Power and Wealth

Chapter 1518: [Stop to save people! 】

in the afternoon.

Zhangzhou City.

The news of a major traffic accident on the highway suddenly spread. The first time the news was heard, the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor were shocked. Even though the mayor of Xie had already arranged it, they still called the following urgency. Then, when I got on the bus, I rushed to the scene. This is not an ordinary traffic accident, nor a major traffic accident. It is a major accident. The nerves of all relevant departments are all tight. A lot of relevant responsible persons are also a cold heart. They may have to take responsibility.


the reason is simple!

Because it will kill people!

In general, this kind of accident involving ten cars is impossible. It is impossible to kill people. Because the collision of cars will inevitably cause traffic jams. This is not a question. If you stop here, the front road will be a high-speed staff. It’s not possible to seal up at the first time. In this case, the traffic jams on the scene will accumulate more and more. The rescue vehicles will not be able to come in to save people. They can only get off and walk on foot. This has delayed the time and even the ambulance. If they can't stop nearby, they will have to send the wounded to the car or evacuate the traffic. In that case, the time will be even worse. The trauma of the car accident is accompanied by a lot of bleeding, and urgently need surgery and professional treatment. Time is life, if it is a helicopter rescue It is not impossible to send the injured to the hospital in time, but the transfer of the helicopter is a big problem. The military area where the helicopter can be dispatched is very far away. When the helicopter comes, the daylily is cold.

Some people are killed?

Then someone will take responsibility!

This time, the ten cars collided, and there was a bus full of dozens of children. Their most conservative estimates may have ten lives to dissipate.

Ten lives!

Everyone's heart is very heavy!

None of them are willing to see this scene!

Dong Xuebin is not willing to see, even they can think of it, Dong Xuebin also thought of it, so the first sentence of his wife and wife is to let her rush to the scene immediately, if the people here waited for the police, the traffic police again The verification message is true and false, and then checked with the high-speed staff, and then the matter is reported, and then the responsible person reports to the city, and then the city reports to the city leader, and then the city leader orders the rescue and rush to the scene, and finally Huilan gets The news drove in the past, I didn’t know how long it had been. I have been responsible for such a big accident. I don’t know how to report it in the future. This is definitely a big event for the provincial TV station!

So many lives!

The wife is in the critical period of promotion!

So Dong Xuebin had a decision in the next second. He couldn’t let the personnel be killed. One couldn’t do it. It was not only a respect for every life. He didn’t want it to affect Huilan’s future, because the ambulance could not arrive in time. The rescue helicopter can't come in time, so it depends only on Dong Xuebin himself!

Save people!

There is no time to delay!

One can't die!

Therefore, Dong Xuebin refused to let the ground rush to the past, and rescued the man who had fainted with a car that could explode at any time. The man was unconscious and his face was white, but there was no obvious bleeding on his body, only the legs were burnt.

"Old Xu!" his wife cried.

Dong Xuebin flew away and put the man down to the distance.

"You are waking up! Don't scare me!" His wife panicked.

Dong Xuebin has steadily pointed a few acupuncture points on the man's neck. In fact, he silently recited REVERSE for a second to his head!

The man snorted and miraculously woke up.

"Old Xu!" His wife burst into tears, "Thank God!"

Dong Xuebin quickly said: "The local mild burn, he is not life-threatening, tearing off the pants on his legs, to avoid infection, and the ambulance came to the hospital for treatment!"

The woman gratefully said: "Thank you! Thank you!"

When the man saw it, he also knew that the young man had saved himself from the burning vehicle and thanked him with a weak voice. "Thank you!"

Dong Xuebin didn't have time to spend it here, facing the drivers behind him: "Fire extinguisher! Who has a fire extinguisher?"

Everyone started to have some troubles. I was afraid that the car would explode at any time. But when I saw that the young man was rushing into the burning car and saving people, even if his arm was burned, he seemed to have no sense of general bravery. They were all shaken.

"I have!" shouted.

Dong Xuebin said: "One is not enough!"

"I have it too! You wait!" A reply.

The fire extinguisher was quickly taken over by several people. It was the smallest type of fire extinguisher on the vehicle. Dong Xuebin robbed one of them without saying anything. He turned to the front of the burning vehicle and slammed against it. The courage to hold the fire extinguisher was also very big. He bit his teeth and went up to help Dong Xuebin to extinguish the fire together. However, it can be seen that the high heels on her legs have been shaking and I am very scared.

Dong Xuebin calmly said: "I didn't burn it to the fuel tank, it won't blow up!"

His face was certain, he bit his lip and nodded. "Good!"

