at this time.

Class A for three years.

Many people were surrounding Ayanokouji.

I really don't have any idea in my mind, so I still plan to listen to the opinions of Ayanokouji and others.

"For now, the key to this exam is how to hide the theme of one's class."

Horikita Suzune caught up and said.

In terms of strength alone, Horikita Suzune does have it, at least much better than Tomura, Ike Kanji and others.

But no one around responded, but they didn't dare to say anything.

The main reason is.

Ayanokouji treats everyone equally.

Even a fool knows that the most promising way to graduate from Class A now is to follow Ayanokouji's arrangements.

And Ayanokouji himself.

No matter the other party's character or character, as long as it has value, they will adopt it.


Although the people around her still isolated Horikita Suzune, they did not dare to contradict Ayanokouji.



Hirata, still a good man, nodded and agreed:

"But when it comes to the topic, I really only want to get the written test and physical fitness test. How to interview for things like rationality and obedience? And how should the five interviewers decide?

Interview questions that are too outrageous will be rejected by the school.

For example.

Run 100 kilometers in thirty minutes and so on.

This kind of test question that most people cannot complete will definitely fail unless there are hidden assessment standards.

For example, the theme is perseverance.

So based on your usual results, how many kilometers you run is considered qualified. Everything is a subjective judgment of the judging panel.


Five interviewers are more important.

Let Ayanokouji, Horikita Suzune, Hirata and other outstanding talents serve as interviewers, and most of them can induce and suppress the other party in various ways.

But accordingly.

This will cause the quality of the other group responsible for participating in the interview to decline, and it may be difficult to obtain high scores in interviews with other classes.

simply put.

Focus on the interviewer.

It is considered to be more focused on defense, aiming to lower the opponent's score.

Focus on the interviewer.

It is considered to focus more on offense, aiming to obtain higher scores with excellent performance.

Whether it counts as entering or defending depends on personal opinions.


This is an exam where the interviewer and the interviewer compete with each other.

Even without Ayanokouji, Hirata, Horikita Suzune and others can still find the key points of the exam.


A smart person like Ayanokouji can think of more.

The exam lasts for three days.

At that time, the interviewees will be randomly divided into three batches by drawing lots, and about 45 people will participate in interviews in four classes every day.

The content of the interview will definitely be communicated.

The interpersonal relationships accumulated in daily life will become the key, which is slightly disadvantageous for the current Class A.


Hide the topic of your own class.

It will be especially important to avoid detection by other classes.


The essence of the subject is perceived.

I'm afraid all of them will perform well in the interview the next day.

This requires creating questions that are relevant to the topic while also confusing the audience with questions that are completely irrelevant to the topic.

The more questions are irrelevant to the topic.

The opponent's score will be higher.

You need to think about how to choose between them.

Of course, interviewing in your own class will definitely be easier and your score will be higher, but this is the same for everyone.

This time, it is to adjust the theme of the class.

As long as you can see through the theme of the other party's class, you can target them in the next two days and get higher scores.

However, the order of interviews needs to be determined by drawing lots.

Even if people with outstanding insights are placed in the application group, it will not make much sense two days after the lottery.

The key to victory. Still in the interviewer group.

Next is the judging panel.

Although it is a twelve-member referee team composed of each class.

The possibility of something shady is very low.


The judges are all school teachers.

If there are twelve teachers selected as referees at each interview site, 48 people are needed.

Even if there is no shady story.

Every teacher has biases.

After all, they are just teachers [by no means professional HR.

For example.

Like a physical education teacher.

Most of them tend to give high scores in physical fitness tests, as do health teachers, Chinese teachers, science teachers, etc.

Taking advantage of the composition of the referee panel and playing to your liking will be key.


The school did not announce the detailed composition of the referee team.

It’s completely unclear whether it was a random selection or whether there were twelve fixed judges waiting at a certain interview site.


This may be one of the keys to passing this exam.

The company will conduct internal screening of interviewees, and teachers will know every student in front of them as a matter of course.

But I want to pass the interview smoothly.

The interviewer will naturally conduct in-depth research on the company he is interested in.

I'm afraid.

Just what you want them to do.

simply put.

The key to the exam lies in three points.

First, hide the theme of your class.

Second, whether you can see through the themes of other classes in the shortest time and use them in the next two days.

Third, how to comply with the tendency of the refereeing team.

0...Please give me flowers...

"There are still a few days, don't be so anxious."

Ayanoko road expressionlessly looked up at the people around her.

“In the past few days, it’s best to use the Internet to learn more about the interview. As for the topic, you can make a decision later.

"I know, I will concentrate on studying videos related to interviews these days.

Waicun and others nodded seriously and said with some concern:

“I don’t know what the themes of other classes are?”

Hearing this, Hirata thought carefully and said:

"As expected, Katsuragi's class is still about academic ability. Ryuen's class's physical fitness is their strong point. As for Ichinose's class, it feels like it's more likely to test things like unity or love.

"But the interview time for each person is only ten minutes. I really don't know how to test unity?"

In these last few days.

They are still willing to work hard, but they are more inclined to explore the topics of each other's classes and take shortcuts.

As a matter of speculation.

It's not like I have no clue about the topics that other classes might choose.

"Everyone, I have another idea."

Ayanokouji stood up and said calmly:

"I will study the interview questions carefully when I get back today. I will start a mock interview tomorrow. What do you think?"


Hirata and others had no objections.

Compared to inquiring about the theme of the other party's class, Ayanokouji is more inclined to improve his own level.

As long as it lasts a few days.

Just train everyone to perfection.

Although it is unlikely, there is still no problem in pretending.

As long as the scope of your considerations is broad enough.

Just think about all the problems you may face, and then teach these things to Waicun and others.

There is no need for Waicun and others to be strong.

Just pretending they are awesome is enough.


He then asked Sae Chabashira to investigate the judging panels of the next few classes, and simulated interview scenarios for the judging panels, so that his score would not be low.


Ayanokouji always felt something was wrong.

this exam.

The impact of personal strength is suppressed to an extremely low level.

The scores were cleared some time ago, and now there is such an exam, and the traces of influence are too obvious.


It is not like there has never been such an exam before.

During the test on the uninhabited island in the third grade.

It was also a united battle, and Ayanokouji also defeated other classes with his personal strength.

It comes down to it.

Strength is everything.

But Ayanokouji felt something was wrong.

As long as he can calculate all possibilities and guard against all calculations, it will be impossible to defeat Ren.

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