Portable Space Can be Summoned

Chapter 806 The war in Nanhu County is over 12

Zhao Long did not hide his plan, and there was no way to hide it.

He must capture the cities. Unless the Shenwu Guards can capture nine cities at the same time without letting anyone go, Liu Jiwu will definitely get the news.

Therefore, it was impossible to conceal the battle plan. The only option was to fight for time with the Shun army and cut off Liu Jiwu's retreat before they retreated.

In order to delay Liu Jiwu's discovery of the plan and retreat, the Shenwu Guards stepped up their attacks on several cities and passes in the northern part of Nanhu County.

More local legions arrived in Nanhu County. They took over the city captured by the Shenwu Guards and were responsible for the security and logistics in the city.

With their addition, the pressure on Shenwuwei has been reduced a lot. They only need to do one thing, attack!


Attack again!

As long as there are Shun Guo's cities ahead, and as long as Shun's army is blocking them in front, the Shenwu Guards will capture and destroy them!

In just three days, Liu Jiwu received the bad news that two cities, five passes, and more than a dozen military forts had been breached, and the Shun army had suffered more than 30,000 casualties.

At this time, many Shunjun generals also saw the seriousness of the situation.

In fact, they had long known that the situation was serious, but the Shenwuwei's offensive in the past two days completely shattered their inner luck.

There is no hope of winning any longer.

Unless the imperial court sends reinforcements.

But they all know that reinforcements will not be available in a short time.

All the remaining armies of the imperial court were contained at the north and south borders, and the newly recruited soldiers and horses had not yet completed their training.

Letting new recruits who have not yet completed their training come up to fight against the dry army is risking their lives.

In addition to delaying a little time, it is just to give military merit to the soldiers.

Let’s leave seeds for the army!

Liu Jiwu did not apply for reinforcements from the imperial court because he knew that applying for reinforcements would be useless. It would be better to retrain troops in Nanhu County by himself.

In fact, Liu Jiwu has been training his troops since arriving in Nanhu County, otherwise he would not have so many troops under his command.

If he had relied solely on the 100,000 troops given to him by the imperial court, he would have been defeated by the Shenwu Guards long ago.

It's pretty much the same now.

Liu Jiwu has less than 50,000 troops and horses, and it is probably unrealistic to plan any counterattack at this time.

He could consider retreating to the south.

It's just that all the 50,000 people under his command who are retreating now will definitely not be able to retreat with him.

The Shenwu Guards would not let them leave easily.

Without the soldiers and horses under his command, does it really make sense to retreat successfully?

How can he defend the remaining cities in Nanhu County?

At this time, Liu Jiwu's staff all spoke to comfort the commander, "Master, please keep the green hills here, don't worry about running out of firewood!"

"As long as you lead some troops to break out of the encirclement safely and return to Nanshui City or Lu'an City to regroup, you can still prevent the Qian army from completely conquering Nanhu County."

"And proprietor, this Nanhu County is not just Nanhu County for the commander-in-chief and the people of Nanhu County. Although the imperial court is unable to support Nanhu County in a short period of time, several surrounding counties should still have some spare capacity.

Once Nanhu County is lost, several counties in the south will face the attack of Qianguo. They must understand the meaning of death and coldness.

The proprietor can then gather more food and grass, recruit some soldiers and horses from several surrounding counties, and continue the confrontation with the Ganjun. When the new recruits are trained, there is still a chance to drive the Ganjun out! "

The mature and prudent words at this time are also Liu Jiwu's best choice at the moment.

Liu Jiwu was obviously tempted by what he said.

Although a lot of soldiers and horses have to be given up, at least there is still the possibility of continuing the battle and the hope of victory.

If you stay, you will definitely die!

It just depends on how long he and his soldiers can hold on.

But when he was asked to give up his soldiers and watch them being wiped out by the Qian army, Liu Jiwu still felt a little hesitant.

"If we wait a little longer, we should be able to gather more troops and break through faster."

In fact, what Liu Jiwu thought was that in two more days, he could order the Shun army to abandon some unimportant cities and military strongholds and let the troops gather. Even if he could not take them all away when he broke through, it would be safer than spreading them out.

The staff understood what Liu Jiwu was thinking and could only continue to persuade: "Commander, without further ado, if the Qian army finds out that we have the intention to break out, I am afraid they will give up attacking the city and intercept us first.

And they won't watch us gather our forces. "

Liu Jiwu knew that his staff were right. Since Qianjun wanted to trap him in the north, he would definitely monitor his actions closely.

Any slightest movement may reveal one's intentions.

Liu Jiwu could only sigh helplessly, "You are right, Ganjun will not give me more time to prepare. Any movement of troops now will make them realize that we are going to break through.

Breakout should be done sooner rather than later! "

Liu Jiwu discussed with several staff for a long time and came to the conclusion that soldiers and horses still had to be gathered, even if they were discovered by the Qianjun, they had to gather.

"Commander, there are only 8,000 troops and horses that you can mobilize immediately. It is very difficult to break through with these troops. At least 20,000 troops and horses are needed to ensure that the breakthrough can be successful."

"But the deployment of troops will definitely arouse the vigilance of the army. Once they find out that we are going to break through, they will definitely mobilize troops to intercept us.

Therefore, we must move faster than them and start a breakout before they can react. "

Liu Jiwu agreed to the suggestions of his staff and immediately sent messengers to secretly convey messages to several generals on the front line, asking them to come to a commander's mansion as soon as possible and go secretly.

Cannot be discovered by Ganjun spies.

This is the first difficulty.

In the vast territory in the north of Nanhu County, hundreds or even thousands of spies from the Qian and Shun armies were active.

They fought and fought overtly and covertly on this land. Every day, two or three figures of spies were injured or killed. They withdrew from the battlefield in Nanhu County, and more soldiers would join them the next day.

Liu Jiwu's pressure not only came from the defeat of the Shun army on the frontal battlefield, but the casualties on the invisible battlefield were also shocking.

Ganjun had an absolute advantage on both battlefields.

It is not easy for the generals under his command to come to the commander's residence to see him without anyone noticing.

If you want to keep it secret, you can't bring too many guards. Not bringing more guards means danger.

Once discovered by Qianjun's spies, it is likely to lead to Qianjun's pursuit.

The cavalry of Qianjun left Liu Jiwu with no one to help him!

That really comes and goes without a trace.

Liu Jiwu: They are all cavalry, why are they so different?

He had arranged cavalry many times to surround and kill the Qianjun cavalry, but all failed.

So I can only lament the gap between the cavalry on both sides.

Zhao Long also had his own speculations about Liu Jiwu's actions. Although he did not have accurate information yet, he was confident that his speculations should be relatively accurate.

"Let the scout battalion keep an eye on it in the past two days. Liu Jiwu is not someone who just sits there and is killed. He will definitely take action!"

Zhao Long looked at the sand table that was updated every day. There were still four cities left, and the retreat of the northern Shun army would be cut off.

If Liu Jiwu doesn't want to sit back and wait for death, he will take action in these two days.

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