Police Detective

Chapter 645: But do good deeds (Thanks to Doudou 316 Silver League, more updates)

The moment Ce Jianwen saw the people surrounding him from all directions, the briefcase on his shoulders still did not fall off and he stood upright.

He was not nervous, but rather relaxed.

Eight years.

Running away is not something people suffer!

In the past eight years, he spent a lot of money to support his youngest son through college and graduate school, and built a tile-roofed house for his mother-in-law in his hometown.

My body is getting worse and worse than before, and getting caught is inevitable.

The only regret is that he still has more than 2,000 yuan with him, and I don’t know if the police can take it to his family.

There were four or five people who ran over first, and then, more than twenty people from different corners came running towards here.

Ce Jianwen didn't even move. He reached out his hand and gently stroked his hair.

Bai Song was at the door of the guard room, looking at Ce Jianwen like this, with neither sadness nor joy on his face.

A very ironic thing suddenly occurred to him.

What would be the mentality of those who were being tutored in calligraphy if they knew that the teacher who taught them calligraphy was actually a fugitive from a murder case?

Yesterday's respect for teachers, will he immediately discard it like a pair of worn shoes just because he knows his identity?

"Director Bai, thank you for this!" A leader is a leader after all, an old man with no strength. He did not go up to catch him himself, but thanked Bai Song again.

The man was arrested by Xiangnan Province and Tianhua City.

In Tianhua City, he can blow the white pine trees to the sky and write 10 pages of A4 paper with his beautiful words; he can write a letter of thanks to Tianhua City Bureau, Jiuhe Branch, Sanmu Street Police Station, and Jiuhe Branch Criminal Investigation Detachment. Letter; he can call several leaders here to praise him three points!

However, back in Shonan Province, it was "the two places collaborated to capture the murderer who had been on the run for eight years."

There is no problem with this. Bai Song’s incident is worthy of special mention by the media. Although Bai Song’s name will not be mentioned specifically, words like cooperation between the two places will appear frequently, giving the Tianhua City Public Security Bureau a long-lasting reputation!

This kind of thing is much more valuable than praising the white pine alone.

Maybe, this is life.

"Is it convenient for you to leave it to me here? One of my best buddies has a wedding today." Bai Song looked at his watch: "Go now, I should still be able to catch up."

"What are you waiting for? Go quickly! Leave this to me, Director Bai. Don't worry. I won't say much else. From now on, when you go to Changhe City, call me and treat it as your own home!"

Bai Song finally caught up with the wedding scene.

A particularly magical thing happened at the wedding today.

Although the groom is very happy today, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the groom seems to be slightly worried.

In fact, the bride had already discovered that the groom had hidden his thoughts.

In the past few days, Yan Xiaoyu asked Sun Jie several times what happened, but Sun Jie never said anything. In the end, he had no choice but to mention that there was a confidential case.

This also made Yan Xiaoyu feel a little hazy about the wedding.

No one wants this to happen to their wedding, right?

If Yan Xiaoyu hadn't known that Sun Jie was a forensic scientist and a very low-risk police officer, she would have been worried about her fiancé's safety.

But, today, when Bai Song came, the situation completely changed.

Bai Song just whispered in Sun Jie's ear for more than ten seconds. Sun Jie was like a robot that had lost power and had a new high-capacity battery, and his eyes were shining!

Yan Xiaoyu, the best man and bridesmaid, and the relatives and friends around him were all shocked! Is this charging?

What did Bai Song say in Sun Jie's ears?

Fortunately, Yan Xiaoyu generally knew that Sun Jie was worried about the case, otherwise everyone would have thought that Sun Jie had a change of heart because of his first love.

In the later stages of the wedding, the groom seemed to have several buffs superimposed on him, and his glass was dry and his status points were full.

Bai Song and Wang Liang don't dare to drink today.

They must have something to do today!

After spending more than an hour here and taking photos together, Sun Jie was almost drunk. The two best men, Bai Song, also knew each other. They were policemen from the Fourth Criminal Police Team. Bai Song gave instructions to the two of them and took Wang Liang away from the wedding scene.

All in all, no regrets.

Bai Song stopped drinking so that Sun Jie could spend this important day with more peace of mind.

After leaving the wedding venue, Bai Song saw some pictures sent by Ji Yue.

Ce Jianwen's residence, identified by Ce Jianwen, has been found. As Bai Song expected, it is a single room that can accommodate one person. This house does not even have windows, only a bright LED light source, a bed, and a There are several yellowed photos on the table.

In addition, there are some daily objects such as pots and pans. In an old thermos pot, some rice porridge is still warm.

Bai Song looked at these photos and felt a little sad in his heart.

Ce Jianwen broke into a house and killed someone, the circumstances were atrocious, and he absconded for a long time after killing the person.

Under his conditions, it is impossible to get the forgiveness of the victim's family.

What he faced was basically inevitable.

You made a mistake, and I tried my best to catch you, even if you were to be executed. This is my duty, Bai Song. Even if it's not a job responsibility, it's a punishment you deserve. But Bai Song himself didn't think Ce Jianwen was so hateful.

Bai Song looked at the photo. Ce Jianwen's quilt looked very shabby. It looked like the kind of quilt he picked up from the garbage dump. This reminded him of Zheng Yanwu.

Back then, Zheng Yanwu, who was wandering around, had a similar quilt. Bai Song did not throw away his quilt, but maintained a trace of respect for Zheng Yanwu, and easily gained Zheng Yanwu's friendship.

Zheng Yanwu himself has no problems with these two people. He has plenty of money but no family.

Ce Jianwen's family is all here. The eldest daughter is married and has a happy child. The younger son has graduated from graduate school for a few months and has some prospects, but he has no chance to accompany him again.

Who can tell clearly about the things in this world?

Thinking of this, Bai Song had nothing to do and sent Zheng Yanwu a WeChat message.

Every once in a while, you can always see photos of Zheng Yanwu taken in various places in the circle of friends, but I haven’t seen Zheng Yanwu in a long time.

Until Zheng Yanwu left Tianhua City, he was short in stature and still had some sequelae of being homeless for many years. His complexion, skin texture, hair style, etc. were all very poor. After Zheng Yanwu completely returned to a normal life, Bai Song had never seen him. So.

Lao Zheng was happy, so he took a selfie and sent it over. I was on a self-driving trip to a certain country overseas. Now that I have left the country, the world is still covered with ice and snow.

In the photo, Zheng Yanwu's teacher and others looked particularly tall. Zheng Yanwu had also faded away from his previous state and was full of energy. Bai Song looked at it several times and his mood improved unconsciously.

But do good deeds and don’t ask about your future~

Fulfilling the mission, fifth update!

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