“Next, you can talk to Class C as I told you, and if they don’t agree, forget it, and would rather give up this opportunity than put yourself in danger. ”

When he sent Kushida Kikyo away, Haruki Yamauchi was still admonishing, and he felt that although the current Kushida Kikyo was much more mature than ordinary people, his technique was still too immature and he would ignore many things.

At least compared to the class leaders in each class, Kushida Kikyo is immature in many ways, and the only way she can surpass others is her ability to communicate and quickly become close to others, both of which are similar.

Compared to the scheming conspiracy, Kushida Kikyo’s idea is good, but often his own action is not very good, and he can only ask for others, and in the end, others will not take it seriously, so he can only meet failure after failure.

This is actually quite normal, in this school, even your classmates can become enemies, and no one will help you wholeheartedly if you can’t find someone you trust.

If you can’t find someone who will help you wholeheartedly, and Kushida Kikyo is very weak, it’s easy to imagine what the final outcome will be.

“I see, Haruki, I’ll do what you say. ”

Kushida Kikyo put on his shoes and did not leave immediately, but looked up at Haruki Yamauchi.

Haruki Yamauchi froze slightly, but he quickly understood what was going on, and stepped forward to hug ~ and hugged her.

“No, I just- wanted to say thank you…”

Kushida Kikyo blushed a little, but she didn’t refuse Haruki Yamauchi’s hug, and the two quickly separated again, and she slowly disappeared into the hallway.

Haruki Yamauchi returned to his dormitory, and just as he was about to look up the information on the Internet, there was another knock on the door.

Did she forget something and come back suddenly?

Haruki Yamauchi thought so naturally, and then opened the door, and saw Suzune Horikita standing outside the door.

It seems that in the class, Haruki Yamauchi was not convinced, and Suzune Horikita felt dissatisfied, and now chased it to Haruki Yamauchi’s dormitory.

There is no way, Horikita Suzune is such a person, after she identified the goal, she would not give up easily, obviously the same for Haruki Yamauchi.

“Looks like you’re going to have to come in. ”

Haruki Yamauchi looked at Suzune Horikita very indifferently, but he didn’t get out of the way, just from his appearance, he could understand that Haruki Yamauchi was reluctant to do so.

However, Horikita Suzune nodded naturally, not seeing Haruki Yamauchi’s troubled appearance at all.

“If you think it’s better for me to stand outside, then I can stand outside, I don’t care anyway. ”

“Come in. ”

Haruki Yamauchi didn’t say anything more and left the door, knowing that he couldn’t convince Suzune Horikita at all.

Moreover, if Horikita Suzune stands outside the door, it will only have a bad effect on Haruki Yamauchi.

Although Haruki Yamauchi doesn’t care about other people’s attention, he also doesn’t like to cause a sensation at will.

If Horikita Suzune was standing outside Haruki Yamauchi’s door and waiting, and there were people coming and going, I didn’t know what kind of situation would happen, and Haruki Yamauchi certainly didn’t want such a thing to happen.

If Haruki Yamauchi really lets it go like this, all kinds of rumors, all kinds of brain supplements, and students in the outer classes may shift their attention to Haruki Yamauchi after hearing about it.

To put it bluntly, there must be all kinds of troubles mixed in, and Haruki Yamauchi doesn’t want to cause this kind of trouble, so he still plans to let Horikita Suzune come in and speak.

Anyway, Haruki Yamauchi doesn’t have any other troubles except for a little boredom.

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“Have you eaten yet?”

Horikita Suzune seems to want to greet Haruki Yamauchi, but she obviously looks a little uncomfortable, even if it is a person like Haruki Yamauchi who is not very good at observing words and feelings, she can see it completely.

It is estimated that in Horikita Suzune’s current and past life, there are very few opportunities to greet people, so she is like now, and she looks at a loss at all. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“I’ve eaten it, just now. ”

Although Haruki Yamauchi saw Horikita Suzune’s embarrassment, he had no intention of making fun of Horikita Suzune because of this.

“If there’s anything, just say it. ”

After that, he hurried away – although Haruki Yamauchi didn’t say it explicitly, he undoubtedly meant that.

Haruki Yamauchi’s decisions have rarely changed, even with the influence of others.

0 begging for flowers

In other words, if Horikita Suzune wants to stalk to the ground, Haruki Yamauchi will definitely not eat this set.

Horikita Suzune nodded, she was originally standing in the entrance position, but she took a few steps forward, getting closer to Haruki Yamauchi.

“I still think that it is more reasonable for you to participate in the sports festival Yamauchi-san, your current strength is very important to Class D!”

“Alright then, I’ll add it. ”

Haruki Yamauchi replied without thinking after hearing Horikita Suzune’s words.

“You’re also a member of Class D, after all… Huh?”

Horikita Suzune originally thought that the answer she heard was also the expected answer, which was a refusal, but she immediately realized that it seemed that Haruki Yamauchi had agreed to this matter this time.

“Actually, it doesn’t matter to me whether I participate or not, you better not get your hopes up, maybe I’ll change my mind when the time comes. ”

Because of the conditions with Class C that he had just agreed with Kushida Kikyo, Haruki Yamauchi felt that his actions could be freer, so even if he agreed to Horikita Suzune, there was no hindrance.

And Horikita Suzune didn’t care too much after hearing Haruki Yamauchi’s words, obviously she didn’t think about Haruki Yamauchi’s temporary reversal.

“Yamauchi-san is a trustworthy person, I believe you won’t do anything unreliable, and if it really happens, I will focus on your words again. ”

After bowing slightly, Horikita Suzune saw that Haruki Yamauchi didn’t seem to want to talk anymore, so he said goodbye and left.

Haruki Yamauchi looked at her back, and he didn’t mean to stop her.

“Unexpectedly, people from all over the world trust me a lot. ”

However, Horikita Suzune is quite right at this point, Haruki Yamauchi really has no idea of defaulting.

The reason is very simple, at least Haruki Yamauchi is still in Class D now, and if he rashly does something that violates the agreement, it will not be good for him in the future.

Unless Haruki Yamauchi is ready to be a person like Rokusuke of Takaenji Temple, just take care of living alone, and don’t have to worry about anything else.

Otherwise, according to Haruki Yamauchi’s plan to control Class D and lead Class D, he must not be able to easily violate what he has said.

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