Poor Little Guy is the Top Guy

Chapter 197: Rejection in the bones

   Chapter 197 Rejection in the bones

   Mu Qingcheng was acutely aware of the difference and turned back quickly.

   Finally saw the girl who can't be found anywhere with Wuhen and Shadow - Xia Wan.

   And now, Xia Wan was wearing a school uniform, standing alone at the door.

  Looking at the unusual thinness in the past, he even looked a little tired.

   The familiar indifference between his eyebrows and eyes seems to be more intense.

   She stared at those boys who were arrogant and domineering just now without saying a word, but now they seemed to have seen a ghost for a long time.

   Even though he didn't move, his body released a depressing aura.

   Mu Qingcheng was also startled, completely unexpected.

   The feeling on Xia Wan's body was only felt on Si Qingchen's body, but the man had experienced many battles, so she didn't need to say more.

   But this girl.

   At this time, Xia Wan indifferently withdrew her expression, and her eyes swept across Mu Qingcheng's body as if there was nothing.

  The corners of Mu Qingcheng's lips suddenly evoked a kind and curious smile, looking at her for a moment, chasing her eyes, urgent and lazy.

  Xia Wan pretended not to notice, but walked a little crampedly to her seat and sat down.

  Mu Qingcheng simply walked in front of Xia Wan, and under the amazed eyes of all the classmates, she bent down slightly and said softly,

   "Xia Wan, long time no see."

  Xia Wan lowered her head, trying her best to hide her eyebrows.

   She doesn't seem willing to have any contact with Mu Qingcheng, but she has absolutely no choice.

   And Mu Qingcheng stood in front of her so leisurely, after a long while, Xia Wan finally felt helpless, she could only nodded and said,

"Ah hello."

   That voice was cold and low, without any emotional ups and downs.

   Mu Qingcheng's heart moved, and suddenly he stretched out his hand and quickly squeezed her shoulder.

   It was a pair of shoulders that were jagged and thin, and the skin was cold and thin.

   Even through a layer of school uniforms, there is still a clear sense of low temperature.

   And at the moment when Mu Qingcheng was stunned, Xia Wan pushed back with force and threw her hand down.

   "Don't touch me!"

  The girl squeezed her fingers nervously and looked up at her slightly.

   There was a hint of timidity and withdrawal in his eyes.

   Mu Qingcheng was even more puzzled, but he still stepped back a little to give her a safe distance, and then he said,

   "Okay, then you go to class first."

   After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked back to his place.

   When it was time for the lunch break, Mu Qingcheng deliberately didn't leave and waited for Xia Wan.

   As she imagined, Xia Wan also got up slowly after the whole class was gone.

   "Are we going to dinner together?"

   At that time, Mu Qingcheng walked over slowly, but before she got close, Xia Wan frowned and took a half step back.

   "You don't come here."


   Seeing that she was really rejecting from the bottom of her heart, Mu Qingcheng stopped and stood in place.

   At this moment, the phone in her pocket suddenly vibrated.

   Mu Qingcheng took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, it was indeed Si Qingchen who called.

   But in these few seconds, Xia Wan took the opportunity to walk out of the classroom.

   By the time Mu Qingcheng chased out with his mobile phone, Xia Wan had already lost all traces.

   "It really picks the time."

  Mu Qingcheng answered the phone, but because he missed the target person, his tone was naturally bad.

  Si Qingchen laughed lowly on the opposite side, and the old **** said,

   "Let me guess, because I lost Xia Wan?"


   Mu Qingcheng didn't show any surprise at what Si Qingchen said.

   After all, this is a man who controls almost the entire imperial capital.

   And now, after hearing her cold snort, the man put on a doting smile on his face, opened his mouth, and said very gently,

   "You don't push her too hard, this person seems very repulsive to contact with people.

  Before, it was because I sent someone to follow Xia Wan, which caused her to disappear again for a whole week before appearing. "

   Mu Qingcheng, "."

   (end of this chapter)

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