Police Detective

Chapter 909 Case Settlement

Tianhua City.

After returning to land early yesterday morning, Bai Song went to the hospital for a comprehensive examination. The doctor prescribed a lot of medicine for him, which he had to take for a week.

The Ma detachment gave everyone in the fifth brigade a holiday. They didn't even say how many days they would take, when they would be back, and when they would return to work.

"You haven't recovered just now, can you just eat the skewers?" Wang Liang grabbed a handful of skewers from Bai Song and brought over a bowl of porridge: "Drink this."

It's already a bit cold in Tianhua City. At night, when the breeze blows, people without warm clothes can look two generations younger in an instant.

At this time, some barbecue restaurants and other places would provide free millet porridge. Wang Liang asked the boss for a large bowl.

"Mutton is a tonic!" Bai Song didn't care and took another handful, his mouth full of oil.

"I'm almost having a heart attack these days." Wang Huadong said, "I suddenly have plans to retire. I feel like my body is not suitable for this kind of work."

"This kind of thing is rare after all." Bai Song said, "It's up to me."

"I really can't blame you." Sun Jie said: "I heard you talk about the cause and effect yesterday. To be honest, any one of us could have been fooled. We can't underestimate others. The people behind Zhang Zuo have really good psychological control. It's pretty good. If he did it right away, you wouldn't necessarily be fooled. But here we are, and after so many days of searching without any progress, we definitely can't let it go."

"Yes." Liu Shuyuan put down the bowl and chopsticks: "When this happens, I plan to go to Master Qiao for further training."

"I would like to see what the person behind this looks like." Wang Liang said while eating: "Does he have a brain like a white pine."

"Definitely better than you." Liu Shuyuan teased.

"What's so great about being better than me?" After Wang Liang finished speaking, he felt that something was wrong with his words: "No, he is better than me. Alas. Anyway, this person is quite powerful."

"Back then, I was in charge of Zhang Che, Zhang Zuo and Ding." Bai Song glanced at Wang Huadong: "This kind of behind-the-scenes person must be more than a simple person. But we didn't have a chance to meet, so I guess Captain Jiang and others took the case. It should be his The higher authorities took the case."

"Well, they deal with these cases all day long. There are no fools in these cases." Wang Liang nodded and continued eating skewers, not paying much attention to this matter.

Only Bai Song didn't drink. The others drank a little. Bai Song survived the catastrophe. Everyone should celebrate.

In fact, Bai Song's health is no longer serious, but he takes medicine every day and avoids drinking alcohol.

"Huadong?" Bai Song took a few bites and felt something was wrong with Wang Huadong, so he said hello.

"Huh?" Hua Dong looks like a white pine.

"What's wrong with you?" Bai Song asked.

Sun Jie also noticed that Hua Dong looked a little uncomfortable and looked at Hua Dong.

"You just said that you plan to retire again. Is that true?" Bai Song's feeling was a bit sharp.

"No", Hua Dong shook his head: "There is no more interesting job than this."

"I understand, Huadong's family has a company, and his parents forced him to go home and continue." Wang Liang told a bloody story.

Unexpectedly, Hua Dong did not refute.

"Really?" Bai Song said, "If you have something to say, just say it."

"Not really." Hua Dong said: "In recent years, real estate has been very prosperous. My mother's company is doing business in the real world. It is not easy to work. She is getting more and more stressed. When I went home yesterday, I saw the white hair on her head. Well, I feel quite uncomfortable.”

At this point, Hua Dong opened up, "I'm not running away from anything. Speaking of which, my family situation is quite good, so I don't need to worry too much. I have been worried about this for so long, and I haven't recovered yet today." ”

"I don't really believe in real empathy." Bai Song said, "But I understand you."

"We understand you too." Sun Jie also nodded: "Everyone has this feeling."

Hua Dong stroked his chest: "I'm being hypocritical."

"No," Bai Song said: "Honestly, this is the most desperate situation I have ever encountered, and luckily I have an undercover agent, otherwise I would be dead. Don't talk about me, it won't work if you replace me with anyone. Come back. On the way, I also had a nightmare on the boat, dreaming that the smuggler I pushed off the boat wanted to pull me into the sea. But fortunately, I still had faith in my heart. As a man, it is inevitable. "

"You." Wang Liang nodded: "Being a man is no problem."

"What do you mean?" Bai Song didn't understand.

"Earn it yourself." Wang Liang took the skewers from Bai Song's hand again: "Eat less barbecue and drink more porridge."

This trip to Dongshan had a greater impact on the entire team than the Tianhua Port accident.

In the Tianhua Port accident, detachment Zhao, Captain Ping and others died. Zhao Han left the Fifth Brigade and went to the Xingang Detachment, but the Fifth Brigade was still the Fifth Brigade. But this time Bai Song was kidnapped, disappeared and even almost killed, and the entire fifth team's soul was gone.

Fortunately, the Ma detachment came to lead the team in person. If others had come, everyone's performance would be even worse.

It was a good thing that the incident passed safely and Bai Song escaped from danger, but no one felt that this incident had just passed. It really left a deep impact.

After a period of rest, the case gradually surfaced.

The cultural relic lost in Dashan Province is a national treasure and cannot be valued. But if you have to estimate it, it will be at least nine figures.

Four of the people who were deceived and kidnapped died, and the remaining people were injured to varying degrees. One of them is still awake and has very weak vital signs.

Li Jie was also one of the deceased. No matter what, Li Jie's story is finally over. Li Jie's wife has also been arrested, and the case in Jiuhe District has come to an end.

Huang Mao was so good that Bai Song and others couldn't see him at all. His alleged crimes were all related to treason and so on, so he was directly picked up by Team Jiang's superior department and made a fortune.

Li Kun found Chen Jianwei and went to Bai Song to plead guilty.

Li Kun has been under scrutiny recently. Not only the city bureau, but also Captain Jiang and others have looked for him many times. Even a fool knows what's going on, especially the matter of Huang Mao's arrest. .

This incident made Li Kun very uncomfortable. He actually had good intentions from beginning to end, but was taken advantage of by Huang Mao.

Bai Song didn't blame Li Kun too much. For Li Kun, since he has left his previous circle, he should be more thorough. Without this lesson, there may be bigger lessons in the future. After this incident, Li Kun can grow a lot. If he gets over it, the road ahead may be smoother.

(The case is settled, there will be no more updates. I will be on duty tomorrow, People’s Police Day, so I’ll go to bed early. Good night)

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