Power and Wealth

Chapter 1060: [County Jiang Fangfang]


County Party Committee.

After the appointment book was read, Dong Xuebin was officially appointed.

After the wind was taken to Dong Xuebin in the dilapidated canteen in the yard, Meng Yiguang did not leave more, let the driver drive back. When he left, Dong Xuebin saw Meng Yiguang licking his stomach and seemed to be uncomfortable, knowing that he must have not eaten. Ok, the dishes in the dining hall are too general, and there are not too many dishes. They are all kinds of big pot dishes. For Dong Xuebin who has no meat and no joy, it is also a bit painful to eat. But fortunately, he can make do with it, and he wants to open it. It’s just a matter of experiencing a hard and simple life, and there is no harm.

When the Chinese car left, everyone turned around.

The presence of the members of the county leadership team, but Dong Xuebin did not recognize it, no one introduced himself when he was eating, he is still not good.

"Dong County Magistrate." Jiang Fangfang called him.

Dong Xuebin immediately looked at her: "Ginger county magistrate?"

Jiang Fangfang said faintly: "Let's touch my head and go to my office."

Dong Xuebin responded with a sigh of relief and followed Jiang Fangfang's charming back into the office building.


County magistrate's office.

The furnishings in the house are very simple, and the computer is also the kind of screen, very old.

Dong Xuebin thought that the office of the county's main leaders would have a little bit of a hole in the sky. It is not expected that this is the case.

"Sit down." Jiang Fangfang went to the kettle and took an empty cup. "The tea is gone, can you open it?"

"I will come by myself." Dong Xuebin was polite, and she was all down. Had to say: "Cheng. Thank you." He did not see the water dispenser, did not see the electric kettle, but just came up from the downstairs, it seems to have seen the water room, hot water should be picked from there, this water is There is no problem, but the water-alkali taste is slightly larger. Hey, Dong Xuebin also refuses to feel the emotion, and may gradually get used to the hard working environment here.

"We have seen the situation here." Jiang Fangfang sat down on the sofa and said: "Probably this is the case. You may not be used to it when you first came, but slowly."

Dong Xuebin nodded and waited for her to say.

"We are not familiar with each other, you may not know much about me. So touch the head, the tricks also touch each other." Jiang Fangfang is a serious way.

Dong Xuebin smiled and said, "I also have this meaning."

"That's best, look at your file. Have you worked in China Merchants before?"

"Well, the investment promotion bureau of Yantai County has been working for more than half a year."

"The leadership evaluation on your data also shows that the ability to attract investment is outstanding. Then you can grab it."

"This... well, I try my best."

"There is also your other division of work, which would have come out today. But the 〗 〖Book has gone to the province and I don’t know when it will come back, so let’s talk about it in a few days. What are your plans for work during this period? I can tell me that life is also."

"Well, I am familiar with the environment as soon as possible."

"Then I look forward to your future performance."

I simply exchanged a few words, and the two did not say anything. After all, I just got in touch.

Jiang Fangfang slowly picked up the phone on the table and dialed a "Director Ma, come to my office." Hang up the phone. She turned to look at Dong Xuebin and extended her hand: "Why do you do this first?"

Dong Xuebin shook hands with her. "Then I will go back first."

The door opened, a man in his thirties walked in. "Ginger County Chief. Dong County Chief."

Jiang Fangfang said in a clear and clear way: "Let the county magistrate go to the office."

"Hey." Ma Bin reached out and asked "Dong County Magistrate. Please come here."

Out of the county magistrate's office, Dong Xuebin still has Jiang Fangfang's demeanor and posture in his mind. Under the short-term contact, Dong Xuebin found that Jiang County magistrate is a very special personality, his attitude is very light, his smile is very light, his temper is very light. The handshake was very light, and the speech was very light. It seemed that I didn't care much about anything. It seemed that nothing could shake her, but the only exception was when Jiang Fangfang first saw himself. Minister Meng introduced the two. When shaking hands, Dong Xuebin felt Jiang Fangfang staring at his eyes for a long time, and did not know what it meant, but after this time, Jiang County magistrates were all calm and calm like a pool of stagnant water.

Is that look a bit unusual?

How does the county magistrate look at me like this? Want to give me a horse? No, what is this?

I don't want to understand, Dong Xuebin wouldn't want to, let's talk about it slowly, and when you first came, you must have a familiar process.

So Dong Xuebin said to the side: "Director Ma, are you?"

Ma Bin took a forehead and smiled. "I forgot to introduce myself. I am Ma Bin, the director of the county government office."

County government office? Is that Yao Cui's top boss? Dong Xuebin and his handshake "Hello Director Ma, I will definitely have to trouble you later."

"Nothing. If there is anything in the future, you will tell me to do it. It is the duty of our office to worry about the leadership."

When I went downstairs to pass the county government office, Dong Xuebin also took a look at the office area of ​​the secretary. I didn’t see Yao Cui’s figure. I didn’t see it when I came in the morning. When I was eating at noon, it’s estimated that Yao Cui Is it a leave of absence? sick? I have to take a look at the evening.

Thinking about it, my office is here.

Ma Bin opened the door "Dong County Magistrate, this is your office, I cleaned up in the first two days."

The layout is not too much compared with the county magistrate's office, the computer is very old, and the desk is somewhat aging~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But it's good to be clean, make it.

Ma Bin also found a key to "This is the key to the family's home. I also let the house clean up." After a pause, Ma Bin smiled bitterly: "But the words of the car may not be wealthy for the time being, our county." The conditions are relatively poor, that is, the 〗 〖Book and the Governor of Jiang have a special car, the other buses are used in rotation, if you have important things, basically apply two days in advance, and then you can guarantee the car, otherwise the day may be big There are no cars in part of the time, um, just a few, so there are more leaders."

"okay, I get it."

Ma Bin is very polite and can't be polite. The director of a county party committee, as usual, is to be a member of the county party committee. The director of a county government office is basically the big butler who is responsible for the county government's leadership logistics. However, the real power is very bad.

And there is one of the most critical reasons.

Dong Xuebin was appointed not the ordinary deputy magistrate, but was appointed as the deputy magistrate of the county government of Lianshui County!

The deputy county magistrate is second only to the county magistrate in the county government. The practice is also in charge of the county government, so Ma Bin naturally has to be careful.

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