In the afternoon, no teacher came to class, but the class guide of Saeda Chazhu, the D class, came over and began to explain the next arrangement.

“After today, the new semester will officially begin!”

“The school plans to add physical education classes to prepare for the sports festival in the month from the beginning of September to the beginning of October, and here are the materials about the new class schedule and physical education classes, so you can take a good look at it. ”

Tea pillar Sae distributed a large stack of materials in his hand and let the students~ pass them on one after another.

“On the homepage of the school’s campus network, there are also details of this sports festival, you can learn more about it after school. ”

“Mr. Chazhu, is this sports festival also a special exam?”

Yosuke Hirata asked questions immediately after Sae Chazhu finished speaking.

“It can be said that although the sports festival is not a special exam, it will also cause the number of class points to fluctuate in each class. ”

Sae Teapillar affirmed Yosuke Hirata’s question, and then began to explain as if adding.

“In this exam, Class A and Class D will be divided together and fight together as the red team, and Class B and Class C will fight together as the white team, I hope you understand this in advance. ”

At this time, everyone was already flipping through the information sent by Saeda, and Haruki Yamauchi also saw the column about rewards and punishments.

In the red and white groups, all classes in the losing group will be deducted 100 class points.

In the class ranking within the grade, the first place will receive 50 class points, the second place will not change the class points, the third place will deduct 50 points, and the fourth place will receive 100 points.

In other words, in a sports festival, a class can earn up to 50 class points, but can lose up to 200 individual points.

There is no doubt that this is a sports festival where rewards and punishments are not proportional, and perhaps this is the real reason why Saeda Chaju did not say that the sports festival is a special examination.

In special exams, the level of class points earned and the probability of losing class points are similar.

However, in the sports festival, it is lucky not to be deducted from class points, and it can only be said that it is difficult to obtain class points.

“It’s really fake, this exam is not good at all!”

“Even if the group wins, there is no reward, but the penalty for losing is heavy!”

“Why do you want to set such a rule?”

After seeing the true nature of the festival, many students wailed that it was a special exam that made them not motivated to participate in it.

There are not many opportunities left, but there are some deadly traps everywhere, and of course no one is going to do such things far away.

“It’s very simple, the next thing you have to do is not to take any game lightly, otherwise you will be severely punished!”

To put it simply, this is something that has no reward for doing well and that does not do well has no light consequences.

Next, there are some rewards and punishments for individuals, at most hundreds of thousands of personal point rewards, as well as making up for test scores, which are not in Haruki Yamauchi’s eyes at all.

Today’s Haruki Yamauchi is no longer the kind of student who needs to rack his brains to pass the exam.

The first place in a competition, the reward of thousands of points, is not taken into account by Haruki Yamauchi.

Desperately busy with an exam, the highest return is tens of thousands to a maximum of about 200,000 points, which is not as good as Haruki Yamauchi doing nothing and getting more points from Long Yuanxiang.

In this case, it is only natural that Haruki Yamauchi does not focus on this sports festival, and those things outside the sports festival are even more worth paying attention to.

It’s just that Haruki Yamauchi doesn’t care, just because others don’t care.

Especially those who are usually on the verge of passing exams, and every time they take an exam, they are in danger of dropping out, and they can count on how much help they can get and avoid the danger of dropping out.

It’s just that Ken Sudo, who has the most say in sports and needs points very much, didn’t say a word at this time, and listened to Saeda Chazhu’s explanation in silence.

After being defeated at the hands of Haruki Yamauchi, Ken Sudo came out of the medical room and thought a lot.

According to Ken Sudo’s original character, he was ready to immediately go to Haruki Yamauchi for revenge, but now he is much more mature than before after all, and after the persuasion of Horikita Suzune, in the end he has no intention of pursuing this matter again.

said that he didn’t plan to end it, but in fact, there were some reasons why Sudo Ken didn’t want to admit it, that is, he felt that even if he fought Haruki Yamauchi again, he might not be able to win, and he would be hurt more seriously at that time.

