Police Detective

Chapter 893 Ashore

There were a total of five groups of people on this small fishing boat.

The first group of people were the captain, first mate and others. These people also fished on a daily basis, but if they had a business that made a lot of money, they would dare to do it. But there were only four people on this trip, including the captain, first mate, and two middle-aged fishermen. It's not convenient when there are too many people.

The second group is the people on the shore, that is, the local snakes near the pier, that is, the vicissitudes of life, Xiao Nianqiang, Yongren and others.

The third group was Zhen Zhang Zuo and others, there were only three people in total.

The fourth group is people smugglers, that is, people who work with transvestites.

The fifth group is naturally Bai Song and others.

Generally speaking, the first group and the second group of people are closer, and the third group and the fourth group of people are closer. In addition, the fourth group of people were recruited from the second group of people to handle this matter.

The captain, fishermen and others don't care about so many extra things. They are only responsible for driving the boat, but they are also the most afraid of something happening, so they will warn these people many times not to wake up.

One is that they are afraid that these people will talk or something when they wake up. They don't want to ask anything or know anything. The crime they committed was to help others sneak across the border, while others pretended not to know (in their own opinion); secondly, this was the safest way, as they didn't have to keep looking for someone to keep an eye on several cabins. The cabin smells not good at all.

Zhen Zhang Zuo and others did not want to bear so many thunders. Although this matter would definitely bring thunder, they were not willing to commit suicide before leaving the East China Sea.

Bai Song and others were lying in the lowest cabin, where fish were usually kept.

This is not an ocean-going ship. After the fish are caught, they are placed directly in the fish hold and are now used to release people. There are three fish holds in total, all of which are empty, which can effectively increase the speed.

Bai Song was placed in the cabin at the back, which was the closest to the cabin where people lived, and slept deeply. In addition, he was tied with seven or eight ropes, more than anyone else.

Dongshan City Public Security Bureau.

"Have we contacted our brothers on the shore?" Captain Wu asked a criminal policeman next to him.

"No, we have no way of actively contacting him." The detective said: "However, during the meeting just now, I heard that it was confirmed that he went to sea, and the clues from the shore are definitely useless."

"I know too." Captain Wu was helpless towards Dahai: "Oh, how could such a thing happen?"

It has been more than ten hours since Bai Song disappeared, and all the policemen in Tianhua City who came here did not rest all night.

During the whole night of investigation, the main focus was on the island. As the fourth largest island in the country, Dongshan Island’s area is approximately three times the total area of ​​the six districts in Tianhua City, making it very difficult to investigate.

After finding the taxi, everyone focused on the dock. After several hours of full investigation, it was discovered that a fishing boat left the port last night with very suspicious behavior.

The police don't know the whereabouts of these fishing boats, but that doesn't mean the fishermen don't know them. They have their own circles. Yesterday, the ship suddenly went out to sea at night, and someone always saw it.

A layman won't think much about it after seeing it, but people who know this ship will always find it strange. The catch has been unloaded, why are you going to sea at night?

Going fishing? Did you hear about the fishing season?

Someone saw this boat going out to sea last night. They thought they heard something about the fishing season and were ready to go fishing. However, after asking around, no one heard about it.

Generally speaking, fishermen are very particular about going out to sea and will not go out casually. After all, fuel consumption is very high.

The data of this fishing boat has been put in front of everyone. It is an iron-hulled boat of about 80 tons. It is not up to the standard of an ocean-going fishing boat. It can only be regarded as relatively average among ordinary boats.

This is an older fishing boat, designed to be longer than today's fishing boats. According to the current market price, it is estimated that this boat is worth hundreds of thousands. The speed is basically maintained at about 15 knots, and almost 1 ton of diesel is consumed for a day of operation.

But this is all data provided by fishermen. No one knows whether the boat has been modified or whether it will be faster.

In addition, a new clue makes everyone feel stressed. Yesterday, the ship refueled twice with two oil tankers, and the total refueling amount exceeded the maximum oil storage capacity of the ship. This almost certainly indicates that the boat has been illegally modified.

Even now, no one in the team from Tianhua City can sleep.

"Losing is not losing. We must first find out what is going on." The Ma detachment gathered several leaders from Tianhua City together. Liu Shuyuan was the only one from the fifth brigade, and the others were outside to investigate.

No one spoke.

Everyone still doesn't understand what all this is going on.

Why did Bai Song and others fall into the trap so smoothly?

Although everyone is not Bai Song, everyone has actually fallen into the trap. What is the most fundamental reason here?

No one has figured it out yet. If this is all a coincidence, it is impossible.

For the first time, the Ma detachment suspected that there was an undercover agent in their team, but then dismissed this idea.

Needless to say about the people of the fifth brigade, the four people sent as reinforcements later were not young and powerful people, but they were definitely reliable and they knew every Ma Donglai.

As the leader of the Jiuhe Branch, he knows everyone in the Jiuhe District Criminal Police Detachment. He was born in the Criminal Investigation Detachment and later served as the Deputy Director of Criminal Investigation. He can guarantee that there will be no problems with these people.

If this case happened in another branch, he would probably focus half of his energy on investigating the team, but now

Thinking of this, Ma Donglai sighed and focused all his energy on arresting people, but still made no progress.

He knows too little about things like the sea, fishing boats, and docks.

No one could give him an answer to Ma Donglai's question. The search scope is still being further expanded, and all nearby sea areas must be searched. The current calibration scope has been expanded to an area as large as two Zhejiang provinces, which also means that it is impossible to screen all.

How big is this range? Even if every 10,000 square meters of sea area is regarded as a square, then there are approximately 20,000,000 such square areas in the designated screening sea area.

Even if you stare at a satellite and look for it slowly, it is impossible. After all, the ship is still moving.

"Don't worry too much, everyone. The fishing boats in the open sea have been notified now, and the boat's string number is also known. They may be caught quickly." The Ma detachment still encouraged everyone: "Everyone is too tired. Well, Captain Liu, you are the youngest, arrange for everyone to rest, and we can’t help much with matters at sea."

"Understood, I'll make arrangements right away." Liu Shuyuan responded. He wouldn't be able to sleep if he was asked to rest, but he could still complete the task assigned to him by the horse detachment.

In this situation, people feel slightly more comfortable if they have something to do than nothing to do.

(Third update coming soon)

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