Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 253 I made a bet with the poet. Today she will give you six thousand and I will give you ten

"woke up?"

"This is where?"

Yi Zhiyu opened his eyes and looked at the white ceiling.

There was severe pain all over his body, and just as he was about to sit up, he gasped in pain.

"You're too seriously injured."

Someone next to me said something indifferently, as if explaining the situation.

Yi Zhiyu turned his head and looked towards the direction where the sound came from. Canglan was sitting on a chair, her petite body hidden under her black robe, looking out the window at the rising sun.

He tried to understand the situation before him, but his mind went blank and it was difficult to recall what happened before he fell into coma in a short period of time.

After thinking hard for a while, he could only give up temporarily and asked: "Where is this and why am I unconscious?"

Canglan didn't say anything for a long time, and his body remained motionless.

Just when Yi Zhiyu thought that his voice was too soft and was about to ask again, he suddenly heard an inaudible sigh resounding in the room.

Cang Lan jumped down from the chair, took a glass of water from the side, and walked to the bed.

"Are you thirsty?"

Yi Zhiyu was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Thank you."

He endured the pain and tried to sit up again, but his arms were limp and refused to obey him at all. He could only twist twice on the bed like a maggot, which ended in failure.

Canglan didn't laugh at him, nor did he say anything.

She was too petite, only 1.4 meters tall. Yi Zhiyu watched her put one knee on the edge of the bed, then climbed onto the bed and knelt beside his pillow.

An indescribable bitter smell passed into the nasal cavity. Canglan often studied various poisons. This was a unique smell on her body. When Yi Zhiyu was wondering what she wanted to do, he felt a small hand holding the back of his head. , raised her head a little higher, and then she held the water glass in her other hand and handed it to her lips.

Looking at the water glass in front of him, Yi Zhiyu felt a strange feeling in his heart.

He grew up in Shengtian Dadu, Nanzhou, which is known as the most chaotic place in the world. Fresh human corpses are floating in the river outside the city where he lives every morning. Crime is happening in every corner. The police station is the local The largest violent group that dominates all evil forces.

For as long as he can remember, Yi Zhiyu has been an orphan who picked up garbage behind homeless people. All he saw and heard was all kinds of darkness and filth. In his habitual understanding, when he was injured, he had to hide alone. , licking the wounds slowly, and never showing the vulnerable side, until after joining the foundation. He had never known what it felt like to be cared for, not ever.

No one can refuse the warmth. Yi Zhiyu subconsciously opened his mouth and swallowed the water in the cup.

The water is cold, but when you drink it, it feels warm in your stomach.

From beginning to end, Cang Lan remained silent. She crawled off the bed, her face hidden in the loose black robe. Yi Zhiyu could not see her expression clearly, but she felt much relieved.

"Go back to sleep, I'll stay until you recover."

She returned to the chair and continued to look out the window at the rising sun.

Yi Zhiyu looked at her back tiredly. Somehow, he wanted to look at her a few more times and didn't want to fall asleep soon.

Her legs were very short. Sitting on the chair, her feet could not touch the ground. In a daze, Yi Zhiyu saw her two slender legs swaying twice in the air, moving lightly, like a happy little girl.

"Thank you……"

Canglan turned her head, Yi Zhiyu had fallen asleep with a faint smile on her lips.

A few beams of bright sunlight shine into the house through the windows, making it peaceful and peaceful.

"Don't get excited yet, listen to my quibbles, bah! Listen to my explanation."

Gao Le immediately stopped what he was doing, for fear that the woman would misunderstand.

Liang Wan lost her vision, so it was naturally impossible for her to open her eyes and see the scene in front of her clearly. She had just escaped from the absurd and terrifying dream, and her brain was still in chaos.

Then she heard the man's voice in her ear.

explain? Explain what?

Only then did Liang Wan have the time to sense the surrounding environment.

I... seem to be in a warm place. I can hear a slight buzzing in my ears and warm air. The air conditioner should be turned on.

Gao Le saw her brows furrowed in pain, perhaps realizing something was wrong, and then raised his hand to touch his chest.

As expected, it touched the skin directly, without any clothes.


If you don't explain, there will be no chance. Gao Le quickly said: "When I went out in the morning, I saw you passed out on the roadside. I wanted to send you to the hospital. But you suddenly woke up and said you couldn't go to the hospital. I could only take you to the hospital first." You brought it home and you were covered in blood. I took your temperature and it was almost 40 degrees. I was afraid that you wouldn't wake up, so I wanted to help you deal with your wounds first..."


Liang Wan stopped him from continuing, fumbled around with his hands a few times, and asked, "Where is my robe?"

Gao Le looked around and remembered that he had put it on the sofa outside, so he quickly ran over to get it to the other party.

Liang Wan took the robe, put it on her body, wrapped herself tightly again, and then fumbled out of bed.

"This way, this way."

Gao Le carefully held her arm and guided her.

He didn't know if the other party was angry, but looking at it like this, he must be angry, right?

Gao Le felt a little guilty.

Originally, I was doing good things, so I shouldn't feel like this, but the other person is a blind woman and is inherently weak. I cut off someone else's clothes without their consent, which felt a bit too much.

"Where's the gate?"

Liang Wan felt a little anxious as she felt the faint red thread in the darkness.

"If you want to go out, that won't work. You are seriously injured. If you don't take care of the wound..."

"I know!"

Liang Wan's tone was a bit harsh.

She reacted immediately, took a deep breath, and explained: "I'm not angry with you. Thank you for saving me. You are a good person. I can't drag you down."

Liang Wan knew her physical condition. She had been seriously contaminated, and her mind had begun to distort. She might even have contaminated this stranger. She didn't know how long she had been unconscious, but at least she could no longer have contact with him. .

"Three hours after I leave, you must go to the Dispute Arbitration Court, find an office called the Emergency Department, tell the people inside the word "Foundation", and then tell them what happened to me, and give it to them. You’re rewarded.”

In fact, there is no reward, but after inspection, the logistics department will use hell water to help eliminate the contamination, and then perform memory erasure to put the person back and return to ordinary people's lives.

Seeing that the woman insisted on leaving, Gao Le became anxious.

"No, at least let me help you take care of your wounds and let your fever subside before you leave."

He grabbed the woman's arm.

Liang Wan was pressed for time, so of course she couldn't continue to waste it here. Besides, she was already prepared to die, so the injury didn't actually matter to her.

Even if he is seriously injured, the A-level investigator is physically strong enough that ordinary people cannot stop him.

Liang Wan continued to walk forward, trying to break free.

She was indeed very strong, but she never imagined that the "ordinary person" who picked her up and took her home was even stronger.


There was a crisp sound in the room, which was the sound of bones being dislocated.

Liang Wan stiffened for a moment and turned her head in disbelief.

His arm is broken?

The atmosphere was somewhat frozen, and Gao Le did not expect such a result.

He quickly let go of his hand and apologized at the same time: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Does it hurt you?"

Before he finished speaking, his balance was broken as he rashly let go. Liang Wan, who had been unable to adapt after losing her vision, now became unsteady and fell to the side, hitting her head on the door frame next to her.


There was a muffled sound, and she fainted again before she could say anything.

The air was eerily quiet.

Gao Le opened his mouth and looked at the woman lying on the floor, feeling a little confused.

"So, what's next?"

He was stunned for a moment, and then looked unconsciously at the scissors and a pile of medical supplies beside the bed.

"How about...continue?"

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