Police Detective

Chapter 652 Acting

Wang Huadong made a lot of preparations for this undercover operation, but he did not use too many high-tech equipment.

For example, Wang Huadong did not have anything like GPS positioning or recording monitoring equipment on him, but only a broken mobile phone - which was nothing special.

Nowadays, many devices can counter and interfere. If some small tricks are discovered, it will be dangerous to Wang Huadong.

The best way to avoid detection of small movements is to reduce unnecessary small movements.

However, just because Wang Huadong doesn't have some equipment on him doesn't mean there aren't any in this house. This place is the nearest hot pot restaurant nearby. Wang Huadong suggested it and came here.

There is no equipment in this room, but the utility room next door has already been installed with sound collection equipment.

As a wired device that does not record at all, but only records, the possibility of being discovered is basically zero.

Wang Huadong was a heavy drinker, but fortunately he never drank with Xiao Hou in prison, so drinking less would not reveal his secret.

He drank a little wine now and felt very relaxed. He chatted more and more with Xiao Hou, but most of them were still about random things.

"Brother Bin, I haven't had the chance to say it today. It's fate that we two brothers get together. This way."

Xiao Hou chatted with Wang Huadong for twenty minutes and told Wang Huadong everything he knew.

This place often receives some additional transportation tasks. Xiao Hou doesn't know what they are specifically.

In Xiao Hou's own words, if you don't know, don't ask.

It's not good for you to know too much, as long as you have extra money.

Bai Song is now at the deputy section level, and his salary is more than 5,000. The driver here can get a salary of 4,000, which is really not low.

Of course, for serious drivers who pull goods, they would rather find a job that pays 3,000 yuan plus five insurances.

The so-called additional transportation tasks include large items, small items, and mixed items.

Sometimes we pull several tons of stuff at one time, and we don't let anyone know the details. Sometimes, it's just a small box of stuff.

"Xiao Hou, anything else will do." Wang Huadong was a little drunk, "That's right, brother, I have to tell you, this place is not for selling dui, tui, well, none of us are stupid, you know , this thing is enough to transport a certain amount, but it can also be shot."

"There shouldn't be this, right?" Xiao Hou slowly put the cup down: "Brother Bin, I heard them say that there are some chemicals that are not very popular, some fake tobacco leaves, and some smuggled ones. Sugar and stuff like that.”

"That's all?" Wang Huadong asked.

"That should be it. However, every time I go to buy something like this, the boss will give me a hush fee of 500 to 2,000 yuan. Hey, don't underestimate this. I now earn almost 10,000 yuan a month." Xiao Hou clinked glasses with Wang Huadong, drank half of the glass, and then smacked his lips: "Some of them have been working here for several years, and nothing has happened."

"However, the arrests are becoming more and more strict now." Wang Huadong frowned: "Some time ago, there were smugglers in Xingang District who were arrested. Everything else is easy to say, if you are caught, you will be arrested. Just make money. I’m afraid it’s some things, but if you make money, you won’t be able to spend it.”

"Ah?" Xiao Hou was also a little scared, "Brother Bin, what you said is really nothing. After so many years, there should be nothing wrong with me."

"No, you misunderstood me." Wang Huadong shook his head: "I'm not afraid, but if we really get him some followers and give him one or two thousand, wouldn't we be fools? He Earning hundreds of thousands in one trip, we are also at risk of losing our heads.”

"What do you mean, Brother Bin?" Xiao Hou raised his glass again and started to toast.

"You have to pay more." Wang Huadong said softly.

"I'm afraid this is a bit difficult," Xiao Hou thought for a moment: "No one has thought about this, but don't underestimate this boss. If you don't want to do it, you can leave. If you make money like this, there are many people who want to come."

"Humph, that was before." Wang Huadong said mockingly, "Look at the situation now. The police are getting more and more strict. Are there still fewer people running away? After I came today, the recruitment notice was also posted in the evening. He is here, which means he is short of people."

"Brother Bin, you are right. Several people left in the past few days." Xiao Hou nodded: "Brother Bin, do you have any good ideas?"

"Well" Wang Huadong thought for a while: "In this way, if this happens again in the future, we should find a way to know what luck is. If you should pretend not to know, just pretend not to know. Sometimes, knowing too much is not good for us. , but you can leave a way out. Do you understand what I mean?"

"What do you mean, if you are caught, how many people can be named, will it be considered a meritorious service?" Xiao Hou thought thoughtfully.

"That's one thing." Wang Huadong picked up a chopstick and said, "The most important thing is that if we know something, we can find a way to do it ourselves without making such a small amount of money!"

When Xiao Hou heard this, he became interested and said, "Brother Bin, you want to make a lot of money!"

At this moment, a waiter came in to deliver food. Wang Huadong thought of something, and then he said something and went out to the toilet.

When he went to the toilet, he saw Liu Shuyuan who was also disguised.

With just a few unusual movements, Wang Huadong woke up suddenly.

What Liu Shuyuan just told him was that in this hotel and in the entire company, except for Wang Huadong, Xiao Hou himself was the only one there!

With this piece of information, Wang Huadong understood a lot. He woke up mostly from the wine, then slowly returned to the house, and continued chatting and drinking.

Originally, Wang Huadong thought that someone from the company would come over today to check and confirm Wang Huadong's identity. After all, it was Wang Huadong's first day here.

However, there are none, which is very abnormal.

Is it possible that the people in this company are all stupid and don't know to confirm their identities?

No, this shows that Xiao Hou is one of the most trusted people by the boss!

Wang Huadong's back was a little wet.

He originally thought that today was going really smoothly. Xiao Hou, who he met Fu Bin before, happened to be unsatisfied here. He could win over him and use Xiao Hou to do something in the future.

However, he is not a fool at all, and may even be one of the smartest people.

Before coming, the person Wang Huadong knew best was Xiao Hou. This person had the most complete information. Xiao Hou also bought a house in the suburbs this year. At first, everyone thought it was really so profitable here, but now it seems that an ordinary transportation worker only earns a few thousand a month. Xiao Hou must have other income.

In this case, what Wang Huadong said to Xiao Hou tonight was inappropriate. However, there are advantages and disadvantages. At least it allows Xiao Hou to not have to consider that he is a policeman.

Now that we know that Xiao Hou has an unusual relationship with his boss, the rest is time to show off his acting skills!

Just two updates today.

Originally, what I wrote was very high-tech. Even Wang Huadong’s seat had a special pipe for changing wine.

Then Wang Huadong didn't drink much, and drank all sorts of things to Xiaohou, and then there were people from the company outside eavesdropping.

The more I wrote, the less it turned out to be what I wanted, so I deleted several chapters.

It would be easier to write a supporting character who is forced to become mentally ill, but the meaning of writing that would be gone.

If there is nothing urgent recently, I can guarantee the update, but I can’t guarantee it after the update is added.

I'm so sorry.

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