Police Detective

Chapter 276 Deduction

The situation at the scene made Captain Li look a little gloomy. This was the first time Bai Song saw this expression on Captain Li's face. The responsibility lies with him, and only he can bear this responsibility.

At present, there are mainly four or five roads that can be walked, but the good roads are almost gone, and the rest will take time.

Unlike Team Li who was under great pressure, Bai Song could now devote himself wholeheartedly to this case.

What he was considering was the scope of criminal psychology.

Anyone who commits a crime always needs a motive. The motive in this case is very simple, that is, he needs money, and it is usually done by a person who has a certain level of education, has watched some TV series, can surf the Internet, and loves to do research.

However, what could make a young man take such a desperate risk and rack his brains to do such a thing? There are many reasons for this, but most people will not need so much money in a hurry.

It is estimated that the probability of being infected with du is relatively high. This du may be the second or third tone.

Therefore, the criminal suspect should also be a marginalized person, reminding Bai Song of Li Kun.

Gray-haired young man is actually a typical middle-schooler. He used to live in his own world. Although he had no ability, he always felt that he was very powerful and refused to accept anyone.

The criminal in this case is a typical person of this kind, and the difference from Li Kun is that he is more educated and knows more things than Li Kun. However, these things are not a good thing, and it is this knowledge that has caused such a big disaster.

It was finally possible to go in and take a look at the site. The harmful substances had finally dropped below the critical value. Bai Song obtained permission to wear the necessary equipment and go in to take a look.

No matter how meticulous the on-site investigators are, there are still some things that the investigators need to see with their eyes.

There were many police officers at the scene, and they all wanted to go in and take a look, but this was definitely not possible. Fortunately, Bai Song was still relatively important in the eyes of Captain Li, so he obtained permission.

The scene is familiar.

Why do you say familiar? Because the surveyors had recorded all of this in the form of text and pictures, Bai Song read it many times and thought about it all in his mind many times, and he was basically able to do 3D drawings.

In addition to 3D drawing, Bai Song also simulated all the actions of the thief from the moment he came down, because they were all shown in the surveillance video.

Bai Song did these movements smoothly, because these movements had been repeated in his mind many times.

After the crime scene was recreated, Bai Song stopped by the cabinet.

This case must be an expert.

Bai Song considers himself to be smart. If he were the thief in this case, he could be more alert and have fewer flaws in many areas, but some of his actions would definitely not be as professional as this thief's, nor would he be as familiar with the arrangements here.

Bai Song has thought about the appearance of the entire gold store in his mind for a long time, so he is very, very familiar with the appearance of this gold store. But even so, subconsciously, Bai Song still feels that no thief is more familiar with the gold store.

It seemed like Bai Song was familiar with the police station.

For example, Bai Song had never been to the Wanghu Road Police Station once. But as a policeman, Bai Song only needs to go to the police station for a walk, or even go around. As long as someone tells him which floor and which room is used for it, he can become familiar with the place by giving him a general introduction.

Why? Because Bai Song has been at the police station for a long time, he is considered an expert in this field.

But the gold store is not good. It is not that Bai Song has never been to the gold store, but this sense of familiarity cannot be faked.

In fact, the idea of ​​an insider committing the crime was everyone's first thought. However, as the scope of the investigation into surrounding gold stores became larger and larger, no one mentioned it again after a few hours.

But Bai Song didn't think so. He stood in front of the opened cabinet and was almost certain that the suspect must be someone who had worked in the gold store for a long time.

At the same time, this person must meet two conditions: first, he is clever and handy, and second, he does not have a serious career at the moment.

Bai Song has a deep understanding of his ingenuity. The floor wasn't that easy to pry open, and this guy was good at prying it open. If he hadn't done the job before, then he had really good hands.

There is no serious profession, this is also Bai Song's calculation. If you have a serious job in a gold shop, have rich experience, and have a pair of dexterous hands, if you are really short of money and have hundreds of thousands, do you really want to take such a desperate risk?

And who can be the person who meets so many conditions?

After leaving the scene, Team Li prepared to interrogate the young tenant girl of this house overnight.

Bai Song was silent. He was a little anxious. Bai Song felt that this little girl was not as good as Wang Ruoyi in terms of character. Although Wang Ruoyi was a murderer, she was just a silly girl. Of course, this person, who is as shrewd as a ghost, cannot think like this. Wang Ruoyi deserves to be punished at this stage.

However, Bai Song also knew that this was not a good choice for Captain Li. If he interrogated the female tenant like this, he might get a lot of false information. This girl was very good at lying. The confirmation of these false news will also take a lot of time.

Thinking of Wang Ruoyi, Bai Song also thought of Wang Qianyi.

It is said that Wang Ruoyi's second trial is about to begin, but in Wang Qianyi's case, after many supplementary investigations, other criminal cases were discovered many times, and the detention period was recalculated many times, the first trial is still far away at this time.

Generally speaking, there is a time limit for arrest, the longest is 7 months, and a case must go to the court for judgment. However, if there are new criminal clues, the arrest period can be recalculated, so it is normal that there is no first trial yet.

However, considering the various crimes Wang Qianyi had committed over the years, if added together, the death penalty was expected, and Bai Song had nothing to look forward to.

And Wang Qianyi's accomplice, Zhuge Yong, the manager of the gold store, was also involved in several cases during Wang Qianyi's confession. It is estimated that the crime is not light.

In fact, not only Zhuge Yong, but also some of the original clerks were investigated by the police.

Thinking of this, Bai Song grabbed Captain Li who was about to get in the car and leave.

Captain Li was still thinking about the interrogation for a while, but he was suddenly grabbed by someone. He was a little uncomfortable. He turned around and found that it was Bai Song, and his expression was a little strange. He couldn't help but stop, "What's the matter?"

There are so many people, how is it appropriate for the police to drag the police?

"Captain Li, it suddenly occurred to me that there is a group of people that we did not investigate." Bai Song said directly: "Do you still remember Zhuge Yong's gold shop and Wang Qianyi's jewelry processing factory?"

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