As usual, he sent a message to Satoru Kaneda, and Haruki Yamauchi told him that he was not going to the library tonight.

At the same time, Haruki Yamauchi has been thinking about whether it is necessary for him to go to the library all the time, and he no longer needs to work as hard as before.

But if you don’t go to the library, what do you do in your free time?

Even if there is a strategy between classes, special exams are not always available, and only for a while.

In the end, Haruki Yamauchi still didn’t find a way to pass the time.

In less than half an hour, there was a knock on the door, and Haruki Yamauchi went to open the door, and Kushida Kikyo came over.

Compared with the previous caution, the current Kushida Kikyo is much more casual, even at the time when school has just ended, she knocks on the door and walks into Haruki Yamauchi’s room without care.

There is also something that can be seen from here, Kushida Kikyo is becoming more and more casual in the face of Haruki Yamauchi, and to a certain extent, it is also a kind of trust.

And under their undisguised behavior, the relationship between Haruki Yamauchi and Kushida Kikyo is also becoming public, at least not now, and it will not be shocking.

“Have you eaten?”

Kushida Kikyo had just sat down and asked.

Haruki Yamauchi was speechless, it had only been a short time since school was over, plus the physical education class 977 that had been added today…

It is estimated that very few students have finished their meals now.

Unless you have just finished school and skipped physical education class and run to the cafeteria immediately, it is possible to finish your meal immediately.

However, Haruki Yamauchi is not a fool, he understands what Kushida Kikyo means, and quickly shakes his head.

“I’ll be cooking right away. ”

Kushida Kikyo smiled silently, she came over so quickly, it was not with this kind of thought.

Really counted, the two of them haven’t had a serious date yet, which is also one of Kushida Kikyo’s regrets, so she wants to eat together when she’s alone to make up for it a little.

It seems that the negotiation with Class C turned out well, otherwise she would not be what she is now.

Haruki Yamauchi quickly judged the result he wanted to know, and this was only seen from Kushida Kikyo.

“I talked to the people in Class C a lot, and in the end, I was supposed to use Horikita Suzune’s entry table and 1 million individual points to make a deal, but in the end I took the initiative to add Ken Sudo. ”

When talking about this, Kushida Kikyo didn’t explain in detail, but Haruki Yamauchi could probably guess what she was thinking.

(dadg) Horikita Suzune was originally the person Kushida Kikyo wanted to deal with, and Sudo Ken was the one who had a conflict with Haruki Yamauchi, so it can be said that these two people are their enemies, and it is not surprising that Kushida Kikyo would do this.

As for Class C, these two people are people who need to be severely cracked down, and of course they are happy to ask for such information.

“Did Class C ask for a contract?”

Haruki Yamauchi didn’t care about this matter, this was what he wanted Kushida Kikyo to do, and now he wanted to ask about the contract, just to know if there was any leakage in it.

“As long as it is a verbal contract, the entry form has not been submitted yet, and they can’t trust me right now. ”

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Kushida Kikyo also became a little more serious when he heard Haruki Yamauchi’s words, and said while reminiscing.

“And, because I asked for a lump sum payment for my personal points, they seemed hesitant to do so. ”

Haruki Yamauchi nodded, he probably understood the specific situation, and he could also understand what Long Yuanxiang was thinking.

“You ask that no one disclose this matter in any form to an uninformed outsider, otherwise the punishment will be withdrawal from school. ”

“The personal points they should pay must be paid before you give them the entry form, otherwise the contract will not be valid!”

Betraying the class is a big taboo, and if this matter is exposed, it will also be a very big threat to Kushida Kikyo, and of course Haruki Yamauchi will block this road in advance!

The most important thing is that if Kushida Kikyo does not add a request for confidentiality, Long Yuanxiang can use the exposure of this matter to threaten to reduce or even not give the personal points that were originally going to be given to Kushida Kikyo, and it is possible to ask for compensation in turn.

Of course, there are not many possibilities, and in most cases, Long Yuanxiang can be regarded as abiding by the agreement, but he often does things outside the agreement.

Something that directly violates the agreement, it seems that Long Yuanxiang has not done it so far. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Trust is a very important thing that takes a long time to build, but to break it, it only takes one experience of default.

Unless you really don’t need to care about other people, or when it comes to the last resort, it is estimated that no one wants to destroy their image.

It’s like Nan Yunya, who is the student president, after he has completely mastered the student council and mastered the second year, he has no opponents, so of course he doesn’t care about what others think of him, and he can break the agreement as if nothing happened.

But that’s just his own opinion, no one can really sit back and relax in this school, no one can.

Kushida Kikyo is not a fool, and she quickly understood what Haruki Yamauchi meant, but she didn’t think about it before, and now that she thinks about it, she is suddenly a little afraid.

“What do you mean… The Class C guys are going to threaten me with this?”

“It’s not impossible, isn’t it? Those people are unscrupulous enough, don’t you have a little worry?”

Haruki Yamauchi is such a person, of course, he will also think about others with the worst mind, and his eyes are deep.

“Either way, you can trust me and do what I say! ”

“I… I know. ”

Kushida Kikyo suddenly had a terrible feeling, and just from this conversation, she understood one thing, that is, Haruki Yamauchi was not as simple and fragile as she thought, but under the calm exterior, there was a deep scheming hidden.

But this seems to be a good thing, if Haruki Yamauchi is not a little outstanding, and he is ordinary compared to his peers, will Kushida Kikyo approach him?

“Let’s eat first, I don’t know if it’s to your taste. ”

Haruki Yamauchi brought out the casually stewed beef and radish soup, unlike in the past to save personal points, now Haruki Yamauchi is not so poor, at least he doesn’t need to save points for buying ingredients.

When Kushida Kikyo smelled the aroma, he was happy at first, but immediately became distressed again.

“I’ve been eating too many sweets lately, and I’ve gained a bit of weight…”

Haruki Yamauchi was silent, he knew that girls would always care about their weight, so they couldn’t eat as much as they wanted.

This kind of thing is normal, and Haruki Yamauchi can’t solve it, so he can only be silent.

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