For Haruki Yamauchi, who has known about this for a long time, there is not much need to discuss these things.

He doesn’t plan to participate in too many individual competitions, and the more times he plays in this sports festival, the easier it will be to be targeted, and the easier it will be to show flaws.

If possible, Haruki Yamauchi only needs to devote some of his energy to this sports festival, and other things are not what Haruki Yamauchi needs to care about now.

However, Haruki Yamauchi doesn’t care about this, but there are more people who care about it.

If nothing else, the top three students in the individual competition will receive individual points and test scores, and the bottom ten students will be deducted 10 points from the test score, which is enough to fully motivate the students in Class D.

Participating in the competition, even if you lose, only has an impact on the class, and the impact on the individual is not so great.

However, if you do not participate in the competition, you will be deducted 10 points in the next exam when your accumulated test score counts down.

If it is a student with excellent grades like Sakayanagi A, he will be deducted ten points for not participating in the competition because of his physical condition, and it is completely harmless.

But if you like Kanji Ike, Hideo Tomura, Ryotaro Hondo, Ken Sudo, including the girls Shinohara, Satsuki and other students who are usually a little dangerous, and their grades are hovering on the verge of passing, they have been punished by a deduction of ten points from their test scores, and it can be said that one foot has stepped on the threshold.

However, if you take these things into account and let those who don’t do well compete more often, you can certainly avoid leaving them in the bottom 10 of their individual results.

However, in this way, the grades in the class cannot be completely guaranteed, and it may lead to the deduction of class points in class D, which is even more troublesome.

From Haruki Yamauchi’s point of view, this exam is a stage for those who do not have good grades and strong athletic ability, and from the perspective of various rules, only this kind of person is the most suitable to go up to the competition, and can take into account the victory of himself and the class, and achieve a balance between the individual and the class.

In other words, school has another meaning, even if the grades are not good, there must be other strengths, after all, there is a good academic performance and athletic ability.

If you are not good at both, you are in a position to drop out at any time, and that’s how the rules of the school are made.

There is no doubt that Takeru Sudo is the most suitable person to play in the sports festival, both from the needs of the individual and the needs of the class.

Of course, Koenji Rokusuke is also very athletic, but as long as you think of this person, you can understand that he will not be the kind of person who obediently obeys the class arrangement.

If you have to force him to play, it will only affect the class in the end.

If Haruki Yamauchi had arranged this sports festival, he would have eliminated the unstable factor of the six sukes of the Takaenji Temple first, so as not to affect the class due to unexpected factors.

It’s a pity that Horikita Suzune won’t do this, she has experienced less things, and she has an idealistic color.

Whether it was in the case of Kushida Kikyo or the case of Rokusuke Koenji, Horikita Suzune took it for granted that he would be able to convince the other party immediately, completely ignoring the impact he would have on the class if he failed to do so.

Compared to the other class leaders, Horikita Suzune’s flaws are simply obvious, and Haruki Yamauchi is not slandering and belittling her when he says that she has too many flaws.

They often underestimate the actual situation, fail to make appropriate trade-offs, overestimate their abilities, and always have the confidence to take things for granted.

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Compared to the leaders of other classes, Horikita Suzune lacks too many things.

All the way she went, it was Kiyotaka Ayakoji who supported her with secret tricks, otherwise she would hardly have been able to show her ability as a class leader.

In contrast, A is already very good, and Sakayanagi Yusu, who can lead A, is also very good, and basically has never failed.

Class B’s Ichinose has a strong centripetal force within the class, no matter what time it is, no one will hold back, and the relationship within the class is quite harmonious.

Long Yuanxiang of Class C makes the class obey his own will, and his action is very strong, no matter what happens, he can easily gather the strength of the entire class, and he also has the ability to implement his own plan.

Anyway, Horikita Suzune in Class D is a little girl who hasn’t grown up at all, and she has basically not arranged things properly, and she is too different from the leaders of other classes.

Or maybe it can be said that Horikita Suzune is just a puppet pushed out by Kiyotaka Ayakoji, in the original plot, if Kiyotaka Ayakoji hadn’t contacted Yosuke Hirata and Megumi Karuizawa, it is estimated that she wouldn’t even be able to instigate these two people… 0

If you want to lead the class, but you have to let someone else act as a liaison to contact the people inside the class every time, and you can’t support the class alone, can such a person still be called a class leader?

Perhaps, it is better to be a professional person who is really suitable for the position of Horikita Suzune, and to be able to follow the correct instructions and make appropriate responses, this is the most suitable direction for her. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But Horikita Suzune has another arrogance, feeling that he is no worse than anyone else, so things will be difficult to do.

Of course, the people in Class D have all kinds of shortcomings, and Haruki Yamauchi will not deny Horikita Suzune because of these.

But Haruki Yamauchi now wants to master Class D, and Horikita Suzune blocks his way, so things immediately become clear, and Horikita Suzune’s existence becomes glaring.

He doesn’t want to have someone next to him to point fingers or even interfere in his decision.

In the midst of this discussion, Ken Sudo, who was supposed to be enthusiastically involved, did not say a word at this time.

Many people were surprised by this, but a few people quietly looked in the direction of Haruki Yamauchi.

Haruki Yamauchi and Ken Sudo did it at 2.2 lunch, and there were very few people at that time, so they all went to the cafeteria to eat, so there was no time and opportunity for this matter to spread.

But as long as the time passes, more and more people will know about it, at least in the entire D class, and almost everyone should know about it in the end.

People are naturally creatures who can join in the fun, and they are even more keen to spread rumors.

Haruki Yamauchi had thought of this a long time ago, but he still made a move at the time and knocked Ken Sudo to the ground.

Because this is not entirely a bad thing, when the people in Class D find out that Sudo Ken is not as scary as they thought, Sudo Ken’s status in the class will be even more affected.

It’s like suddenly understanding that the person who has been bullying himself is actually a paper tiger, and then what will the person who is bullied do?

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