Police Detective

Chapter 864 New and old cases (4K)

There was no need to go to the Jibei detachment anymore, and Bai Song understood what was going on.

If there is a case that needs to be handled, he can go and have a look. People have already been arrested, so there is not much point in going.

It was not convenient to discuss the case in a taxi. When he arrived at the training base, Bai Song called Wang Liang and had a good chat to find out the whole story.

"No one of us can do this." Bai Song sighed.

"I really can't accept this, but I can't do it anyway." Wang Liang rarely accepts others, "But I see that their Korean detachment doesn't seem very happy, and I don't know why."

"How is the Yue detachment?" Bai Song asked.

"I didn't see it." Wang Liang said, "I must be very happy."

"Maybe." Bai Song thought for a moment: "I heard that the man's name is Yang Gang?"

"Yeah." Wang Liang said: "I don't know him, and I don't know why. He has no reputation at all."

"Let me ask the Ma detachment." After Bai Song and Wang Liang finished speaking, they called Ma Donglai.

After chatting for almost 20 minutes, Bai Song hung up the phone.

People like Yang Gang understand human nature very well.

No matter in any city, no matter how strict the crackdown is, there are still a number of gray and black areas.

For example, if the public security in a place is very good and the police are very strict, then the people's awareness of prevention will naturally decrease. For example, if electric vehicles are not locked or the batteries are not locked, another example is that the first and second floors are Do not install an anti-theft net.

Such a place is a fatal temptation for many criminals and can make many people take risks.

And if the public security in a place is particularly poor and the police are very lax, people riding electric bikes will definitely put their bikes in a paid parking lot, and anti-theft nets may be installed on the sixth floor.

Of course, if the same electric car is locked and placed in a safe place, 99% of the time it will be fine. If it is locked 5 times and placed in a bad place, it will be lost 100% of the time.

As long as human nature remains selfish, greedy and lazy, property crimes such as theft and fraud will never disappear.

There is a problem here. The penalties for theft are not severe, so after the ex-convicts are released, they are likely to remain in the same place, and these people become gray personnel.

Their crimes have been punished, and they may have stolen things recently, but without evidence, these people are just ordinary idle people in society.

These people have their own circles and can easily get into trouble.

It's impossible to drive them away, so why should they leave?

When they leave, there will only be a new wave of them, which will be more difficult to deal with.

When dealing with such people, let Bai Song go. Bai Song can fight and arrest people, but he definitely can't make friends.

Thinking of this, Bai Song was relieved.

As a bystander of this case, he only watched from beginning to end. He was pulled out by the Ma detachment very early, and he could be regarded as seeing some other ideas.

Sun Jie stayed there completely and continued to collect some information on the corpse. Now that the time of death had been determined through the case itself, he could push forward the progress of the paper in reverse.

After thinking a lot, Bai Song fell asleep directly.

Early the next morning, he got up to welcome the new arrival.

This is already the third batch of students. There are more than a dozen students from Jiuhe District in this batch. Bai Song knows most of them, and Ren Xu will also come.

I haven't seen Ren Xu for a long time, and Ren Xu has lost a lot of weight.

"Captain Bai!" Ren Xu saw Bai Song and quickly came over to say hello.

"Why have you lost so much weight?" Bai Song almost didn't recognize him.

"They all advised me to lose weight, saying that it would be easier to find a partner after losing weight." Ren Xu chuckled.

"Then do you want to find a partner?" Bai Song asked.

"Yeah, I thought about it." Ren Xu said.

"Oh oh oh, the cafeteria here is a buffet. There's enough beef, mutton, prawns, etc." Bai Song pointed to the cafeteria.

The food here is really good, about 80 yuan for a buffet, but I still vomited after eating it for more than two weeks. Now Bai Song just eats some beef and vegetables, and then works out in the activity room here at noon. But Bai Song knew that Ren Xu didn't have enough to eat.

"Team White, I'm not sucking." Ren Xu wiped his mouth.

"By the way, what kind of partner are you looking for?" Bai Song wants to be a matchmaker.

"As long as it's similar to my hobbies." Ren Xu nodded.

