Portable Space Can be Summoned

Chapter 807 The War in Nanhu County Ends 13

In fact, Zhao Long also had guesses about Liu Jiwu's actions. There were only two types of actions, retreating from Dongting Lake, or breaking out to the south before the retreat was cut off.

As long as the four cities near the center of Nanhu County are not captured, Liu Jiwu's success rate in retreating to the south is quite high.

No matter how bad the situation is, he can still move back city by city, and the casualties will be higher at most.

The Shenwuwei scouts received orders from their commander to strengthen surveillance and blockade of Shunjun in the past two days.

No single soldier was allowed to leave the cities and passes where they were stationed.

"Even a dog can't let them pass!"

"Don't worry, company commander, if Shunjun dares to let the dog out, I will definitely catch it and stew it in a pot!"

"Fart! I just know how to eat it. How can I eat it when Xiugou is so spicy and cute?"

"Remember to put more chili peppers and leave a bowl for me!"

"Hey hey hey..."

The changes in the Shenwuwei scouts quickly attracted the attention of the Shunjun generals.

Because they all received Liu Jiwu's order, they prepared to take action tonight and secretly went to the commander's mansion. As a result, the Qian army strengthened the blockade before they took action.


I wouldn’t believe it if there wasn’t a traitor!

They can only let their trusted subordinates secretly investigate who leaked the news. Once they find out, I will make you regret coming to this world!

After arranging for people to find the traitor, the Shunjun generals still had to find a way to get to the commander's mansion.

"Alas, the commander-in-chief's orders must be carried out, and the spies of the Qianjun army must not ignore them either. It's a shame!"

For a moment, the Shunjun general wanted to rush over with his guards and family generals.

No matter how dense Ganjun's spies are, they can't stop his two hundred cavalry.

Just like this, the commander's orders cannot be fulfilled.

Liu Jiwu's order was for them to go to the Commander's Mansion in secret, and they must not be discovered by Qian Jun.

If they go to the Commander's Mansion with great fanfare, it is estimated that when they arrive at the Commander's Mansion, he will lose his head!

That’s why I’m so worried!

"We can only risk going out!"

Some of the Shunjun generals who received the order decided to venture out of the city at night. As long as they were not discovered by Ganjun as soon as they left the city, they were at least confident that they could ensure their own safety.

As generals, they are not afraid of danger from the shadows.

If you're afraid of danger, don't come to the battlefield!

It's just that they are worried that the commander's intentions will be exposed accidentally.

Therefore, some cautious generals did not leave the city in person. Instead, they let the messengers mix among the spies and quietly went to the commander's mansion.

Soon, Liu Jiwu also learned about the changes in Qianjun.

"If you haven't come, don't come. The target of the general's action is too big, so let the messengers deliver the order!"

It is not safe to use messengers to convey orders.

How can anything be 100% safe on the battlefield?

Not to mention the battlefield, the same applies to other places.

Liu Jiwu, his staff and the generals who had arrived said, "Qian Jun should have noticed our plan.

Can't wait any longer, get started tomorrow night. "

The longer it takes, the worse it will be for them.

The cities near the center could not last more than a few days.

Without support, it will be quickly defeated by the Gan army.

After the heavy rain, the Qianjun seemed to be a new army.

If the previous Ganjun offensive was one, then the current Ganjun offensive is at least five, and even higher in some places.

Liu Jiwu didn't know what happened specifically, but it must have something to do with the changes in Dongting Lake.

There was no luck left in his mind, and Xu Fan basically had no possibility of escaping.

Without the cooperation of the navy army, Liu Jiwu's plan to use Dongting Lake to continue to create obstacles for the dry army would be declared bankrupt.

And forget his plan to persist until the end and then retreat from Dongting Lake.

We can only retreat from Nanhu County.

At this time, the generals who were summoned to the commander's mansion knew that the commander had finally decided to retreat!

They had previously suggested that Liu Jiwu withdraw the commander's residence to the south to temporarily avoid the sharp edge of the Qian army.

It was just that Liu Jiwu always believed that Xu Fan could defeat the navy of Qian Kingdom, so he set up a military camp not far from Dongting Lake.

This time, that time!

Now Xu Fan's navy is missing, and 99% of it has been wiped out by Gan's army.

Liu Jiwu had to stay away from Dongting Lake.

Without the restraint of the navy, the Gan army could disembark from anywhere in Nanhu County.

Liu Jiwu's camp was no longer safe.

Retreat became inevitable.

Of course, the Shun army generals would not object to withdrawing to the south.

But who retreated first and who retreated became the most urgent thing they wanted to know.

Retreating together was out of the question.

When the time comes, the Gan army follows them, like huge waves crashing on the shore, but they are not as strong as the shore.

I'm afraid that as soon as the Ganjun pounces on them, they will be beaten to pieces.

They must be able to resist for a few times. After all, they are all serious Shunguo regular soldiers. After several months of training by Liu Jiwu, they still have the basic quality of soldiers, which is not low.

After that, they fought with the Shenwu Guards for more than a month. Although they lost more than they won and the Shenwu Guards did not use their full strength, the Shunjun Army could be considered to have withstood the test.

The current Shun Army can resist three points when encountering Shenwu Guards in the wild, but they will still be overwhelmed after three points.

Regardless of the difference in the quality of the soldiers, the difference in weapons and equipment is enough to collapse the Shun army.

The Shenwu Guards did not even need to engage in close combat with the Shun Army. As long as they fully deployed all the offensive equipment in the army, the Shun Army would be unable to resist.

Although the new weapons are of little use to the Shenwu Guards, they are definitely a dimensionality reduction blow to the normal Zhongzhou army, at least to half a dimension!

None of the generals wanted to stay to stop Qian Jun, but they were too embarrassed to speak out directly, so they could only treat him with silence.

Liu Jiwu knew what they were thinking just by looking at their looks.

If he could, he wouldn't want to leave any soldiers behind, but no!

How can there be no war without sacrifice?

At this time, the general's heart must be hardened!

"Jia Qiang, Liu Quan and Gao You stay to snipe the Qianjun. The others retreat in two batches. You have to be fast. I will only give you two days. After two days, I will immediately break out to the south."

Jia Qiang and Gao You are both here tonight. Liu Quan is a little far away from the handsome man's house, so he doesn't take any risks.

When the two people heard their names, they felt extremely bitter in their hearts, but they did not jump up and refuse.

There is a reason for Liu Shuai to name the three of them. Their defense zones are all at the forefront. They don't want to leave anyone behind.

Liu Jiwu didn't leave the three people behind because he wanted them to die.

"I will leave you 20,000 people. You only need to snipe Qianjun for seven days. After seven days, you can find a way to retreat.

At that time, I don’t care whether you retreat south, north or west, it’s up to you to decide. "

Liu Jiwu paused for a moment, patted the two people's shoulders with his hand, and said seriously: "Try to bring as many soldiers to survive as possible!"

Jia Qiang and Gao You were almost in tears, but on their faces they could only promise loudly: "Don't worry, Commander, we will hold off the Qian army for seven days and ensure that more brothers can evacuate alive!"

Having said that, the actual situation depends on whether the Qianjun cooperates or not.

If the Qian army cooperates and the offensive slows down, they can hold on for a few more days. If the Qian army does not cooperate and attacks with all their strength as soon as they come up, they don't know how long they can hold on.

As for whether we can retreat in the end, how many people can we take with us to retreat?

It’s hard to say, hard to say!

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