Ken Sudo also relied on means that were close to violence, and successfully became unprovoked, and in his daily life, he almost went his own way, arrogant and domineering.

Although he rarely deliberately bullies others, if someone gets in his way, he will unceremoniously take action to drive away or threaten.

It’s just that this time, his tried and tested methods in the past have failed.

Haruki Yamauchi was not only undeterred by his roar, but also managed to defend himself against his attacks as if he had eyes growing from his back.

The next moment, Haruki Yamauchi suddenly turned around, kicked out of his foot, and kicked his ankle just when Sudo Ken was caught off guard.

With a plop, Ken Sudo fell forward, but because one of his hands was still grabbed by Haruki Yamauchi, he didn’t fall completely, at least his upper body was still upright.

From an outsider’s point of view, it was Sudo Ken who suddenly knelt in front of Haruki Yamauchi and stretched out a hand forward, a posture that is not funny.

“You bastard!!”

Ken Sudo was stunned for a moment, but immediately reacted to what was going on, his breathing became heavy, and his eyes were full of anger.

His mouth began to curse, and as soon as Ken Sudo’s thighs kneeling on the ground moved, he wanted to get up from the ground and knock down Haruki Yamanuchi.

However, when Haruki Yamauchi saw him, he knew what he wanted to do, so he immediately pulled forward, pulling his body against him, and the legs that wanted to support him to stand up also became crooked forward, and his body became unstable.

Then Haruki Yamauchi stretched out his foot again and kicked Sudo Ken in the stomach hard.

I could hear a muffled pop, as if I had broken a water bag, and Sudo Ken was kicked backwards by Haruki Yamauchi, who let go of his hand, and covered his stomach, his face turned pale, and he couldn’t speak at all.

As long as Ken Sudo’s eyes look straight at Haruki Yamauchi, as if he wants to eat Haruki Yamauchi, the resentment in it is so strong that it can’t be dissolved.

At this time, the people who remained in the class were almost stunned, and no one thought that between three words, Haruki Yamauchi and Ken Sudo, who had never spoken a few words at all, would actually fight.

And the result turned out to be unexpected, Sudo Ken was beaten on the ground at all, and he lay on the ground with almost no resistance.

They had almost lost their words, and they didn’t know what to say about what was happening in front of them.

“You’re not convinced, are you?”

Haruki Yamauchi saw Ken Sudo’s eyes, he 837 smiled slightly, with a coldness in his eyes, and walked over to Ken Sudo who was lying on the ground.

Anyone who sees Haruki Yamauchi will understand that he doesn’t want to stop there.

Similarly, if it weren’t for the fact that Ken Sudo had fallen to the ground and couldn’t get up, it was estimated that he would have to stand up and fight Haruki Yamauchi.


Ken Sudo kicked Haruki Yamauchi from top to bottom and kicked him in the stomach, and in a short period of time, he couldn’t even speak, so he could only stare at Haruki Yamauchi with eyes that did not admit defeat.

When Haruki Yamauchi saw this, he immediately sped up his speed, wanting to give him a few more blows so that Sudo Ken could remember this unforgettable lesson.

Then Haruki Yamauchi felt his arm being held and couldn’t move forward.

“Don’t hit anymore, there’s a camera in the classroom. ”

I don’t know when, Kiyotaka Ayakoji has returned to the classroom, and he has also come to Haruki Yamauchi’s side,.

It may be that Kiyotaka Ayakoji’s usual inconspicuousness played a role, his sense of presence was pitifully low, and Haruki Yamauchi didn’t feel that there was another person around him at all.

“He shot first just now, you can say that he is justified in defense, and now he has no ability to resist, if you continue to do it, you may be punished by the school. ”

After saying this, Kiyotaka Ayakoji let go of Haruki Yamauchi’s hand, saying that he would no longer meddle in the matter between Haruki Yamauchi and Ken Sudo, and completely handed over the decision to Haruki Yamauchi.

“Then forget it. ”

Haruki Yamauchi did not stubbornly continue to shoot, but calmly returned to his seat and took out the lunch box.

“I didn’t really want to do anything, but unfortunately he had to disturb me eating, and I was just forced to helpless. ”

From the end of the shot, Haruki Yamauchi looked no different from taking a walk outside, and he didn’t take what happened just now seriously, and this scene also made some of the students who stayed in the class frightened.

They all felt that they had met Haruki Yamauchi for the first time, and in the past, Haruki Yamauchi’s image was peaceful, silent, honest in class and studying, and rarely participated in some not-so-good topics and went out to play around.

