Police Detective

Chapter 910 New Journey

The first People’s Police Day, I’m working overtime again today~

I updated a chapter last night and sent it out at noon. It’s really hard to write a book. Please get a genuine subscription. Thank you!

After resting for a while, the people from the fifth brigade collectively returned to the city bureau. At first, everything was quiet, as if nothing had happened.

But it's not that there are no changes at all. All departments are more meticulous than usual. Even the cleaning staff in the city bureau are cleaning the stairs more carefully than usual.

The Municipal Bureau compound is very large, with seven or eight buildings inside, covering an area of ​​several hundred acres. Under normal circumstances, only the southwest door will be opened, and the main door is always closed.

However, in the past few days, many people have been cleaning and wiping the gate near the gate. Even the big sign at the gate has people climbing ladders to clean and maintain it.

When encountering this kind of thing, there is only one situation - the superior leader is coming to inspect.

A major incident occurred in the Tianhua Municipal Bureau last year. The new leader was appointed at the critical moment and achieved very good results. He made great progress in eliminating the remaining poison, ideological work, criminal investigation and handling, etc.

This year, the Tianhua Municipal Bureau has achieved very good results in the national CTF network confrontation and the red and blue competition between captains. Not only that, cases handled in collaboration with the security department have also been mentioned many times in superior meetings. arrive.

For Bai Song and others, these things are actually more meaningful than handling a certain case, but they represent completely different situations. During this inspection by superiors, all members of the fifth brigade were present and subject to review by the leadership.

Tianbei District, Liu Shuyuan's home.

"When you had to go to such a brigade, I have to say that you really made the right move." Father Liu put a briefing in his hand on the table.

"Dad, I'm not playing a chess piece." Liu Shuyuan retorted.

"Okay, okay." Liu's father smiled and said, "If you can turn your favorite job into a career, your life will be more comfortable than mine."

Liu Shuyuan was speechless.

He can choose whatever he likes, and he can do whatever he wants without messing around. Doesn't he have a father to support him?

Maybe people outside don't know, but Liu Shuyuan knows that families like his basically have to be arranged. A good friend of his, whose background was not much different from his, went to a state-owned enterprise after graduating from undergraduate degree. Within four years, he had reached the deputy director level.

He can make his own choice, but his father cannot. As a middle-aged man in the family, Father Liu faces too many things as a link between the past and the future.

"This time you go to Beijing to study. Your work may be adjusted after you come back. Are you ready?" Liu's father said.

"I" Liu Shuyuan lowered his head: "It depends on the situation, maybe there will be other changes."

"Of course it's better. Bai Song, this person, survived this difficulty this time. He is really lucky. Big leaders like this kind of people. If he can take you away, you can naturally follow him." Liu's father said casually. .

"I understand." Liu Shuyuan nodded and left his father's study.

Liu Shuyuan's information channels are much earlier than Bai Song and others, and only people in a small circle know about these information channels, so it is not convenient to tell Bai Song now.

This time there was not only an inspection, but when the Xingang detachment handled the smuggling case last time, the superior experts told Bai Song that they would take Bai Song to the superior agency, but Bai Song refused.

In the blink of an eye, one year has passed, and the fifth team already has the capital to second its entire staff.

The reason why it was a secondment rather than a selection can be seen from how Bai Song came out of the police station. When Bai Song went to the criminal police detachment and the main corps, he was seconded first and then stayed.

If higher-level departments want you, they generally won't ask for you directly, because work ability is one aspect, and whether you can perfectly integrate into the superior group is another. Usually, they are seconded to work for a period of time. If they are really good and cooperative, then the selection will be a matter of course. On the contrary, he went back after the secondment was over.

Of course, it is most normal to go back after a secondment. Basically, out of 100 secondments, not one will be left behind. Most of the people who were seconded were asked to come over to help out, and people like Bai Song who were called on secondment from the Fifth Brigade were more likely to stay.

Currently, the secondment period is three months, and the secondment unit is the Criminal Investigation Bureau. To be precise, four people from the Fifth Brigade are going here, and the remaining one, Wang Liang, is going to the Science and Information Department.

This kind of roll call and secondment is almost like asking for someone directly. If you want to say envy, everyone in the entire city bureau is envious - of course, few people know about it at the moment.

Office of the detachment leader of the Criminal Investigation Corps.

"Someone wants to see you." Ma detachment saw Bai Song: "Your book has passed the review."

"Ah?" Bai Song said, "Has it been reviewed internally?"

"Well, you guys." The Ma detachment shook his head and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Bai Song was worried.

"No, it's okay." Ma Detachment smiled.

The gap between people is really big. Such a book is very meaningful to the Ma detachment and others. If it can be reviewed by superiors, it can be used as one of the textbook choices for some police academies. It can be left in the superior's library.

What's this? This is an honor!

Professional public security books are not available on the market and are only for internal distribution. It is impossible to obtain huge royalties, but how can honor be exchanged for money?

But this honor is of no use to Bai Song and others. The people in the fifth team are too young. With such technical honors, they can neither be promoted nor have much practical significance. People in their 20s cannot go around giving academic lectures and lectures, right? That would be so hateful.

People are so irritating.

The Ma detachment always thought that it was a good thing that the Fifth Brigade was compiling teaching materials, but they really didn't expect that it would pass the review like this, and this was before the big leader came.

The young people in this team sometimes handle cases that can be given to the young criminal policemen of the former Jiuhe Branch, and they can get second-class merit or something. If other places can keep up, they will compete to recruit a deputy captain. Steady.

But now, creating teaching materials seems to be a routine operation.

Not only that, for this trip to Dongshan, Chen Yongren has been approved for first-class merit, but there is no explanation for Bai Song and others. How to reward this kind of thing in the end, the experience of the Ma detachment is not enough - the Ma detachment is still I don’t know about the secondment of all members of the fifth team.

Bai Song went to the reception room. Detachment Ma took out the book that the review department had just placed here and wanted to read it.

After casually flipping through it, Ma Detachment turned to page seven or eight. Suddenly he realized what he was doing and flipped back to page two. In the author column, there was a name - Ma Donglai!

Duplicate name? impossible!

Ma Donglai immediately flipped through the pages, and then he discovered that in the book, there were more than ten pages of summary of the investigation of theft cases, at least eight or nine pages, of which Ma Donglai served as the chief of the Third Criminal Investigation Brigade of Jiuhe District. A summary of the roomful of case files I left behind when I was the captain!

Each of these eight or nine pages weighed at least a year. Ma Donglai's hands were trembling a little.

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