Police Detective

Chapter 274 An insider committed the crime?

Because the torture was so intense, even though the thief was masked, put on a ventilator, and wore gloves, he still left a lot of evidence, and the traces of the various instruments used were also very obvious.

After all, the monitoring here is still easy to use, and thieves don't shy away from it at all, they just pay attention to the word "quick".

People who steal things are amateurs among amateurs. This is the consensus of everyone.

However, this also increases the difficulty of solving the case. There are only so many repeat criminals, but novices can do it.

"Twenty minutes later, the city bureau's survey team came over, and the technical investigation, graphic investigation, network and other departments also gave the green light. This case should be caught before dawn. The city bureau and Director Yin will hear the report tomorrow morning. It can't be left hanging. Wait." Director Ma looked at Captain Li with a calm expression.

Although Captain Li and Director Ma have some personal grudges, Captain Li also knows that Director Ma is not targeting him, but is alarming such a big case, so many clues, and so much power that the case cannot be solved within eight hours. He is indeed Hard to blame.

Generally, leaders would not issue such an order to solve a case within a limited time, because it can easily backfire. However, this case should not be a big problem, and if it is given until tomorrow morning, the time is already sufficient.

It can be seen from the on-site surveillance video that the thief wore protective clothing, used an oxygen respirator, used a sling, and used

I don't know why, but when everyone was thinking about the identity of the thief and committing the crime as an insider, one word always appeared in Bai Song's mind - a chuunibyou patient.

If there was no Chuunibyou, how could he do such a thing?

This person really thinks of crime too simply. A sentence of more than ten years is just a starting point.

Director Ma went to the police station. He had a lot of work and needed an office to work in. The scene was completely handed over to Captain Li.

It's past ten o'clock in the evening. There are already many leaders coming to this case, and there are also many leaders on the same level as Captain Li, but at this moment they all have to listen to Captain Li's command. This is not a good thing. Captain Li looked at his watch with a tense expression.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, the little girl who rented the house was found.

Upon inquiry, the little girl actually lived alone and was not at home today. The little girl's interpersonal relationships are very messy. When I get her mobile phone, there are more than a dozen "brothers" on WeChat, and there are countless people with whom I have close relationships.

But the little girl’s circle of friends is very normal, showing off delicious food, beautiful pictures and various PS photos. Therefore, many people lick her, and some people send her red envelopes.

There is nothing special about this situation. After asking, the girl has never given the key to this house to anyone else, and she has not returned home today.

This statement obviously did not satisfy Captain Li. After several inquiries, the little girl's eyes rolled around and she talked nonsense. She just refused to cooperate. This really made Captain Li angry. This girl looked a little older than his child, not bad looking, and she wasn't in the flesh business, but she was really not a good person.

She can lie with just her mouth. No wonder more than a dozen people on WeChat are surrounding her.

But she is still too naive, who among the people present is easy to deceive? How can she enter this house if she only has the key? After all, the possibility of technical unlocking has been completely ruled out.

Therefore, Team Li arranged for someone to record her little cleverness and some lies. It was time for her to know the truth about the world! Regardless of whether the thief is caught or not, there is no problem in convicting the girl of cover-up based on her uncooperation and talking nonsense!

Professionals from the municipal bureau conducted a thorough investigation and sampling of the scene upstairs and downstairs, and there was a lot of on-site evidence.

The first is that an appropriate amount of sulfate ions were found in the solution, which means that the purity of the hydrofluoric acid here is not high. The industrial way to prepare hydrofluoric acid in large quantities is to heat potassium hydrofluoride or fluorite mixed with sulfuric acid. The reaction conditions are very harsh and are basically difficult to achieve at home. Regular factories will carry out multiple procedures such as purification and distillation of hydrofluoric acid. Basically, there will be no sulfuric acid residue, and the sulfuric acid in this is obviously a residue.

This can lock in some low-quality factories.

The second is that rope debris and manganese and chromium alloys were found in the solution, which is inconsistent with the condition of the steel bars in reinforced concrete. This means that stainless steel pliers, brackets, pulleys, etc. were used and some of them were corroded.

Thirdly, Bai Song also discovered that the tools used to lift the floor upstairs were professional and purchased online. Bai Song had participated in the installation of floors before, and he paid great attention to this detail, and easily obtained a new clue.

I have to say that helping Big Brother do good things before was still useful.

Although they are all anonymous,

The fourth to twentieth on-site evidence items are omitted here.

The most important thing is that the amount of video surveillance data in this case is outrageous.

Everyone present generally believed that this case was most likely committed by an insider, because they knew the gold store well enough. Although it was unlikely that he was a clerk in the store, he was probably someone with experience working in a gold store. people.

An hour later, the information of all male workers in gold shops nearby was placed in front of the members of the third team. The sales staff of the gold store are mainly female, and there are not many people engaged in related work. Since there are standard suspects and other modeling, it takes about half an hour to exclude all the people from this information.

This surprised everyone. Wasn't it an insider?

At this time, Wang Liang and others' video analysis report on young men who came to the store many times also came out. The order of the cabinets in this store changes every once in a while, mainly to give customers a sense of freshness every time they come. The last time these cabinets were converted was a week ago.

This is a situation that is easy to analyze. Since it is not an internal staff member nearby, someone must have come in recently to survey the terrain. Otherwise, how could it be so easy to find the cabinet where the bracelet is placed?

Once this case comes up, there are only two options.

There are also some bottlenecks in the analysis of this multi-week video by Wang Liang and others. In the past week, no one with a similar figure to the thief has come in. This is one of them.

The second is that no one has ever paid too much attention to the placement of the gold bracelets, the position of the lock, or the structure of the gold bracelet cabinet. Everyone seems to be only interested in shopping, and no one is out of the ordinary.

Jindian is not a vegetable market. Only a few hundred customers have come to this store in the past seven days. So many police officers analyzed these people several times and found no problems.

If this possibility is ruled out, then it can only be an insider committing the crime? So, who could it be?

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