Until now, Haruki Yamauchi still looks very peaceful, but the fact that he knocked down Ken Sudo quietly is particularly impressive.

If you just look at the appearance, even if Haruki Yamauchi looks stronger now, no one will associate him with a fight.

Because Haruki Yamauchi looks like the kind of person who only knows how to read, even if he seems a little indifferent, he can’t get along with the bad boys.

Now that I see the other side of Haruki Yamauchi, it is estimated that some people will want to redefine Haruki Yamauchi.

“Forget it, how can it be counted?”

Seeing Haruki Yamauchi’s casual appearance, Horikita Suzune immediately became angry, she didn’t react just now, she didn’t do anything, and she didn’t have time to speak, and finally realized what was happening in her eyes.

Sudo Ken, who has been following Suzune Horikita and is like a fart, was hurt right in front of her eyes.

Even if Horikita Suzune didn’t regard Sudo Ken as a friend, she at least knew that Sudo Ken made a move for herself, and she couldn’t help but stand up and say a few words.

“You just caused violence in the class, and the other party is still your classmate, how can you still eat?”

Maybe it’s the anger of being rejected many times, triggered by the events in front of him, Horikita Suzune can’t even use the maximum strength in his body when he speaks, his chest rises and falls, and he is panting violently, which is angry.

Haruki Yamauchi glanced at Suzune Horikita, who was standing next to him, and then turned to Kiyotaka Ayakoji, who was standing on the other side, and suddenly asked.

“Ayakoji-san, do you think I did something wrong?”

Kiyotaka Ayakoji was slightly stunned when he heard Haruki Yamauchi’s words, but immediately ignored Horikita Suzune’s eyes and gave his own answer.

“I don’t think you did anything wrong, it’s Sudo-san who is wrong, if he hadn’t done it to you first, you wouldn’t have fought back. At least after you fight back, you don’t do anything wrong. ”

As usual, Kiyotaka Ayakoji gave his opinion in a rational manner, and did not become biased because he was closer to Ken Sudo.

This is because Kiyotaka Ayakoji is a person who doesn’t care about anything but himself, in other words, he has no feelings, so he can only analyze it from the most rational point of view.

After saying this, even Horikita Suzune glanced at Kiyotaka Ayakoji in disbelief.

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Intellectually, Horikita Suzune didn’t think there was anything wrong with this, and she knew that there was indeed something wrong with Ken Sudo’s attitude, but she still had something to say.

“But even so, you wouldn’t beat Sudo-san like this, would you? If Sudo-san, he’s at most…”

“At most, it’s just grabbing my neck and scaring me, and it won’t really do anything to me, right?”

Haruki Yamauchi said what Horikita Suzune didn’t say, with a sarcastic smile in his eyes. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“In the face of the weak, of course he will do this, because those weak people have no way to resist, but he treats me as such a weakling, which is a mistake in calculation. ”

“I remember that Takaharaji-san-san was often disrespectful to him, why haven’t I seen Sudo-san scare him?”

As if hearing someone mention himself, Rokusuke Koenji, who was leisurely trimming his nails, raised his hand and inserted it into the ongoing topic.

“That’s because of course because he knows he’s inferior to me, and my physical strength surpasses him in all aspects. If Sudo boy wants to do this, he’ll suffer a lot at my hands like he just did!”

The complacent Takaenji Rokusuke didn’t seem to care about lying on the ground, staring at his Sudo Ken’s (dacc) gaze, and gave his opinion very easily.

“It is for this reason that I also think that Gao Yuanji-san’s words are not wrong. ”

Haruki Yamauchi smiled and nodded in agreement, then looked at Horikita Suzune with pitiful eyes.

“You often say that you want to lead Class D to A, but you can’t even see such simple questions clearly, or is it that Sudo-san’s admiration makes you lose your fair perspective?”

“You… What nonsense…”

Horikita Suzune’s words were even slower than Haruki Yamauchi had imagined, and she had been cornered and seemed to have no way out.

At this time, Haruki Yamauchi didn’t bother to take care of her anymore, picked up the lunch box and opened it, and began to eat.

I don’t know how long it took for Haruki Yamauchi to feel Horikita Suzune leave silently from his side, and when he looked back at Ken Sudo on the ground, he was gone.

Probably brought Ken Sudo to the infirmary…

Haruki Yamauchi quickly guessed where they were going, but he didn’t care, and it wasn’t a surprise.

Anyone who wants to attack me must pay the price he deserves!

