Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 252 Not even a boyfriend!

"The night gave me black eyes, but I use them to find light..."

Yu Jingjing frowned, didn't open her eyes, turned over on the bed with the quilt between her legs.

The ringing fell silent, but after less than two seconds, it rang again.

She grunted irritably, groped around the pillow twice, picked up the phone, opened her eyes a little, and answered the call.

"Who is it..."

The voice is lazy.

"It's me, Gao Le, are you at home?"




"Hello? Wake up! I have something to do with you, hello-"

Yu Jingjing was startled and opened her drowsy eyes: "Ah! Sorry, I accidentally fell asleep again."

She then wiped a few strands of glistening saliva from the corner of her mouth and asked, "What's wrong? What's wrong with you?"

By the time she was talking, she had woken up a lot. She looked at the time on the screen and saw that it was only around five in the morning.

So early……

"I want to ask you for a favor. I need some medical supplies, but the pharmacy only opens at eight in the morning. I can't wait that long, so I wanted to ask you if there is anything you can do."

Although Gao Le concealed it well, Yu Jingjing could still hear the urgency hidden in his tone after many years of friendship.

After thinking for a while, she asked: "What exactly do you need?"

Gao Le held the mobile phone in one hand, looked at the woman on the sofa, and said: "Medical alcohol, dressing packs and bandages for hemostasis, hydrogen peroxide, iodophor, anti-inflammatory drugs, antipyretics for high fever... In addition to antipyretics, Try to bring as much of everything else as possible.”

The more Yu Jingjing listened, the more confused she became: "What do you want these things for? If anyone is injured, send them to the hospital quickly."

The combination of something to stop bleeding and antipyretics made her immediately think of a high fever caused by wound infection. Generally speaking, this symptom is not particularly serious. As long as it is treated in time, it will basically not be a serious problem, but Gao Le finally She was specifically asked to bring as many things as possible, so she had to wonder if the wound was serious. If it was a large-scale wound, wound infection could be fatal!

"I will explain the details to you later. Can you help deliver the things first?"


After hesitating for a few seconds, Yu Jingjing agreed: "Okay, where are you now?"

"I'm renting a house here."

"Okay, I'll send it to you within half an hour."

Without any nonsense, she hung up the phone, and Yu Jingjing sat up from the bed and started to get dressed.

She didn't have time to fix her hair, so she just combed it twice with a comb and opened the door.

The home was a three-story single-family villa. She lived on the second floor, and her parents slept in the bedroom on the first floor. Before she woke up, Yu Jingjing successfully walked out of the courtyard, walked to the garage, picked a car at random, drove it and ran away.

When she arrived at her mother's hospital, she went straight to the nurse on duty at the pharmacy and told her request.

Most everyone in the hospital knew her, and the nurse didn't dare to neglect her. In less than five minutes, everything she wanted was ready.

Because Gao Le asked for "as much as possible", Yu Jingjing didn't know exactly how much he needed, so she told the nurse exactly what he said. The result was... by the time she left the hospital, her trunk was already full.

With a bag full of medical supplies, Yu Jingjing quickly drove to the downstairs of Gao Le. Since she got a serious illness, because of her parents, she and the other party have never been together again, and they only occasionally make phone calls. , so counting the time, we haven’t seen each other for almost two months.

The sky had gotten a lot brighter, and the sun in the distance had already revealed a bare head on the horizon. Yu Jingjing leaned on the car door, watching Gao Le walk out of the stairs, feeling a little fresh: "You don't have money to eat, what are you doing?" Are you so thin from hunger?”

Originally, the other person was of medium build, neither fat nor thin, but now the edges on his chin were somewhat distinct, and there was no extra flesh on his face.

This sentence touched on Gao Le's pain point. He wanted to admit frankly that he was indeed running out of money to eat, but he was really not as shameless as someone else. At least he was unwilling to ask Yu Jingjing to borrow money until he couldn't survive.

Skipping the topic, he looked around habitually and asked, "Did you bring the things?"

When he asked this question, Yu Jingjing became playful and forgot about what she had just said on the way to find someone to vent her anger on. She followed his example and looked around cautiously. She lowered her voice and said, "Bring it here." , I just got it, guaranteed to be authentic.”

"..." Gao Le.

Why does it feel like she is much more lively than before? Is it because she has forgotten that person?

Eh? Who are that person and the person just now?

"Don't make trouble, I'm talking about business."

There was also a time bomb at home, and Gao Le was not in the mood to joke with her.

"Tsk, you called me after five o'clock in the morning, and what you asked for is so strange. If you didn't know better, I would have thought that something happened to you while you were playing the alphabet game last night."

As Yu Jingjing spoke, she turned around and opened the trunk: "All the things are here, see how much you need."

She turned around and saw Gao Le's expression was a little unnatural, and she instantly thought of what she had just said.


Yu Jingjing covered her mouth in surprise, as if she had seen a ghost: "Did I tell you right?"

"What are you thinking about?"

Gao Le came over and knocked her on the head. He looked at the stuffed trunk and scanned it several times. Everything he wanted was found.

He picked up two 2000 ml bottles of medical alcohol with one hand and two bottles of hydrogen peroxide with the other hand. He said, "I'll take the things up first. Just wait for me below."

"Hey, wait."

Yu Jingjing stopped him: "Seriously, what do you need these things for? If someone is injured and it is inconvenient to go to the hospital, although I major in forensic medicine, I can still help."

Gao Le turned around and glanced at her speechlessly: "Sister, I really haven't played any alphabet games. It's not convenient to talk about it now. I will definitely tell you later."

It was undeniable that he was a little moved. Yu Jingjing was born in a hospital family, and she was definitely more professional than him in handling wounds. But when he thought of the flame marks and purple lines on the woman's forehead, he immediately gave up the idea.

After several trips back and forth, Gao Le finally moved everything upstairs and waved goodbye to Yu Jingjing.

Although he was confused, the other party was unwilling to say anything, so Yu Jingjing did not press the question further.

After getting in the car, she felt a little hot on her thighs before she even drove out of the community. She put her hand into her trouser pocket and pulled out the bronze coin with a strange pattern printed on it that Zhao Rou had handed to her late last night.

My first thought was that I was a little worried.

"What kind of material is this coin made of? Will it explode?"

Before she could continue her research, her cell phone rang suddenly. It was her mother calling.

On the other side, in the bedroom, Gao Le turned on the air conditioner, covered the entire bed with plastic wrap to prevent secondary infection, and then lifted the woman onto it.

Then, he picked up the scissors, took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and cut off the woman's clothes that were stiff due to blood penetration.


Unexpectedly, the woman groaned in pain as soon as the cut reached her chest.

Thanks to the Lord of Slaughter for the reward! Thank you for your support!

I also recommend a book, "Abnormal Game Experiencer". The book is a good book and the author is also beautiful. Everyone, please give it a try!

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