Police Detective

Chapter 646 Exchange Meeting 1

"How much did you spend to have people write nice things about you?" Liu Shuyuan asked Bai Song quietly in an office of the city bureau.

"Don't you know if I have money?" Bai Song asked.

"Yes." Liu Shuyuan was immediately convinced by Bai Song.

On March 23, the Municipal Bureau sent a notice to the Jiuhe Branch, requiring comrades Sun Jie, Wang Liang and Bai Song from the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Jiuhe Branch and the Sanmu Street Police Station to report to the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Municipal Bureau next Monday (tomorrow).

Nowadays, civil servants only have three days of marriage leave, and only five days during weekends. Sun Jie originally had to go to work on Monday.

This time, three capable officers were transferred away, and several leaders were dissatisfied.

The Criminal Investigation Detachment and Miki Street Police Station are under the management of different deputy directors. After the notice came down, Song Suo and Qin detachment contacted each other and found out that the responsible directors of both parties were very secretive about this matter.

To put it simply, I don’t know why I went, how long I went, and when I would come back.

The only thing we know is that on the morning of March 23, the city bureau commended three policemen from the Jiuhe branch at a morning meeting.

Sun Jie also went to collect the evidence at the beginning. Bai Song specifically told the leader of Xiangnan Province that when writing documents with the Tianhua Municipal Bureau, Sun Jie's name must be included.

This time he went to the city bureau to help, and Bai Song hoped that Sun Jie could also go.

Sun Jie is not only a forensic doctor, but also a criminal policeman who works calmly and has good on-site investigation skills.

Naturally, Xiangnan didn't care about this. The team leader accepted Bai Song's great affection and immediately agreed to this matter.

What the three of them did was well-known in the city bureau.

Inter-provincial case handling may not be common in Jiuhe District, but for a provincial-level agency like the Municipal Bureau, it happens almost every day.

Everyone cooperates and helps each other, which is normal operation.

In fact, most of them do not need help. Sometimes when someone needs to be arrested and taken away, there is no need to tell the city bureau. Just call the police station of the local jurisdiction where you want to be taken away.

However, this time is obviously different.

This time, it was a murder case in which the main criminal had been on the run for eight years. No one will pay attention to what kind of person the murderer is. Everyone will think that such a murderer is a huge hidden danger for one day in Tianhua City.

The most important thing is that this time to safeguard justice, it was the Tianhua City police who caught him.

Shonan Province sent a letter of thanks in the name of the Public Security Bureau, which attracted widespread media attention.

The names of these three people were mentioned many times in internal police documents. In the media article, not a single name was mentioned, highlighting the brotherhood of cooperation between the two places.

Anyone with a discerning eye will naturally know what is going on. For such a thing, three people can at least get a second-class merit. The branch also asked Bai Song to write a report on this matter, and Bai Song wrote a big book about Wang Liang.

After Captain Li learned about this from the Qin detachment, he thought thoughtfully and seemed to know what Wang Liang was doing when he asked for leave these days.

Moreover, he also knew that it must be related to Wang Huadong being transferred away a few days ago. Thinking of this, Team Li crossed out Wang Liang's sick leave on the attendance sheet.

"Did you write this program yourself?"

The one who stole the limelight this time was Wang Liang. He took all the computer science certification exams, but it didn't make much sense. But this time, he became famous in one fell swoop, and he seemed to be a master programmer at this time.

Even Liu Shuyuan, who has always been familiar with Wang Liang, admires Wang Liang very much.

"It's far from it. I've just started and I still need to keep learning." Wang Liang knows very well how much he weighs: "This thing actually requires logical talent, and writing long programs requires a big-picture view. If I If you can combine the advantages of Bai Song and Wang Huadong, you will probably become a first-class programmer, but there is still a long way to go."

"It's already great." Liu Shuyuan knew that he was even worse at this aspect: "You don't have to be a first-class programmer, you just need to be the best programmer among the police. Don't be embarrassed, high-level programmers earn wages It’s very high. Many of our city bureau’s systems are built by hiring people from outside companies at large prices. In the future, if you reach a certain level, and outside companies hire you for five times your salary, you may be tempted.”

"Then what you mean is that as long as I don't leave, it's possible." Wang Liang looked happy.

"Yes, but" Liu Shuyuan did not continue. He felt that Wang Liang didn't understand what he meant, so he thought about it and let it go.

Wang Liang is a bit stubborn.

What an enviable property.

"By the way, do you know that the city bureau wanted to form this police detective team? What was its original purpose?" Liu Shuyuan and Bai Song asked.

There's a meeting here at nine o'clock, and it's now eight-twenty.

Except for four people, all the participants were leaders of the Criminal Investigation Corps and the Municipal Bureau.

The four of them are all temporarily seconded here, and of course, so is Wang Huadong.

The organizational relationship is still in the original unit and does not count as a person here. The purpose of coming here this time is to target Wang Huadong's undercover work. However, according to Liu Shuyuan's opinion at this moment, is this not the case?

"All ears." Bai Song put on a serious look.

Liu Shuyuan knew that Bai Song was making trouble with him, so he spat, "You just need to know this. In fact, our city bureau wants to form a young case-handling team."

"What's the use?" Bai Song felt incomprehensible.

The current system is already very complete. With the combination of old, middle and young people, the combat effectiveness is relatively well maintained.

Bai Song has never felt that his ability is stronger than anyone else, so what is the significance of the city bureau forming such a team?

Moreover, such a team was not prepared for Bai Song. If Liu Shuyuan hadn't been the mediator, it might not have been him.

Or if he could come, his team members would not be the same people they are now.

"This matter started almost 10 years ago." Liu Shuyuan said: "The ministry has a large number of trainings and competitions every year. Our city bureau has very few, but we always have to participate in some. Among them, there is one A particularly valuable event that we go to every year is called the 'National Criminal Investigation Brigade Captain Exchange Meeting', where all the leaders are grassroots or middle-level leaders. In municipalities directly under the Central Government, the captain is basically a grassroots leader, and in the lower counties and cities, he is a middle-level leader. Of course, some squadron leaders sometimes participate in this activity, and they are not restricted to their positions."

"Are you going to promote us all to captains?" Wang Liang couldn't help but ask.

Liu Shuyuan glanced at Wang Liang, and saw that both Bai Song and Sun Jie looked like they didn't want to be associated with Wang Liang. He finally ignored Wang Liang and continued, "This activity has gradually evolved a lot."

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