The next day.

Class A for three years.

Sae Chabashira stood on the podium, looking at the students in the audience with nostalgic and serious eyes.

"Quiet. Graduation is about to begin, and tomorrow will be the last special exam. I believe everyone is ready.


The people below were ready.

Putting aside his strength, at least he has gotten used to this school in the past three years.

Even Waicun and others.

They all hope to give it a try in this last exam without any regrets.

As for why.

In fact, most people don't know.

I want to be promoted to Class A.

This is just based on the school's requirements. Everyone wants to be promoted to Class A, so I want it too.

Even if they can't graduate from Class A, it actually won't have much impact on Tomura and others, it's just a bit disappointing.

"That's fine."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chabashira's supporting skills are also a bit complicated.

Although I still want to be promoted to Class A, I don’t think as much as before.

Just found out now.

Although Horikita Suzune's approach was completely opposite to hers.

But there are also problems.

Maybe it's not the reason for the approach, but the difference between people themselves.

Rather than saying that there is no 720 to guide them correctly, it is better to say that they should be taught in accordance with their aptitude.

"This exam is called the subject interview exam."

“Each class needs to decide on a topic as the exam content, and then select 5 students as interviewers to interview students from other classes, while other students in the class will become interviewers and participate in interviews set by the other three classes. .”

Sae Chabashira is operating a tablet computer.

The screen behind him also displayed content, and the five interviewers corresponded to students in other classes.


Hirata Yosuke immediately realized the problem.

"There are currently hundreds of students in the third grade. If we want to interview everyone, even if it only takes three minutes for each person, it will take a lot of time, right?"

three minutes.

It's obviously the bare minimum for an interview.

If it takes a little more time, it will obviously be impossible to interview hundreds of people.

"That's right."

Chabashira Sae nodded.

"Therefore, the exam will be held over three days from the 20th to the 22nd. One class will be interviewed every day, and each interviewer's time shall not exceed ten minutes. If it is a group interview, each interview session shall not exceed one hour."

"That teacher..."

Waicun and others were a little confused and said: "Isn't it enough to answer a few questions in the interview? What does the theme mean?"

My first reaction when I heard about the interview was that I sat across from the interviewer and asked each other a few questions.

But in fact, the room for maneuver in interviews is huge.

"What Waicun said is just an ordinary interview. There are countless models of interviews in various companies in society.

Chabashira Sae explained seriously:

"Written examination, physical fitness test, interview, professional test, and even some excellent companies will conduct re-examination five to ten times."

"If you want to get a good job, it may even take several months from interview to onboarding. 17


Waicun and others couldn't help but swallowed their saliva. This was too much for a few months.

Ke has been enrolled for three years.

I understand that this is just my own shallow knowledge.

But when it comes to interviews, there is indeed no decent concept. At most, it is just a simple communication at a convenience store.

"As for the subject. 11

Sae Chabashira continued to explain:

“As mentioned just now, visible content such as written examination, liberal arts, science, and physical fitness can all be used as subject content.

“Even unity, obedience, love, these invisible concepts can be themes.”

"You just need to use your imagination."

"You need to design the test content with the theme as the core, and then submit the theme and supporting question bank to the school, and 12 teachers from various subjects in the school will serve as referees to score the (afaj) performance of the interviewers in each class."

"Other content questions related to the topic are based on a five-point scale, and test content that is not related to the topic is based on a ten-point scale.

"Questions that are not related to the topic can be changed at will."

“The class with the highest overall score wins first place.”

For example.

Questions related to the topic.

Scoring will be based on a maximum of three points.

Questions that are not related to the topic will be scored with a maximum score of 10 points.

Even if the theme is decided.

The designed interview content does not necessarily need to be relevant to the topic.

Question types that have nothing to do with the topic will be very flexible.

You can change it at will even during the exam.


The more relevant the interview content is to the topic, the better.

In this case, even if the opponent performs well, the score will not be too high.

Just keep it close to the topic.

The more likely it is to lower the opponent's score.

The decision is entirely up to the student.

As for rewards.

Although there are rewards written in it, they are actually not important.

The class that wins first place will graduate from Class A.

"It's the interview test..."

The church and others sighed.

For this school, it's only natural that the last exam is a test of how to interview.


This exam is highly subjective and is entirely at the discretion of the school.

After all, even if students are asked to judge, it is impossible to judge whether the other party's interview performance is good or bad from the student's perspective.


The judging panel is composed of 12 class teachers.

Even if someone favors a certain class, the impact will be minimized, so there will be no problem.

End of rule description.

Hirata and others were even more confused.

It is understandable that the school seems to hope that through this kind of examination, they can improve their interview skills and improve students' employment opportunities.

But this exam.

It seems simple yet difficult.


Of course because this is an ordinary interview

You just need to select a topic. To put it more simply, you need to test whether the other party has this characteristic based on your own needs.

From the company's perspective.

This should be considered a matter of course and a normal thing.

From the company's perspective.

Select candidates based on company needs.

That's all.

And the difficulty is.

It was such a simple interview, but I couldn't imagine a clear concept in my mind.

Like most people in Waicun.

There are only a few dialogues in my mind like what I saw on TV, interviewing a McDonald’s clerk.


It doesn't matter.

"Ayanokouji-san, what should we do?"

Sotomura and others walked around Ayanokouji and asked.

Because...they have the omnipotent Ayanokouji. .

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