Police Detective

Chapter 894: In the Sea (1) Added update for *jlip*enn.qdcn character alliance

Chapter 894: In the Sea (1) Added updates to jlipenn.qdcn character alliance


"Will they become resistant to anesthesia if they keep taking it like this?" Zhang Zuo asked.

"No." said the leader of the smuggling group. Everyone in the human world calls this drug "Viagra", and it is quite famous in some circles.

"I'm not worried about anyone else, that..." Zhang Zuo asked.

"You always ask me to pay attention to this person. Who is this person? You told me that this person is your enemy, but I feel that the identity is not as simple as you said." Wei Wei stared at Zhang Zuo and said.

At this moment, no matter who the person tied up was, Viagra had to go all the way, but he still wanted to know what was going on. From the moment he got on the ship, Zhang Zuo went to check on Bai Song's condition many times, which caused a lot of pressure on everyone else on the ship.

Although they are doing a desperate business, no one wants to lose their lives directly this time.

When the boat first started moving, I didn’t feel much of anything, but starting from this morning, it felt like a honeycomb had been poked!

The ship boss still has his own news channel. Starting from this morning, the entire dock, no, all the docks in Dongshan City, are investigating like crazy.

At this moment, Zhang Zuo was still doing Tai Chi with Weiwei. Anyway, he had reached this point and the money had been given. The road had taken such a long detour. If he drove for half a day to a day, the ship would reach the high seas. No matter who this person was at that time. ?

At this moment, the boss of the ship came out of the cabin. When he saw Viagra, he immediately became anxious and came over and slapped him.

"You didn't tell me the fucking truth. Where are the people smuggled out here? Who did you kidnap? I just got the clue, and the shore has already found out that it is my ship!" The captain trembled a little: "You are Don’t you want me to die?”

The ship was not that big to begin with, and the problems here immediately attracted others.

"Found it out? How is it possible? There are at least thousands of boats like yours!" The vicissitudes of life man came over and smoothed things over: "Maybe even tens of thousands!"

"How did I know! Who the hell did you bring with you? All the docks were turned upside down, and my name is probably on the wanted list!" The boss of the ship stretched out his hand and wanted to use Viagra. , Viagra directly grabbed the ship boss’s hand.

At this time, the first mate and two other fishermen also ran over and were about to start a fight.

Even though there are only four people on the ship boss side, they are not empty at all, this is a ship!

No one dared to throw all four of them into the sea, otherwise no one would sail the boat. Not only that, they wouldn't even be able to locate the coordinates. Moreover, they were more adaptable to the rocking ship than anyone else, and everyone else vomited at least twice.

"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble." Zhang Zuo looked at the situation. If he didn't think of a good solution, the boss of the ship would be ready to leak the coordinates and surrender!

Then, Zhang Zuo said: "We can't go back, and now we are all divided. Except for the ship boss, no one else is planning to return to China, so the ones who are most afraid of it are you, the ship boss, and I understand. In this way, you "Four, why don't you just stay with me outside? I'm sure you'll be much more comfortable than you are at the fishing port. If that doesn't work, then you can just tell us that you were hijacked by us."

"That's it." Wei Wei immediately stood on a united front with Zhang Zuo: "My true identity is also wanted in China. When the time comes, you can just confess me and say that you were kidnapped. No one else knows anyway. .”

"This" the ship boss hesitated.

"Don't worry, you have seen the money I gave you before. When I settle the case, I will find a way to give you an extra sum of money." Zhang Zuo said: "If you don't give it, forget it, just wait for me."

After Zhang Zuo finished speaking, he entered a small cabin, which was the residence of several of them. It was also very narrow. After rummaging around for a while, he took out a 1 kilogram gold bar and handed it to the boss of the ship: "This is my only one." Cash, that’s all, will you accept it?”

This gold bar is about 15 centimeters tall when standing up, and nearly 2 centimeters long and wide. It can arouse people's desire just by looking at it.

The ship boss subconsciously took it. His mind was still hesitating, but his hands didn't stop at all.

Press your hands! Something as thick as a thumb and as long as a handful weighs two kilograms, so it must be gold.

Others immediately became jealous when they looked at Zhang Zuo, but neither Viagra nor Vicissitudes of Man coveted anything.

Due to changes in plans for this trip, the previously scheduled pickup location had to be modified. The current location to sea has deviated from the original location by hundreds of nautical miles, so the person to respond was Zhang Zuofang.

This is why Zhang Zuo dared to take things out.

After a lot of noise, it finally calmed down, but everyone had their own agenda.

The captain was very smart. He took out a pair of large pliers that could cut the steel cable directly from his small cabin, and cut the gold bar into four parts on the spot. When cut into four parts, they feel about the same size. After cutting, there is still a difference. The larger one is estimated to be 300 grams, and the smaller one is also 200 grams. He took the largest piece, gave the second largest piece to the first mate, gave the remaining two pieces to the other two fishermen, and then returned to the cockpit.

The captain is gone, but everyone's hearts are not united. It's not that they are motivated by interests. Neither Wei Wei nor Vicissitudes of Man's side knows who Zhang Zuo brought.

Judging from the current situation, this is definitely not an ordinary person. Zhang Zuo's performance made everyone even more worried.

What people care about most is always themselves. The person who originally responded was Viagra's person, but when the destination was temporarily changed, it became Zhang Zuofang's response.

Under such circumstances, in the vast sea, no one is worried that Zhang Zuo will make a fool of himself and throw everyone into the sea.

But there is no way to make it clear at this time. No one can predict what will happen next, and no one wants to leave here and return to Dongshan City.

In this way, Wei Wei and Vicissitude Man formed a temporary alliance. They all turned their attention to Zhang Zuofang, and they were considering a good way out after being accepted.

"This is the first time I've seen such a thick gold bar. It's really enjoyable." The young man chatted with the other two people: "How many gold bars does that pretty boy have on hand?"

"Didn't you hear what Brother Qi said? We don't have the advantage now. We don't know what's going on over there. You're so arrogant." Yongren said, "I don't feel at all right now."

"You're really a coward. Why are you still doing this? Isn't it good to go home and fish?" The young man disagreed.

"What he said makes sense this time." Another person sighed: "There is nothing better than living. Haven't you seen that even Brother Qi is worried this time."

"While waiting for the pick-up, I boarded another boat and kidnapped that pretty boy!" the young man said proudly.

"I'm afraid this pretty boy is actually an outcast!" Yongren sighed.

Everyone wants to live.

(There will be a fourth update in the evening, which will be late)

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