Haruki Yamauchi has never been a person who is not sure about doing things, and he has almost never suffered losses, even if it is the lawless Sudo Ken, he has begun to experience the feeling of powerlessness again.

Starting from the monthly exam, but the dispute with Class C, as well as the uninhabited island and the ship exam, Sudo Ken didn’t make any results every time, and he could only rely on others for advice, but he could only hide aside and watch quietly.

Finally came to the sports festival that can play his role the most, and Sudo Ken definitely doesn’t want to lose this opportunity because of something else.

He has not fought a lot, whether it is a loss or an advantage, it is a common thing, although Sudo Ken’s gaze still sweeps from Haruki Yamauchi from time to time, but he has decided to expose this matter in his heart.

As long as the sports festival is over, Sudo Ken can show his value in Class D, and at that time, it is logical for him to make another move against Haruki Yamauchi.

But when it really comes to that time, Sudo Ken may not be able to remember this incident, his temper is very short-tempered, but he is also a hot-blooded young man.

On the blood and energy, everything can be done, and when he calms down, Sudo Ken will know what to do and what not to do.

In other words, Sudo Ken is not a very grudgeful person, at least he is not the kind of character who bullies people specifically for the sake of bullying people.

“Next, I will also talk about the punishment of the sports festival, first of all, you must not violate the rules, and those who violate the rules will be disqualified from the competition. Students with poor character will be expelled from the exam and the school will deprive them of the points they have earned in the exams. ”

After everyone almost understood what the sports festival was all about, Sae began to give a final explanation.

“Then, students who are in the bottom tens of their comprehensive scores will be deducted 10 points in the next exam, and I will explain how to deduct it before the next exam. ”

Undoubtedly, this is a penalty measure for increasing the reward of students’ test scores.

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Since people with good performance can get test scores, then people with poor performance will of course have to deduct test scores, which can be regarded as fair to a certain extent.

Although for a lot of people, they would rather not have this fairness.

Students who were already on the verge of passing now have to deduct 10 points from their exams, which is no different from biting their lives.

On the other hand, those with good grades do not have to worry about this punishment. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

No matter how bad their sports performance is, as long as their usual grades are at the upper middle level, even if they are deducted 10 points, they don’t have to worry about the risk of dropping out.

This school is like this, whether it is good grades or other aspects, as long as you have a skill, you can play a role at some point.

For example, a student’s personal performance is often one of the most important factors in schools, so it can basically play an important role in many exams.

Then again, in contrast to the average school, which values individual results, highly developed schools are the kind of schools that don’t pay as much attention to individual grades.

Even if the student’s personal performance is not good, he or she can pass the exam in other ways, and even in some special exams, factors related to personal performance are not used at all, such as uninhabited islands.

The next thing is nothing more than complaining and expressing dissatisfaction to Sae Chazhu, but this can’t change anything at all, and Haruki Yamauchi doesn’t bother to listen anymore.

Haruki Yamauchi is looking at the punishment of the rules of the sports festival, which is actually the most crucial part of the sports festival.

The reason is simple, for the class, no matter how good or bad the results are, it is actually not a nerve-wracking.

Only by making good use of the punishment items in the rules of the sports festival can you give heavy penalties to the target you want to deal with.

If you are a student with poor grades and cannot participate in the sports festival for some reason, you will be deducted 10 points in the next exam, which basically means that you have locked the option of withdrawing from school.

In addition, if a student blatantly violates the rules in a competition, all the results obtained in the sports festival will not be counted and will be considered invalid, which will lead to a drop in the ranking of the class and a large loss of class points.

In the original plot, Long Yuanxiang’s method of targeting Horikita Suzune was to deliberately frame her, making her next grades invalid, which may lead to a huge loss of class points to threaten her.

If Haruki Yamauchi hadn’t decided to change this, it would have been a good idea to deal with Suzune Horikita.

0 begging for flowers

As a member of Class D, Haruki Yamauchi can’t deal with Suzune Horikita in such a way that will lead to the loss of the class, but Sho Ryuzono, as a member of the outer class, is an enemy with them, so he doesn’t have this kind of scruples.

