Police Detective

Chapter 863 Super Speed

It's hard for you to evaluate some people.

Is Lao Yang a good case handler? Any police officer in Jibei District who dares to say otherwise will definitely be slapped in the face by his masters and elders.

But, again, this is also...

Yang Gang's social relationships are too complicated and he knows too many people. He was once demerited for making mistakes, but he also received second-class merit.

Note that he was punished first and then made meritorious deeds.

That year, a tragedy occurred in Jibei District, and no one could do anything. They had to ask Lao Yang to investigate. He applied for informant fees from the director on the same day, and the suspect was caught the next day.

Informants are double-edged swords that ordinary people cannot handle.

This thing is not like in TV series. The informants themselves are most likely not serious professionals.

For example, "I will provide you with clues about the murderer, but you have to let my father who committed a crime go free." What should I do?

In today’s society governed by law, do you dare to let go?

If you talk too much, Yangcheng Lake warns you, everyone should realize it themselves.

Lao Yang is a very capable man. If he were 30 years ago, he would definitely have a bright future. However, now that the rule of law is getting stricter and stricter, people like Lao Yang are slowly withdrawing from the stage of history.

The director didn't dare to use it casually, let alone the Han detachment...

After puffing on two cigarettes, Detachment Han nodded: "Let's take a look. Nine times out of ten, there will be nothing wrong with him. At worst, we'll pay some informant fees."

Thank you very much to the Yue detachment.

Wolf, you have to eat meat.

Sunday, October 25th.

Bai Song was packing his things at home. He went to Beijing on Saturday and just came back today.

He is going to Jibei District to organize the third wave of training tomorrow. He is packing his clothes and will stay at the city bureau in the evening.

There will be a bus from the city bureau to Jibei District tomorrow morning. Bai Song doesn't have a car himself, so he can only take the work car.

After packing his things, Bai Song received a call from Wang Liang.

Wang Liang is also one of the participants in this case and the deputy captain. The news is very fast.

The case in Jibei District suddenly made progress!

First of all, one of the friends of the deceased who had been unaware of the situation before took the initiative to come to the public security bureau to explain a detail!

The deceased, Xu, mentioned it to one of his friends, saying that he planned to go out with an older brother to do something big, and he would be able to get a lot of good things back later! But what it was specifically, Xu didn’t say.

Secondly, another member of society provided clues that the deceased had taken the initiative to contact a small place that collected diesel. The time of contact is the day of purchasing the barrel. Moreover, this person said that he remembered that Xu was following someone, but that person did not come close and shouted to Xu from a distance, asking Xu to hurry up. Although I can't remember his appearance, he must be an adult man, 30-50 years old. However, there is no surveillance video around here.

Once again, the missing tricycle and large barrel were found at the scrap collection station. Due to the long time ago, no clues about Xu were found, but they were consistent with the video obtained by Wang Liang.

Finally, the best part is that the person who rode the tricycle was found! This person was passing by on October 7th, found something no one wanted, and rode away.

The day Xu bought the vat was October 6. Now, the time of death could be accurate to 14-15 days!

After hearing Wang Liang's words, the people in Baisong were stunned.

These clues are all rootless. Where did they come from?

Has anyone from the community come forward to provide clues?

Stop dreaming!

In what age is this kind of good thing still happening?

A layman may think this is normal, but Bai Song, who knows all the circumstances of this case, really feels like he is in a dream.

Once these clues come out, a special task force will be set up for this case.

Now that we are not sure who the man is, the case must be filed and investigated as a murder case.

Thinking of this, Bai Song immediately called the Ma detachment.

The Ma detachment didn't know about this yet. After listening to Bai Song's report, they said "I understand" and hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Song was still savoring Wang Liang's words.

Four clues, each of which is impossible for Bai Song to get.

Because many times, even if someone is investigated, they say they don't know, and they can't be sure whether they know or not.

Witnesses are not as willing to cooperate and proactive as in the TV series. Most people nowadays are very selfish. Of course, I understand this Bai Song very well.

However, Bai Song had just chatted with his father yesterday, and he generally knew how to get the clue. Not only was he incompetent in this regard, he simply knew nothing about it.

It is impossible to have this kind of foundation without a foundation that has been rooted in a certain place for more than 10 years.

The 10 years here cannot be discounted at all, no matter how smart you are, or more than 20 years is better.

Thinking of this, Bai Song took the packed things, took a taxi and set off directly.

An hour later, Bai Song walked most of the distance and then called the horse detachment.

"Okay, okay, I know you are already on the way, go ahead, go ahead...I have to go there today too." Ma Detachment directly blocked Bai Song's mouth.

"Uh..." Bai Song looked at the price of more than 200 yuan on the meter, and his heart was bleeding. He had known better than to take a taxi: "I..."

Not knowing how to explain it, he hung up the phone directly.

There was still half an hour before the destination, and Bai Song received another call from Wang Liang.

The case is solved...


After filing the case as a homicide, all information about Xu was retrieved, including his sealed criminal records before he was 14 years old.

After investigation... Xu has sealed criminal case records.

After this criminal record was discovered, according to human nature, the girl's father naturally became a serious suspect. (It was forcibly deleted, so read the book review if you don’t understand)

Crime does require a motive. This motive is human nature, but it is not tolerated by the law.

In just over an hour, the father was arrested and brought to the interrogation room.

Currently, not only is the girl's father suspected of murder, but the tanker truck driver is also suspected of cover-up and many other crimes. The expert in the tanker truck driver's company is also suspected of cover-up.

This was Bai Song's only comfort, that his suspicion was correct.

But he didn't expect that the case would be solved so quickly.

He didn't do anything to help with this case. Bai Song had to admire a case that he was helpless to solve so quickly.

He was a spectator the whole time.

Some people say, how can such a father be punished? Should be acquitted!

For this kind of thing, I just want to say...this is not a novel...


Reality is often very cruel, so cruel that it is suffocating. Bai Song sat in the car, sighed, and then changed the destination to the training base.

"Master, go to this place." Bai Song gave the taxi driver his mobile phone address, then pulled the seat to the end, squinted his eyes and fell asleep.

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