Poor Little Guy is the Top Guy

Chapter 198: real relationship

  Chapter 198 Real Relationship

   "Have you followed her?"

   "Well, I followed it, but I lost it."

   At this time, Mu Qingcheng had already walked to Xia Wan's table.

   She lowered her head and looked at the schoolbag on the chair that Xia Wan had no time to pack.

   but found that the girl actually stuffed almost all the books in it

   At the same time, when I heard Si Qingchen say "I lost it" again, he straightened up and asked in a funny way,

   "Lost? Can you still lose someone?"

   After the sentence fell, the man gave a helpless smile on the opposite side, but he could only say truthfully,

   "Well, I didn't think about that.

   But Xia Wan is only the subject of the investigation after all, so I can only proceed step by step, I can't just tie people back for questioning. "

   ". That's true."

   Mu Qingcheng also agreed with Si Qingchen's helplessness.

   In fact, the two of them knew better than anyone else that no trace and shadow, no matter how powerful they were, were not the kind of vicious illegal organization.

   You can't just go rough and tie the girl back to the base just because of the investigation.

   Mu Qingcheng didn't bother about this topic anymore, but suddenly changed the conversation and asked,

   "Did you know that Xia Wan carried all the books on her back?"


   "Well, all."

  Si Qingchen, "."

   Meanwhile, the other side

   Xia Wan, who was walking along a remote path to the school gate, suddenly saw three figures hiding around the corner.

   Xia Wan paused, then quickly hid behind a thick cypress.

   And almost at the same time, one of the three figures suddenly broke free.

   That particularly familiar face appeared, but it was none other than the "eldest lady" who opposes Mu Qingcheng in everything - Ran Siya!

   At this moment, Ran Siya looked bored, and folded her arms in front of her, full of momentum.

  's mouth was also full of disgust, but he still whispered with great scruples,

   "I haven't accomplished anything, and I still want a reward, what are you thinking about?"

   "We, we didn't give her the car"

   The other two people opposite her were naturally Ran Siya's "little attendants", but the fig leaf in front of them was missing, and at this moment, such a side was revealed.

   "Do you think that car is valuable? Did you have any reaction to seeing her?

  Idiot, those photos were wasted in vain! "

   "That doesn't mean we didn't do anything! It's not our business that the website has been hacked. We're still waiting for money to buy a bag!"

   "That's it, we took a lot of effort to take the photos, why do you say waste?"

   The voices of the two little servants became smaller and smaller, and in the end only a pair of eyes fell on Ran Siya.

   neither reconciled nor dared.

   And Ran Siya showed no emotion at all. After glaring at the two of them, she walked away in anger.

  Leaving the two of them stand there staring blankly, and ran after them after a while.

  ‘It turned out to be this relationship. ’

  Xia Wan then realized that the reason why these two little followers stayed by Ran Siya's side was not really because of "feelings", but because of money.

  Xia Wan felt that she had always been like a wooden man, and ordinary emotions could not make her feel anything at all.

   But she has been in and out of the hospital for a long time, and she has inadvertently seen many unseen activities.

   How dirty people are. She actually knows better than anyone else.

   After seeing what happened to Ran Siya at this time, Xia Wan only felt that Mu Qingcheng was an extremely rare girl.

   And at the same time remembered.

   There is another man.


   "I have to get out of here quickly."

  Because her "identity" cannot be revealed, Xia Wan finally decided to drop out of school at this moment and leave the imperial capital completely.


   After school in the afternoon

   Mu Qingcheng packed up and walked out of the school gate. From a distance, he saw Mu Qing's car parked on the side of the street.

   A slender and thin man leaned against the side of the car lightly, with light blond shoulder-length hair and a white Chinese-style modified casual suit, which made him look more and more dusty.

   He stood under the setting sun, wrapped in a thin body, unable to bear the dust.

   Mu Qingcheng smiled and walked over briskly.

   "Second brother, why are you here?"

   "Come to pick you up."

   Mu Qing answered naturally, but in exchange Mu Qingcheng raised her eyebrows and stared.

  The unpredictable look stared at each other's eyes, and the opening was also meaningful,

   "Are you sure you're here to pick me up?"

   Mu Qing smiled helplessly, but she was free and easy,

   "Where's Xia Wan?"

   "I didn't come in the afternoon."

   Mu Qingcheng shrugged, a pity.

  Mu Qing showed her unexpectedly disappointed expression, and for a moment, nodded and said,

   "Then let's go, I'll take you home first."


   Who knew that Mu Qingcheng refused directly, and at the same time patted him on the shoulder and said,

   "Someone pick me up, I'll go first."

   After that, he walked towards the street corner on the other side.

   Mu Qing followed his sister's figure, and sure enough, in that alley, he saw a tall figure.

   Even though he was far away, he still bowed slightly to himself and greeted him politely.

   That person is Si Qingchen.

   After the figure over there and the car completely disappeared, Mu Qing looked at the empty gate of the school and fell silent.

   After a while, his eyes suddenly turned to the scenic area behind the school.

   Mu Qing's heart moved, and suddenly he got into the car and drove towards the lake.

   (end of this chapter)

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