongs to the arbitration office, and of course some taxes and fees must be deducted.

Many people think this is not much, but they do not know that some capital transactions between many companies can even reach hundreds of billions. For example, hourly lending between banks.

The dismantling between banks is not like our daily borrowing. It is calculated directly by the hour, and a sum of money may reach trillions. Once the agreed time is reached and the lending bank fails to repay the loan in time, it will constitute a breach of contract. It is generally difficult to explain clearly, so you have to find an arbitration institution for arbitration.

If such a sum of money is breached and the arbitration procedure is used, if the agreed 2% is used, it will still be an astronomical figure.

Of course, it is impossible for an arbitration office and arbitrators to get hundreds of billions of dollars from a single sum of money. There will definitely be other discussions on this matter. However, it is not uncommon for a highly respected arbitrator to receive seven or even eight figures in arbitration fees for one arbitration.

This kind of thing will only happen in top law firms, and only some famous barristers can take on this type of arbitration business.

Ordinary law firms should start with a consultation fee of 100 yuan per time.

Bai Song started to worry about gains and losses. Why didn't Zhao Xinqiao pay attention to him for a long time? It wasn't until more than ten minutes later that I received a WeChat message saying "Congratulations."

Bai Song patted his head and laughed at why his IQ was so low. He also understood what Zhao Xinqiao meant and said no more.

There was nothing to say about this matter. Bai Song thought about it and found that except for Zhao, there was no one he wanted to tell urgently. He sent a WeChat message to his parents, and that was it.

During lunch, Captain Li took the initiative to ask Bai Song about this in the restaurant. Bai Song did not expect that Captain Li would still pay attention to this, so he showed Captain Li the screenshot on his mobile phone with some "embarrassment".

"That's it? Why is this score the same as PS?" Captain Li is considered a knowledgeable person and one of the very few leading cadres who has taken the judicial examination (failed to pass). He couldn't help but admired: "Not bad."

Bai Song was having fun for a while, but the rice had no taste. The day passed in such a careless manner.

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