"Then it can't be more than 200 kilograms?" Bai Song asked.

Ren Xu stood still, thought for a moment, and shook his head violently, "Then forget it."

"I'm not as poor as you. Let's have a good rest and learn something these days." Bai Song said seriously.

"That's for sure, I plan to fill up my notebook."

"I hope the notebook is full." Bai Song sighed.

Ren Xu is actually not that fat, he is tall and strong, but he has lost more than ten kilograms recently, and he doesn't know how he lost it.

However, when Ren Xu passed by Bai Song, Bai Song saw a little dark circles under his eyes, and he roughly knew the reason.

In fact, it’s just tiring.

For the police officers at the police station, coming here is really considered a vacation.

Why are there no classes on Monday? Because many people fall asleep during class on Monday.

However, Ren Xu still exceeded Bai Song's imagination.

After three days here, Bai Song looked at Ren Xu and blew up like a balloon.

Three days. Just three days!

"If you had come to the training last week and I had taken you to the oil tanker site to spend the entire afternoon, this probably wouldn't have happened." Bai Song was speechless.

"It's okay. I won't delay eating." Ren Xu touched his stomach.

"All right."

Time flies by so fast. The case here has been closed before our eyes, and Sun Jie and Wang Liang have also gone back.

After several days of investigation, the tanker murder case was completely solved, and the suspect confessed to the murder.

The story of the case is as follows: The deceased Xu was sentenced to ten years in prison as an adult for the mistake he committed. However, Xu was completely fine and was released without any compulsory measures, including C\u0026E.

In cases where adults and minors commit crimes together, adults are almost always the principal offenders, so although Xu is the principal, he is still counted as an accessory.

The girl's father has never met Xu, but he has been living in pain. A few years later, he found an opportunity and started looking for Xu in the Jibei District. He also fell into society and even stole an electric car battery. What.

It's true that you can force him to be like this.

Later, by "accidental" chance, the two met, and Xu was taken aboard the pirate ship.

The tank truck driver was a friend of the father. The father told him that he needed his help and punished Xu by locking him in an oil tank for a day. The driver agreed.

Of course, this is actually doubtful. Bai Song believes that the driver should have known about the murder, but in the end, he did not know about it, and he does not know whether the father took it all.

In short, the girl’s father personally caused such a tragedy and committed all the crimes.

Oil tankers also have safety standards. When parked outside for a long time, it is necessary to ensure that there is no diesel in the tank. However, the police do not know such details. Everyone thinks that a little bit of diesel is considered "nothing".

After the expert from the transportation company came to the scene and discovered this problem, he didn't say anything about it. It was more trouble than less trouble.

The case is simple.

On Thursday, Bai Song and Wang Huadong's classes ended.

If we talk about another week next week, the training plan will be completely over, and Bai Song will have passed this leisure time.

He has been working out recently, and his muscles that had been slack some time ago have regained their vitality.

While staying in the gym, Bai Song's cell phone rang.

I took out my cell phone and looked at it. The call was from Dashan Province.

He was not very familiar with Baisong in Dashan Province. He had only been there once, when he went to look for corpses under the cliff.

I still remember that time when Bai Song made his whole body stink. When he came back that night, he went to the police station and vomited two groups of people who were fighting, thus resolving a dispute.

Bai Song was a little surprised when he suddenly received a call from Dashan Province. After answering the phone, he chatted for a few words before remembering who it was.

This is a captain that Bai Song came into contact with when he went to Province A for a competition this year. He is the second-in-command of the Criminal Investigation Brigade in a county below Dashan Province. He is 34 years old. At that time, many people asked Bai Song for his phone number. Bai Song also remembered There are some, but some of them are not recorded, and this is one of them.

"Team Su, we also cooperated in the 294 case later. We have left an impression and will never forget it." Bai Song said, "What can I do for you?"

"Brigade Bai, we are here to capture a fugitive and want your help." Captain Su said: "This guy killed someone on our side. Our current intelligence is that he went to Tianhua City. The specific place is We are also aware that it is not convenient for us to talk on the phone. But the urban area here is too complicated, so why don’t we ask for your help?"

