Police Detective

Chapter 275 Urgent Situation

Team Li and others have also analyzed another situation, that is, the thief is not an insider, but there is an insider's guidance on this matter, and the guidance is very detailed.

Of course this situation exists, but if you think about it this way, there is no way to check it, so you can only consider other clues.

In this case, there is a problem.

Captain Li knows better than anyone that it is very easy to find a thief.

The thief bought too many things, some in stores, some online, and some through illegal channels. None of these can escape, they can all be found.

In addition, the thief left too many clues, and you will definitely find him if you follow them.

However, the problem is that it is impossible to check these at night. Many units, companies, and online stores are not available, and even some departments of Aubao may not necessarily have anyone on duty during this time.

If this case is investigated again during the day tomorrow, or if this suspect is caught by then, then there will be something wrong with Team Li's work.

Why must the case be solved overnight? Can't we check again at dawn tomorrow? Can't we give the police a break?


This has to discuss a very important question, that is, how do thieves dispose of the gold?

If the thief sells the gold, he can still get it back. Whoever he sells it to tonight can get it back, but it won't be possible tomorrow.

Our country has a system called the bona fide acquisition system.

What is the bona fide acquisition system?

The original text of the law means that a person without the right to dispose of the movable or immovable property disposes of the movable or immovable property to another person, and the transferee in good faith obtains the ownership or other property rights of the movable or immovable property in accordance with the law.

The explanation of this sentence is that if a bad person has no control over something, for example, Xiao Wang borrowed Xiao Zhang's camera, then Xiao Wang has no right to dispose of the camera.

The right to dispose belongs to the right of control.

When studying law, law students in any department must study civil law, which is the most basic law. Civil law is very simple and complex. Simply put, civil law can be summarized in four words.

In other words, if you want to know if a person has studied civil law, just ask him if he knows these two words.

Request, dominate.

These two words are all-encompassing and sum up the entire study of civil law from beginning to end. After searching the civil laws of the world, we can never deviate from the original principles.

Claim rights are relative rights, such as claims;

Dominance rights are absolute rights, such as property rights.

The right of disposal is a right of control and an absolute right. Xiao Wang, who borrowed the camera, only has the right to use the camera and has no right to dispose of it. This is easy for everyone to understand.

So, if Xiao Wang sells the camera to an unknowing Xiao Li at a suitable price, does Xiao Li have the right to obtain the camera?

The well-intentioned third person here refers to the third person who is not aware of this matter. In other words, Xiao Li does think that Xiao Wang is the owner of the camera.

In this case, in accordance with the principles of the good-faith acquisition system, protecting the validity of the contract and promoting transactions, Xiao Li will own the camera and obtain the control, ownership and property rights of the camera according to the good-faith acquisition system. And because Xiao Li obtained the property rights of the camera, Xiao Li has the right not to return the camera to Xiao Zhang. Because Xiao Li is kind and innocent.

Yes, ruthless!

Of course, the premise is that Xiao Li purchased it at a suitable price. If it is significantly lower than the market price, then this system will not take effect.

So, what should Xiao Zhang do?

Xiao Zhang can only tell Xiao Wang to compensate for the original thing or pay money, otherwise Xiao Wang may be charged with embezzlement and other crimes.

Therefore, do not lend your valuables to unreliable people.

However, there are exceptions to the good-faith acquisition system.

Stolen dirt cannot be obtained in good faith.

What does that mean? That is to say, if Xiao Wang stole Xiao Zhang's camera and sold it to Xiao Li, even if Xiao Li didn't know about it, even if the price was still reasonable, because it was a stolen item, Xiao Li still had to return it. Because he couldn't be protected at this time. If something is stolen, it can only be recovered.

Therefore, if an unreliable person sells you something, try not to buy it.

Theft here is not just the proceeds of theft, robbery, etc. are not acceptable. As mentioned before, theft, robbery and robbery belong to the same family.

Here, there is another exception.

A qualified pawn shop can obtain stolen goods in good faith!

Because pawn shops do not belong to individuals, they can always receive a variety of second-hand goods, such as second-hand cameras.

If, after the pawn shop receives it, the police come and say that it is stolen goods and they want to take them back. If things go on like this for a long time, the pawn shop will close down. After all, the job of the pawn shop is to recycle second-hand items.

Although regular pawn shops generally do not collect random items, no one can guarantee whether the thief will find a way to take these gold jewelry to the pawn shop as collateral tomorrow.

What if he does this, even if he catches the thief, the gold won't come out? ? ?

Gold worth about 400,000 yuan and diamonds worth about 100,000 yuan, but only the person was arrested and the things were not recovered, how much significance could it have?

Having explained so much, it actually illustrates one truth, that is, people must be caught before dawn!

Having said this, some people may ask, can't we go to each pawn shop in advance tomorrow morning to block it?

The person who asked this question, brother, how many pawn shops are there in a municipality with a population of more than 10 million?

Moreover, the probability of selling this person to a pawnshop is the lowest, and hiding it is the most likely!

These are not what trouble Team Li the most.

The most annoying problem right now is how to catch the person as soon as possible!

The second annoying problem is that the media is here.

I don’t know who it was, but it was said that there was an explosion in the gold store, and a big hole was dug out! As a result, reporters from all walks of life swarmed in, wanting to take a look inside the cordon.

This is unavoidable. When the case first started, there were still some pedestrians. When the boss opened the door, there were still some people watching. Naturally, some people also saw the hole. How was this hole formed?

Many people only think of violent means such as bombing, and this kind of thing spreads faster than anything else!

The fun on the Internet is sometimes scarier than joining in the fun in real life!

In reality, many people are afraid of danger and dare not move forward. There is simply a huge amount of traffic on the Internet.

As we all know, views, traffic, attention = money.

For such big news, reporters from all walks of life have shown their talents and want to obtain first-hand information.

This is because Director Ma has the foresight to pull the warning tape far enough. Otherwise, if reporters take a few photos, it will be difficult to control.

After all, the door and windows are now in good condition, and there seems to be no problem from the outside. It doesn't look like there was a bombing. However, this is only a temporary measure, and the situation is really urgent.

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