Using Long Yuanxiang as a knife, you can still use it, but other aspects need to be improved, and I have to think carefully about how to do it.

Haruki Yamauchi didn’t want to make a mess of the class because of his participation.

In any case, he is also a student of Class D, especially now that he wants to make the class his backing and master the class, it is even more impossible for Haruki Yamauchi to accept that Class D has suffered a huge loss because of this sports festival.

Sho Ryūeno is the last person Haruki Yamauchi needs to worry about, because Haruki Yamauchi has something that can determine Sho Tatsuen’s lifeline, and Haruki Yamauchi can threaten him anytime and anywhere until all his points are repaid.

Maybe using this method, I can let Long Yuanxiang pay off my points as soon as possible?

Thinking of this, Haruki Yamauchi suddenly moved and had other ideas.

Although it was agreed that for a month, Long Yuanxiang would give Haruki Yamauchi 500,000 points, but Haruki Yamauchi didn’t want to wait so long at all.

However, Long Yuanxiang is not the kind of person who will be obedient, and he will definitely come up with all kinds of reasonable reasons to explain that he can only take out 500,000 points a month.

In this case, unless Haruki Yamauchi really decides to break the net with him, he can only accept Long Yuanxiang’s explanation.

The reason why Long Yuanxiang didn’t want to give me the personal points he asked for too quickly was very simple, one was that he was threatened at the time, and he had no choice but to agree to my request, but he didn’t intend to be obedient in his heart, so he wanted to delay time, and by the way, he wanted to find me to see if he could find a way to get rid of the remaining personal points.

Moreover, personal points can play a great role when it is critical, and Long Yuanxiang should also understand this. He’s a smart guy and can’t possibly leave some personal points in his hand for emergencies, so he chooses to delay the speed at which he gives me personal points.

However, as long as I make Long Yuanxiang realize that as long as he doesn’t give me all the personal points in the contract, the original confidentiality contract will not be established, and I can use this to threaten him at any time, and Long Yuanxiang, who is unwilling to be controlled, will take the initiative to pay off the debt owed to me as soon as possible.

At that time, Haruki Yamauchi will be able to strike at Horikita Suzune, and while stepping forward to the stage, he will also recover the personal points that Long Yuan Xiang owes him as soon as possible, which is undoubtedly a perfect strategy, a plan to kill many birds with one stone.

Of course, this is just the most ideal result in Haruki Yamauchi’s heart.

In reality, the situation is ever-changing, and a small factor can cause a lot of change, and then change the outcome of many things.

Haruki Yamauchi doesn’t put everything on luck, so he also has insurance, and insurance is divided into two, one is Kushida Kikyo and the other is Matsushita Chiaki.

Kushida Kikyo has been in contact with Ryūen Sho, and Chiaki Matsushita can be used to monitor the inside of the class and help Haruki Yamauchi grasp the specific situation.

As long as he did this, if Long Yuanxiang still acted like he planned to act in the original plot, he would not be able to escape Haruki Yamauchi’s plan.

“You’ve all seen the competitions at the sports festival, and I hope that you can decide what you want to participate in, record them, and give me the entry form. ”

“The submission period is from a week before the start of the sports festival to the day before, and once submitted, it cannot be changed, so you better remember that!”

Sae Chazhu gave the final explanation, looked like he was about to leave, and turned around to continue speaking.

“If the person on the entry form is unable to participate because of something, he can pay the school 100,000 points as a price, and he can choose a new person to be replaced. ”

“If the minimum number of substitutes is not reached, they will be automatically disqualified. ”

Saeda glanced at the clock on the blackboard and made a final confirmation.

“There are about twenty minutes left in this class, and you can use it for discussion or small talk, and it’s all your freedom. In the next class, the whole school will meet in the gymnasium and be divided into groups, so remember that. ”

That’s all there is to the sports festival.

With that, Sae pushed the door open and walked out, then closed the door of the classroom again.

Then the sound of Class D burst out, and everyone began to discuss it in earnest, about the loss of this sports festival.

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