Power and Wealth

Chapter 1059: [Xiao Dong took office! 】

>. Chapter 1059

Two days later. Shu.

Monday, morning.

The sky is blue, the clouds are thick, and the white flowers are like a mass of cotton.

In Lianshui County, a domestic Chinese car with a license from the organization department of the Municipal Party Committee slowly entered. The car was sitting on the local deputy director of the Municipal Party Committee, Meng Yiguang, and there was a driver in front. The last one was naturally Dong Xuebin. He is a big one today. I have already reported to the municipal party committee, which is the first day of my appointment. However, watching this car driving on the road, the shock absorption is very poor, Dong Xuebin also has an understanding of the situation in the city, when in the city of Chenzhou, let alone the second hand of the organization department of the municipal party committee The bus that was opened by a deputy minister is also Passat. Even the harder ones are equipped with Audi a6. Well, don’t say this, when Dong Xuebin was in the investment promotion bureau of Yantai County, it was also a small ten. 80,000 Camry, this is the most common configuration in the organization, but here, the second hand of the city organization department is a car with a performance of about 100,000? It can be seen that not only is Lishui County a national poverty-stricken county, but the local city is also not rich. It can even be said that the lack of money has reached a certain level, and it is very poor from top to bottom.

"Dong County magistrate." Meng Yiguang spoke. "I have seen your files. You are a college student or a Beijinger. The place where you worked before is also a relatively large city nearby."

Dong Xuebin said: "Yes, it has been in Zhangzhou."

Meng Yiguang looked at him. "I have to take a vaccination with you. We are poorer here. I believe you have seen it too. The environment is relatively bitter, so you should have a mental preparation in advance, not that you can't Competent, but... This is really too hard, especially in Lishui County. I am a local, I am looking at Lishui County step by step, but for so many years, it has not changed much, hehe, mainly It is a scarce resource, there is no industry that can take it, so it has been stagnant, and even with other developments and industries, there is no way to keep up. It has always been a big problem in our city. I have changed a few waves of leadership. The solution is solved."

Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "Mr. Meng, I understand."

Meng Yiguang nodded. "You know it. www.."

"Actually, I came over two days ago." Dong Xuebin said: "I have probably turned around here, bitterness is bitter, but the people are still very simple, I like it very much."

Meng Yiguang nodded slightly. "You are right about this. Many local people are very simple. You will know when you come into contact with you."

In fact, at this point of communication with Dong Xuebin, Meng Yiguang did not take him seriously. He knew that Dong Xuebin was a gold-plated one. After two years of estimation, he left, but he was shocked by Dong Xuebin. At the age of five, as far as Dong Xuebin’s background is concerned, he is not very familiar with it. In fact, even if it is known, it is meaningless. Cangzhou City is too far away from this side. There are several provinces in between, Dong Xuebin’s background in Cangzhou City and He is naturally unable to hear about his ability to work. There are even some disconnected feelings between the mainstream and the mainstream system. The place is poor and the circle is naturally small. The eyes are staring at the three-point land of this acre. Concerned about other provinces? Not to mention that Dong Xuebin is not a very high official position. It is almost the same as the provincial-level leaders at the provincial level. Who cares to pay attention to him? And even if it is known, it doesn't matter. Just like Lao Yang said, the current official is not as good as the current one. When you come to Lishui County, the background of Dong Xuebin is simply not used. Everything has to start again. I don't care if you have a wife who is the deputy mayor, because it is too far away from the interests of everyone.

This is a challenge.

Dong Xuebin knew it from the beginning, and he also had this mental preparation. No one knew him? No one knows him? This is better! Finally, I can get rid of the title of blasphemy, change my face, re-establish relationship, and slowly take the political achievements. This is the development route that Dong Xuebin has set for himself.

Half a year!

You must make a look within half a year!

Then go back with the level of the wind!


Lishui County.

County Party Committee.

When the car arrived, the guard had called to inform the leadership team in Lishui County, and soon the leaders and cadres came down.

In the courtyard, the car stopped.

Meng Yiguang and Dong Xuebin got off the bus.

What is the specific economic situation and development of a county? In fact, sometimes you can get to know the working place of the county party committee. In the beginning, Dongtai County’s work in Yantai County is relatively poor, but the county party committee and office building are The decoration is very high grade, the air-conditioning LCD TV and the computer are all available, and it is basically a relatively advanced configuration at that time, so Yantai County is poor on the surface, and it is still practical. But today, when I saw the county party committee in Lishui County, Dong Xuebin was deeply sighed, the ground was cracked, and the wall was broken. It was the two-storey glass in the office building corridor that was also broken. The soil seems to have been cleaned for a long time.

food? It is a self-built greenhouse!

