Portable Space Can be Summoned

Chapter 805 The war in Nanhu County is over 11

The army spent a lot of money, and the results were very good. In just two days, the muddy official road was ready for marching.

The main reason is that the foundation of the official road is good. It only needs to be repaired in some places that are completely impassable. It doesn't matter if other places are muddy.

After all, soldiers don't just go on outings and enjoy themselves.

The goal is to reach the battlefield as soon as possible. The civilians who are building the road can slowly move forward, but they cannot.

The Shenwu Guards appeared in front of them sooner than the generals expected.

At this time, they could only be thankful that they had prepared early enough and were not caught off guard by Gan Jun.

The battle with Ganjun some time ago made them familiar with each other. They knew that Ganjun would attack soon, so they prepared in advance.

If it were other enemies, the rain would at least allow them to rest for four or five more days.

Only Ganjun would march quickly on muddy roads.

And it's an all-out attack.

It looks a little like after heavy rain.

If it weren't for the muddy water reflecting sunlight on the ground, the Shunjun soldiers would have thought it hadn't rained the day before yesterday.

Their clothes had just been dried when the dry army appeared outside the city. What a group of animals!

They have no other choice but to prepare for the challenge.

Soon, they will find that the troops who launch the offensive again will be more courageous, and the offensive will become continuous and will not be intermittent as before.

They will never again suffer from logistical shortcomings.

Speaking of which, this is also a lesson for Qian Guo.

Before the outbreak of the Nanhu County War, the Qian Army Staff Department formulated a very detailed plan. Logistics must be the top priority. The staff took various factors into consideration, but they still made a mistake.

Dongting Lake is more dangerous than the intelligence reports. Without seeing or experiencing it with their own eyes, they cannot make an accurate estimate of Dongting Lake.

At the same time, they also thought that the Shenwuwei, who was almost invincible on the shore, would suffer big losses when they reached the water.

For Shenwuwei, not defeating the enemy is the biggest disadvantage.

Xu Fan not only had a tie with the Shenwu Guard Fleet, but also successfully robbed the grain ships of the grain transport team many times.

If it weren't for the appearance of the Angry Dragon Army, the logistics of the Shenwu Guards would have continued to be bad.

However, the staff also had a backup plan. Although they did not think that Shenwuwei needed to activate the backup plan at the time, it had to be there.

The backup plan is very simple. Please take action, Your Majesty.

With Yang Yuan here, logistical supplies will never become a problem for the army.

At the beginning, Yang Yuan said that he would only release food and supplies in Dongting County, and Zhao Long would have to figure out the rest of the way.

Now Yang Yuan has changed his mind. He wants to change the supply center to Nanhu County. This will make Shenwuwei very comfortable. Finally, he no longer has to cross the vast and dangerous Dongting Lake!

There are two reasons for Yang Yuan to change his attention. One is that the battle lasted for a long time. People from Qianyang City have come to urge Yang Yuan to go back several times.

The war can continue, but His Majesty must return to the imperial city.

This war did not consume much of the foundation of Qianguo, so the ministers in the court could tolerate the continuation of the war, but His Majesty must return to Qianyang City.

It's not a war to destroy a country. It doesn't matter if the leader of a country is always hanging around the front lines.

Even if there are a few kings who can personally participate in the battle to destroy the country, as long as it is not a battle to destroy the country, it is better for the king not to easily take part in the battle personally.

Not every king is the founder of the country, or has a strong talent for war. It is okay for the king to inspire people on the battlefield, but if he personally participates in commanding the battle, it can easily have the opposite effect.

Although Yang Yuan is the founder of the country, he is really not needed on the front line when supplies are sufficient.

Therefore, Qianyang City's urging made Yang Yuan change some of his thoughts.

The second reason that prompted him to change his mind was that the Divine Guards had captured part of Nanhu County, and there was a place where he could take out the things in his pocket openly.

The reason is very straightforward. Even if Yang Yuan wanted to send supplies to Nanhu County before, Zhao Long couldn't find a place large enough and safe enough.

Two reasons made Yang Yuan decide to move Shenwuwei's material center to Nanhu County.

With sufficient food and material supplies, Zhao Long would not easily order a postponement of the offensive.

He would not order the Shenwu Guards to stop attacking until Liu Jiwu was wiped out in Nanhu County in one fell swoop.

Now Liu Jiwu's navy on Dongting Lake has been wiped out, and half of the way south has been cut off. If he cannot wake up in time and withdraw to the south of Nanhu County in advance, he will not even have a chance to withdraw to the south soon.

The Shenwu Guards were not only attacking Liu Jiwu, some of the cadres were also attacking southward.

Doing so would not only weaken the support of Liu Jiwu in the Nanhu cities, but also gradually cut off Liu Jiwu's retreat and disrupt the morale of the main force of the Shun army.

Invisible things such as military spirit, fighting spirit, and morale often have a great impact on the outcome of a war!

Cutting off the retreat can greatly affect the morale of the army. Not every army has the determination and courage to fight against the odds.

One soldier is raging, and the general is raging in a nest.

It's not that Zhao Long looked down on Shun Guo's generals, but that there were only a handful of generals in history who could fight a last-ditch battle and win.

Liu Jiwu's personal command may achieve good results, but it is absolutely impossible to defeat the Shenwu Guards.

Liu Jiwu's only way out at this time was to retreat to the south before the Shenwu Guards cut off his retreat. This battle could continue for some time.

Otherwise, it will become a show battle for Kammuwei.

So did Liu Jiwu understand his situation?

I understand, but I don’t quite understand.

Xu Fanbu had not contacted him for many days, which gave him a bad feeling.

"Hopefully they get out safely!"

Liu Jiwu understood that there was only one possibility that Xu Fan had broken off contact with him. They were entangled by Qian Jun.

He was still lucky that Xu Fan could escape this time.

He had proven his talent in the previous month, so Liu Jiwu was willing to believe in him.

It's just that this time Xu Fan disappointed him. Not a single ship of Xu Fan's crew escaped.

That's why he lost all the news about Xu Fan's department.

Otherwise, even if a small boat ran out, Liu Jiwu would not be able to only bless Xu Fan in his heart.

There is no news from the lake for the time being, which is considered bad news.

In Nanhu County, the only good news was the heavy rain a few days ago.

But after the heavy rain stopped, the bad news started coming.

If it's not bad news, it can quickly become bad news.

Forget the bad news in the north, bad news is also coming from the cities in the south.

It's just that the crisis in the south is not as urgent as the one in the north, the scabies disease.

Therefore, Liu Jiwu's main focus is still on the north.

It is not that there are people around Liu Jiwu who understand. They can see Liu Jiwu's crisis at this time.

"Master Dong, I am afraid that the Qian army wants to cut Nanhu County into two parts. By then, our connection with the southern cities will also be cut off, and our retreat will be cut off, which is not good for the morale of the army!"

The staff have been sorting through letters for help, battle reports and ordinary letters from all over Nanhu County in the past few days, and they found a sign.

The cities where Qian's army is attacking most fiercely are all located in the north and south, near the center.

From west to east, almost one-third of the city has been captured by Qian's army, and nearly one-third of the city is facing the attack of Qian's army. Spies of Qian's army are also found outside the remaining cities. This is not What a good news!

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