"That's no problem." Bai Song said, "Where are you? I have nothing to do in the afternoon. I can go there in person."

"We are in Jiuhe District now." Captain Su asked, "Is it far from your place?"

"It's a bit far. However, I'm familiar with Jiuhe District. How about this? Give me the address and I'll arrange for someone to go there and have a look." Bai Song said.

"Okay, thank you very much."

After hanging up the phone, Bai Song called Captain Li of the Jiuhe District Criminal Police and asked him to borrow someone to contact Captain Su and others.

It is quite normal in criminal police work to arrest people from other places and provide cooperation from the local people.

Generally speaking, when arresting people across provinces, if you have a good relationship with them, you won't say anything. If not, it's also best to talk to someone you know.

You helped me today, and I will definitely try my best to help you next time you come to my place. The police all over the country are like one family!

Therefore, Bai Song didn't take it seriously and made arrangements.

In the evening, Bai Song received a call from Team Li.

"Bai Song, why are these people from Dashan Province you are looking for so unreliable?" Captain Li said: "Xiao Liu from our unit went over to help them and asked about the case, but he kept hesitating. This is a distrust of us. I don’t mean anything else. The case is confidential and we will not inquire about the case. But at least we need to know what the suspect is and how harmful it is to society, right? Although it is simple to arrest someone, But you have to be careful.”

"He didn't say anything?" Bai Song was a little confused.

"It would be fine if they didn't tell me, but their statements were different several times, which is very uncomfortable. They are not asking us for help." Captain Li complained: "If you hadn't called me, I will definitely ignore their phone calls."

Bai Song has been on business trips many times, usually for major events that are arranged and coordinated by leaders. Generally speaking, those who seek connections in private will not be involved in any big cases. At most, they can only catch a murderer.

Of course, this is not to say that murderers are unimportant. Some are just ordinary gangsters. Even murder gangsters do not need to make a big splash. On the contrary, some organized fraud gangs have special leaders to coordinate.

"Let me ask." Bai Song hung up the phone.

After asking about it, I found that these people did not send any assistance to the municipal bureau or the Jiuhe branch, which was very strange.

Thinking of this, Bai Song could only call Captain Su again.

He doesn't care about anything else, he must pay attention to the life safety of his brothers. If you are a suspect with serious harmful behavior or serious violent tendencies, you will need to prepare more equipment.

"Team White, why am I calling you? He is currently classified." Team Su was also a little embarrassed: "But it is definitely not dangerous. I guarantee you this."

"Is he a murderer? Jiuhe District is a densely populated area. We have to ensure the safety of the people. If it is the situation you mentioned, we can send a special police team to follow." Bai Song said directly.

This sentence sounded like nonsense, and Captain Su naturally heard it.

Except for some bank robbers, no one arrested anyone and sent special police there. Bai Song's act was actually considered a slight sarcasm.

"Team White, don't mind." Team Su paused and said, "I'm really sorry. The brother who just came here is very good. He helped us explain the situation around here clearly. Look at this, let your brother go back first. , we can handle it, there will definitely be no problems.”

"Okay." Bai Song could only agree, but he still felt awkward in his heart.

This is a thunder, who knows whether it will sound or not.

What kind of case is this that needs to be kept so secret?

Then he called Team Li and called the people back. Team Li still asked Bai Song to report to the leader. Bai Song, the new director in charge of criminal investigation in Jiuhe District, was not familiar with him, and the Qin detachment was not Bai Song's direct leader. After thinking about it, Bai Song told the Ma detachment about this.

The Ma detachment didn't take it seriously, "I guess they're here to investigate. If they can't be caught, if they are caught, they won't give us the procedures. How can they take people away casually? Doesn't this violate the regulations? Don't worry ”

When Arima detachment said this, Bai Song was relieved.

The oil tanker case had just ended, and Bai Song was still a little bit muttered when he encountered such a strange thing. The old case has just been completed and a new one is coming?

Of course, the two cases were unlikely to be related. Bai Song wanted to ask again, but felt it was still inconvenient, so he didn't ask more.

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