Office building? It’s really forty years!

parking lot? There is no such thing. There are a lot of bicycles and electric cars parked downstairs. There are no cars in the car, and there are also Xiali and Beverly.

Dong Xuebin was the first time to see such a difficult government office location. It was really unacceptable for a while. Is this too poor? He estimated that the land price here, not to mention anything else, is that the more than four million Land Rover that Dong Xuebin has just opened can be bought from the entire county party committee. Well, and maybe there will be a little Wealthy, you say that this is much poorer?

If you come, you can be safe.

Dong Xuebin is also ambitious. He also wants to help Lishui County get rid of the current poverty situation. Let's start with the work and let it go slowly.

"Meng Meng."

"Meng Meng."

Many people say hello respectfully.

Meng Yiguang slightly nodded, "Meng Shuji and Jiang County Magistrate?"

A cadre was busy: "Gan County magistrate is here, and the secretary of the book went to the province yesterday."

Meng Yiguang snorted, "Take the meeting room, go straight." When he was accompanied by a large group of cadres, he led Dong Xuebin to the direction of the office building.

At the end, many cadres followed the aim and looked at it. Finally, the eyes stayed on today’s protagonist Dong Xuebin, because there were no other people beside them, so even if they had never seen them, they knew that this person was the new county leader, and everyone breathed a stagnation. They all took a breath of air.

So young?

This is twenty years old! ?

Because the news in Lishui County is relatively closed, the situation of Dong Xuebin has not been spread for a while, but only a few leaders know that they will come to a very young cadre in the county, and it is said that there are many political achievements and work. strong ability. However, the words written on the file of Dong Xuebin actually have nothing to care about and pay attention to. Earthquake rescue? As a cadre, is it not normal to save a few people in the earthquake? Falling into the water to save people? This is also very common. Of course, the file will not write about how many minutes Dong Xuebin has been arrogant. Therefore, it is not a person from Chenzhou City. He is not a person who knows the inside story. Few people can know the gold content of the political achievements in Dong Xuebin’s file. Looking at the text, a lot of things can't be seen, so everyone didn't take a serious look at Dong Xuebin's political achievements. All the attention was concentrated on the age of Dong Xuebin, the deputy-level cadre of this age. The deputy director of the actual position, or immediately to the county party committee standing committee of the deputy, the province can no longer find one?

Some staff members in the office building saw it and quickly whispered it.

At this time, a slender figure came out at the entrance of the office building. Looking at the shadow and outline, Dong Xuebin jumped subconsciously, high-heeled shoes, light-colored tight trousers, a slim blouse, the figure and posture. I didn’t look at the face, Dong Xuebin had already guessed that 80% of the people were a beautiful person. When I looked up, Dong Xuebin really jumped a few times in the heart. The woman looked like she was in her thirties, and she was mature and steady. The whole person has a special gas field. It seems that one stop can catch people's eyes. Dong Xuebin is one of them. He did not expect to see such a beautiful young woman in such a poverty-stricken county. .

Meng Yiguang smiled and said: "Ginger county magistrate."

The young woman came up a little, "just in the meeting, I have kept you waiting."

Meng Yiguang said: "It doesn't matter, come, let me introduce you first, this is Dong Xuebin." Then he said to Dong Xuebin: "This is Jiang Fangfang, the county magistrate of Lianshui County."

County magistrate?

This woman is the county magistrate?

Dong Xuebin’s heart stunned, but his face did not show up. He immediately extended a hand and shook hands with the young woman. “Hello, the county magistrate, I have come to see you and ask for more advice.” Dong Xuebin and the head of the county magistrate a year ago. Shaking hands is to show respect with both hands, but now he can't use it.

Jiang Fangfang, Dong Xuebin, stared aggressively at his eyes for a second, and then he reached out and grabbed a handshake. He shook hands with him and looked at him. "Well, Meng The secretary went to the province to run the money, and I will welcome you on behalf of the county government of Lianshui County."

Her hands are very thin and slippery.

Close to the body, the body is also faint, especially good.

Dong Xuebin has a point that he doesn't want to let go. In the future, the county government will set up a team with her. There is a beautiful woman leader. It is also a very good thing. At least it is pleasing to the eye. It is much stronger than a big man who is unshaven. - Well, Dong Xuebin’s old mistakes have been committed.

“The meeting rooms are all ready?” asked Meng Yiguang.

Jiang Fangfang sighed, "The main leaders are almost there."

"Can't the secretary get back?"

"Just just called, I should not come back today."

"Let's go, read the appointment first."

Everyone went to the conference room on the steps of disrepair.

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