If Haruki Yamauchi and Ken Sudo were ready and started fighting each other, he really wouldn’t necessarily be Ken Sudo’s opponent.

But while Sudo Ken despised Haruki Yamauchi, he chose to strike first, but Haruki Yamauchi seized the opportunity, and it was extremely easy to defeat him.

With more than fifty forces and physical strength, Haruki Yamauchi is not as weak as he was when he first entered school, and he can already be called strong.

In particular, force improves not only muscles, but also sensitive reactions, superior consciousness, and so on.

Haruki Yamauchi casually watched some fighting videos, including the moves of various genres of martial arts, and the strategies for dealing with the enemy, and he immediately felt that he had absorbed them well, as if he had the experience of countless fights.

The force value represents everything related to force, and Haruki Yamauchi is only now aware of this.

Until now, Haruki Yamauchi really shot for the first time, and instantly knocked Ken Sudo down, and really felt the real changes in himself.

If the opponent is Kiyotaka Ayakoji, I’m afraid it will be difficult for me to defeat this Hakuro’s supreme masterpiece, his various levels are close to the human limit, at least the limit of his age.

But the opponent is Sudo Ken, although Sudo Ken is relatively tall and has good physical fitness, he is not very good when he fights.

To put it bluntly, Ken Sudo can only rely on his physique to crush opponents who are not as good as himself, and once he meets someone who is really good at fighting, he will look dwarfed.

For example, in the sports festival in the original plot, Sudo Ken was played by those people in Class C on the sand, although his ability is also very outstanding, but he does not show the strength to overwhelm the crowd.

For example, in the fight with the first-year Hoquan Kazutomi, Sudo Ken was also easily suppressed.

Long Yuanxiang maintained a certain degree of awe and jealousy for Ayakoji Kiyotaka and Baoquan and his ministers, and when facing Sudo Ken, he was completely contemptuous and looked down upon.

From this point, it can probably be understood that with the strength of Sudo Ken, he can only show off in Class D.

And even in Class D, whether it is the six sukes of Gaoenji Temple or Kiyotaka Ayakoji, they actually don’t take it seriously.

Of course, in this school, it is not possible to use force openly, at least not during this period.

Therefore, no matter how good you are, you can’t lead the class to Class A by virtue of this, otherwise Kiyotaka Ayakoji wouldn’t have to bother so much.

But this is not to say that force is worthless.

On the contrary, force can not only form a certain degree of deterrence in peacetime, but can also be used at critical times, as long as it is not found to be in violation.

In addition, in some exams, force is also required, such as the special exam in the third semester in the original plot, and Class B was defeated by Long Yuanxiang’s use of this countermeasure.

Thinking about all kinds of things in his mind, Haruki Yamauchi didn’t pay attention to anything else, and after eating, he continued to take out the textbook to review.

Haruki Yamauchi did not feel any regret for teaching Ken Sudo a lesson, nor did he feel that this matter had serious consequences.

There is a monitor in the classroom, and it is clear at a glance that it is Ken Sudo who did it first, and even if it is strange, it can’t be blamed on Haruki Yamauchi.

In addition, Sudo Ken was originally a very poor person in Class D, even if he was beaten, it is estimated that more people would be secretly happy in their hearts, and they would not have the idea of resenting Haruki Yamauchi, maybe they would still have the idea of thanking Haruki Yamauchi for helping them get angry.

If Ken Sudo were replaced by someone like Kushida Kikyo and Yosuke Hirata, it is estimated that someone in Class D at that time would have stood up to stop Haruki Yamauchi.

At the end of the day, everyday relationships don’t seem to work, but they can still have some effect when it’s critical.

Sudo Ken never cared about anything like that, and almost the entire D-class hated him, even his best friend, Ike Kanji, had some complaints about him in this regard.

Horikita Suzune, whom he likes, only takes a fancy to his athletic ability, and doesn’t care about Ken Sudo as a person.

At this stage of not realizing this, Sudo Ken still caused a lot of trouble to the class, but the number of times was much less than before.

Unless Sudo Ken can grow up in this sports festival, he will be able to become the person who everyone feels needed and valued in the original future.

Haruki Yamauchi is not very interested in the growth of Sudo Ken, but since he definitely wants to deal with Horikita Suzune, he must first cut off his wings and knock Sudo Ken to the bottom.

Let him pay a little more in this sports festival and see if he can climb out of the abyss.

Unconsciously, Haruki Yamauchi has already figured out how to arrange the ending of Sudo Ken, and the final result will be shown at the time of the sports festival.

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