Seeing that a young man and a woman can go to save people so bravely, many men behind are also stimulated!

"Pull! Save people!"

"Yes! Let's help!"

"There is a difficult support for one party! We can't care!"

"Look at the guys and girls! Are you cold and cold? All of you are with me!"

With Dong Xuebin taking the lead, the emotions of the rest of the people have also been driven up, and they rushed to help, some opened Buick's door to the monks, and some went to the bus to help.


"Old brother, don't worry! We are here!"

“Save the students first! Save the students first!”

"You are hurt! You come out first! Let's pull you!"

There was a shout at the scene, and there was still the movement of the door.

The fire extinguisher in Dong Xuebin’s hand sprayed the last bit of foam, and the spray was over there. The fire of the car was also controlled, and it was basically clean.

“Does anyone help?”

"Come to the individual! The door can't be opened! It's deformed!"

After the fire broke out, Dong Xuebin turned around and rushed out without saying anything. The fire extinguisher in his hand was not thrown. Look at the people who helped the rescue there. "Let it go."

A few people are pulling the door.

When Dong Xuebin went up, he took the fire extinguisher and slammed it on the door!

Just a moment! Slamming! The deformed door was opened!

A few of the people who helped the rescue gave a slight glimpse. They didn't think that he was so strong, and he couldn't care much. He quickly pulled people out of the car.

Inside is a pair of father and son.

Because before the accident, the big truck was pressing the speed, and the opening was not too fast, so the impact of the back car did not have such a big impact. They were all slightly collected, and the damage of the car body was within a certain range. There is no obvious bleeding between the father and the son. Of course, the trauma is certainly inevitable. It’s just that the airbag is so blown up. Most people can’t stand this kind of impact. I only saw the boy’s wow.

"my hand!"

"Xiao'an, what's wrong with your hand?"

"Dad, ah, my hand is broken!"

"How come this way! Show me!"

The juvenile's hand was already smashed, and Lala squatted aside, looking very serious.

However, before the young father exclaimed, Dong Xuebin bent over and grabbed the shoulder of the boy, screaming and slamming, "Okay."

The teenager screamed, "Ah!"

His parents screamed: "What are you doing!"

Suddenly, the boy moved his arm. "Yes! It can move! The arm is fine!"

Everyone knows that it was an arm dislocated, and the hand was not broken. Seeing Dong Xuebin’s understatement, the young man’s hand was also connected. Several people in the vicinity were surprised to see him.

The teenager is busy: "Brother, thank you."

Dong Xuebin said: "If you can move, help the rescue! If you can't move, you can avoid it!"

The boy's hand must be healed, not moving, but his father stood up, no matter how many layers of skin were broken on his leg. "Thank you, little brother! I can still move! I will help you!" He took his son to the side. Rest, middle-aged people also joined the rescue team.

There, someone shouted.

"Can't move!"

“Is there anyone else to help?”

"Someone was crushed by the car! We can't move!"

"Is there any strength? Come on! The people below can't hold on!"

Dong Xuebin looked at the past. It was a reversed vehicle. I don’t know if the owner of the car hurriedly jumped out of the car at the time of the incident. This was pressed by the front of a car that had just been overturned. Underneath, there is a certain space below ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but it is also very crowded, the person being crushed is a fat man, already in a state of coma, the ground is stained with a lot of blood, and I don't know if it is life or death.

Dong Xuebin thought about it and did not want to step out.

Just rushed to the fire with Dong Xuebin. "People should not be able to do it. They will lose too much blood and the sternum may have a large fracture!"


No, you can do it!

No one can die today!

In the past, Dong Xuebin loudly said to the two people who were lifting the front of the car: "Leave it! I am moving! You are going to pull people out!"

Both of them are adults, tall and strong. When Dong Xuebin volunteered, both of them said: "You can't do it, you can't do enough."

"We can't move both, let's find a few more people."

"This car is more than a few hundred pounds! Is there anyone?"

Dong Xuebin did not say anything. He went up and buckled underneath. As soon as the WER time was slowed down, many people were stunned and watched as if they were moving alone, if the car was already A little half a meter away from the ground, everyone can't believe he can really move the car so high!

Many people have not responded.

That reaction is fast, "Don't say it! Pull people out!"

The two men rushed to pick up the **** people under the car.

Also go to help, "Lighter, don't hurt him, the chest must be broken, and it will be bad if it penetrates the heart."

Seeing that people were pulled out, Dong Xuebin only released the car, and the head of the car touched the ground and fell to the ground. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to the mobile network (), reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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