Police Detective

Chapter 653 Act 2

"Brother Bin, you didn't vomit, did you? It took you so long?" Xiao Hou asked.

Um? Wang Huadong heard Xiao Hou's intention to take the exam, but at this time he was no longer panicking.

"It's not bad. I drank a little too much. I'm not a good drinker." Wang Huadong staggered slightly. After sitting on the chair, he looked for a cup and spit. "I can't spit. We brothers drink. I can." Did you throw up?"

"Why did you vomit in your own wine glass?" Xiao Hou suddenly felt a little nauseous and shouted: "Waiter, get another glass."

"No, I drank too much." Wang Huadong lightly hit his forehead with his fist, "Why did you vomit in the white wine glass? What a waste of food."

"It's okay, the wine is not valuable." Xiao Hou suppressed his nausea, took a cup from the waiter who came over, poured some wine, and handed it to Wang Huadong: "Brother Bin, how about you drink some beer?"

"I have high uric acid and I dare not drink beer." Wang Huadong waved his hand: "It's okay, pour less liquor. Well, waiter, you don't need to take this cup away, just keep it as a spittoon."

The waiter left the private room with a look of disgust on his face. Xiao Hou was almost disgusted. Is there anyone who puts a spittoon on the table while eating?

This is really disgusting. His dad opened the door for Nausea. It was so disgusting.

The most disgusting thing was that after changing glasses two or three times, he saw Wang Huadong clinking glasses with him and holding the wrong cup!

Although he warned in time and did not see anything disgusting, from now on, every time he clinked glasses, he had to stare at Wang Huadong's glass.

Wang Huadong can take this opportunity to observe Xiao Hou more.

Xiao Hou indeed has an unusual relationship with his boss.

The more Wang Huadong and Xiao Hou came into contact, the more they discovered this problem.

Why does this person have to be so friendly to me when he is so rich?

Xiao Hou couldn't express his pain.

He had heard of Fu Bin before, he was a very ruthless person.

In fact, there is no shortage of ruthless people here. For example, the bald man killed someone with others and was sentenced to fifteen years. In addition to bald heads, there are also many people here who have spent more than ten years in prison.

However, most gangsters actually have no brains. They have their own sense of loyalty and principles for conducting themselves in society. They talk about social things in their own way, and their analysis of some human nature may be more thorough than most people. However, It still doesn't change the fact that they are not smart.

How can a truly smart person do such things as robbery and theft? This is indeed fast money, but the price/performance ratio is pitifully low. And when it comes to beating and killing those people, their brains are even more exhausted.

The really smart ones have already become the boss or the leader.

Xiao Hou wants to develop Fu Bin into a person in charge.

To be a person in charge, first of all, one must be smart and ruthless, able to control situations, and secondly, one must not be able to form gangs. No one would want to be with Fu Bin like this.

Although Fu Bin in front of him wanted to go out to work alone and make more money, which seemed to be rebellious, but this was not a big problem. How can these people be loyal? It's just pretending. As long as Fu Bin is given enough benefits, Fu Bin will become a smart person.

Fu Bin is just one person, and he and he are temporarily arrogant, so there won't be any bad impact on him.

However, Fu Bin’s bad habit is really disgusting!

"Xiao Hou, what I said before was all from my heart. What do you think?" Wang Huadong pretended to be drunk and picked up the cup.

"It's not impossible." Xiao Hou carefully confirmed that what Wang Huadong was holding was indeed a wine glass, and then touched it: "Brother Bin, I also have this idea, but since you have just arrived, you must have attracted special attention. You have to First, what light and what darkness comes?"

Wang Huadong almost blurted out, then waved his hands indifferently: "Bullshit, don't talk nonsense to me! There are some things you don't understand! I can't understand that. By the way, what is the boss's schedule? Is monitoring strict every time? ?You are more familiar with it than me, and we will definitely share the money together in the future. Tell me more."

If Wang Huadong hadn't asked so obviously before, it would have been too easy to expose him, but it's better to be stunned now.

"The boss doesn't come often, and there's nothing to analyze about his work and rest. The person in charge of daily affairs here is the person next to the boss and the bald man." Xiao Hou thought for a while: "There are surveillance cameras everywhere, and I can't understand them. Usually I don’t think much of it either.”

Wang Huadong snorted, coughed, and spit into the cup again.

Xiao Hou's thoughts were affected by Wang Huadong's action, for fear that he would vomit into the wine glass again.

Phew. That’s right.

"What did you want to say just now?" Xiao Hou asked again.

His thoughts had been completely affected by Wang Huadong's spitting, and he didn't even notice that Wang Huadong said nothing.

"It's okay, just don't worry about it. If you have anything to do in the future, just follow me. Now you earn 10,000 yuan a month. This is nothing. After one month, I will let you earn 30,000 yuan a month." Ten thousand." Wang Huadong had a great time writing blank checks.

"Brother Bin, those people have been cooperating with the boss for so long, can they really be squeezed in by us easily?" Xiao Hou reminded him: "How much money can we have in total for shipping costs? It is not easy to grab an order. Things, people won’t trust us so easily.”

Xiao Hou's words were basically an exhortation to Wang Huadong.

"Don't worry about it, I have a way! Come on, drink."

6 hours later, the city bureau.

The building of the Municipal Bureau is much taller than the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Jiuhe Branch.

The Municipal Bureau was newly built a few years ago and is grand and grand. Although the Criminal Investigation Corps building is only six floors, it is taller than the eight or nine-story residential buildings.

Wang Liang looked at the gray sky outside and rubbed his eyes.

"Add sugar?" Bai Song brought a cup of coffee, took a bottle of sugar in his other hand, and placed the coffee on Wang Liang's table.

"No, that's it, thank you." Wang Liang picked up the cup, drank a little, and almost spit it out: "You didn't even add creamer?"

"Don't you want to drink the original flavor?" Bai Song turned around, added two spoons of sugar to his cup, and started stirring with a stirring stick.

"I was wrong. Just add sugar. I can't get used to it." Wang Liang stood up and went to get the can of sugar, but he almost lost his balance.

Bai Song grabbed Wang Liang and said, "Don't stay up late. It's time to rest."

"I'm fine." Wang Liang shook his head, took Bai Song's cup of coffee that had been mixed, and took a sip: "Holy crap, you even added creamer."

"I'm afraid you won't be used to drinking." Bai Song changed the subject, "Go to bed quickly."

"Okay, call me tomorrow morning." After Wang Liang said that, he took the cup of Baisong and walked out directly.

Bai Song took a deep breath and looked at the time. It was three-thirty in the morning.

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