Power and Wealth

Chapter 1519: [The constantly appearing wounded! 】

It’s too late to say it. (Baidu search: net, see the novel fastest update)

It took only a few minutes before the accident happened.

However, under the fierce charge of Dong Xuebin, everyone also acted spontaneously one by one and worked together to save people.

"So much blood?"

"This person can't do it."

"Don't move him! I am going to bandage!"

"Girl, are you a doctor?"

"No, I am in the hospital warehouse, I understand some."

The man who had just been rescued was covered in blood and was already at stake.

But the young woman had tore the men's clothes and helped him to dress up the wounds. However, although she was a hospital staff member, she was not a doctor after all, and she did not know much. She was relatively unfamiliar when she saw her, and she also had several dresses. There is no effect of stopping bleeding, and the lives of the wounded are still continually lost. Now is the best time to save lives. The ambulance can definitely not be reached now, and no one can do anything about it.

The young woman was in a hurry and saw that the man was going to breathe. She was busy shouting: "Who has a first aid kit? Is there a doctor? Is there a doctor here?"

Not far from an old lady heard, "I have a first aid kit."

The young woman is overjoyed, "Fast, Auntie is coming over!"

Dong Xuebin knew that this kind of injury could not be saved by the first aid kit. So he gently pushed the young woman down. He slammed a knuckle and knocked on the man’s **** thigh. He used a REVERSE for a while. The blood was miraculous. The ground stopped, and then Dong Xuebin looked at the chest of the wounded, and also pressed a few acupuncture points on it, and a slight glimpse, ah, the wounded actually woke up. (M)

The young woman was shocked by the heavens, and she was busy with the pulse of the wounded. "The heartbeat is stable, and there is no danger to life. Young man, how do you do it?"

The medicine chest was taken.

Dong Xuebin took the medicine inside and sprinkled the wound on the wound on the thigh. "I have learned Chinese medicine and Western medicine, and there are wounded people. I will save!"

The young woman stumbles: "Are you a doctor?"

"I am not a doctor, but I will." Dong Xuebin said.

Someone over there listened to the doctor's words and suddenly called: "Save my daughter! Save my daughter!"

The young woman immediately took the first aid kit. "I am taking medicine, you go first, I will give you a hand."

There is personal help. Dong Xuebin naturally has nothing to say. I rushed to the person who called for help. It was a little old man. His daughter was not big. It was ten years old. At this moment, the girl was motionless with her eyes closed. Although she was pulled out of the car, she still had a head. The obvious wounds were almost recessed. Dong Xuebin judged that it might be a serious concussion in the first place. He took a quick look and examined it. He gently pinched the girl’s forehead. The blood flow was much more. He could save it to a certain extent. But if the head hurts and it hurts like a girl, there is such a heavy Even the gods can't save it. Fortunately, Dong Xuebin can. His mind was not concentrated in the depression of the girl's forehead, but in her head, REVERSE opened!

The girl opened her eyes in pain, "Dad?"

Dong Xuebin said: "She is fine for the time being, don't touch her, don't let her head, and the rest of the medical staff will arrive and deal with it!"

Her father is very excited. "thanks, thanks!"

The young woman holding the medicine box also ran after the completion of the matter. Whoever thought that Dong Xuebin had already blinked his eyes and rescued the person, the young woman could not help but hold it.

"The boy is amazing!"

"Doctor! Doctor, come on!"

"Saved! There is a doctor here!"

Someone over there was calling for Dong Xuebin to call for help.

When Dong Xuebin glanced at it, he knew that the man had a broken leg. He walked over and took a wooden stick from the side. He picked up a hanging gear that collapsed and fell. He pressed it on the screaming woman's leg. He grabbed a silk scarf and tied her a leg, and pulled a woman's sleeve. Tied her other leg, and immediately said to the woman’s friend: "Don’t touch her! Wait for an ambulance!"

"Is she okay?"

"The legs are connected and can walk. It's okay, mainly the closed fracture of the chest. I don't have tools and equipment right now. I can't have surgery. As long as you don't move her, don't let her move. If there is difficulty breathing. Call me any other symptoms."

"Good, good, thank you, thank you."

In just a few minutes, Dong Xuebin has saved seven or eight people!

Everyone also saw the lad's ability. Suddenly, the temporary rescue workers did not consciously take him as the center. When there was a wounded person, they called Dong Xuebin.

another side.

The high-speed staff also drove several cars in a hurry, but although they had already closed the road, but the back cars piled up too much, they could not open, and there was a rush to walk up, a look at the scene of the blood and In the tragic situation, they all took a sigh of relief, but it was only when God realized that the scene was not as chaotic as they thought. Instead, it was very orderly and self-developed, which made the high-speed staff unable to sneak. So I also refused to talk, and immediately joined the rescue team.

One heart!

There is no time for nonsense now!

Save people! This is everyone's common idea!

"Xiao Yan! Xiao Yan!"

"Come on! Save the students!"

In the bus, the glass was broken or broken. Some teachers organized 20 elementary school students to climb out of the window. Some of them didn’t hold back. The teachers and spontaneously organized rescuers also had a I took the person out and left the car. But when the last little girl was taken out, everyone found that the girl’s abdomen was actually inserted with a plastic ruler for school, which was very deep, and the ruler was almost completely immersed in the girl’s abdomen, and there was constant blood ticking. The ground came out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The girl was still awake, and she was so painful that she cried there, shouting at her mother, getting weaker and weaker.

The young woman in the hospital changed her face, "Not good!"

Dong Xuebin also saw it. It was also a dignified face. It was too late to wrap the wound in front of him. He directly said to the other person: "Give him a drink, disinfect it, then tie his arm, and use more energy to make more effort." When I finished, I ran over with a bottle in my hand.

The young woman immediately said: "The child can't!"

Several saved children cried Xiaoyan’s name.

One teacher is taking care of other injured students, and the other two teachers are looking anxiously at the injured little girl. "Xiao Yan, you hold on, hold on, the doctor is here!"

The little girl shouted weakly, "Mom... Mom..."

"Your mother is coming soon, I will see her soon!" The female teacher lost her tears on the spot.

The male teacher grabbed Dong Xuebin, "Save her, she is only ten years old!"

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