“Even if it were, it didn’t matter, it wouldn’t hinder me at all. ”

Haruki Yamauchi smiled indifferently and quickly stopped taking the matter to heart.

Whether you participate in the sports festival or not, the impact on Haruki Yamauchi is not too big, the difference is just whether Haruki Yamauchi wants to or not.

The next thing is to go to class step by step, and Haruki Yamauchi still rarely attends physical education class, leaving directly after school every day.

Although some people also have some slight remarks about Haruki Yamauchi, there is a more unreliable person like Rokusuke of Takaenji Temple in front of him, coupled with Haruki Yamauchi’s current power, no one dares to say anything in front of Haruki Yamauchi.

After all, Haruki Yamauchi has never threatened others like Ken Sudo, but Haruki Yamauchi is annoyed and will do it directly.

This is a greater threat than the verbal threat of “683”.

Kushida Kikyo also quickly reached a contract with Class C under the guidance of Haruki Yamauchi.

Just as Haruki Yamauchi thought, instead of refusing Kushida Kikyo’s request for personal points and confidentiality, Tatsuzono Sho quickly agreed.

The reason is simple, using the method of letting others violate the school rules to deal with other people, this matter is already a violation of the school rules.

It is estimated that Long Yuanxiang is worried that Kushida Kikyo will record the call with him and hand it over to the school.

At that time, the image of Kushida Kikyo is damaged at most, and he can also use the excuse that he deliberately cheated Class C, and Long Yuanxiang will be in even greater trouble.

With the lessons of Haruki Yamauchi’s previous two times, Long Yuanxiang must have learned a lot smarter, at least he knew that he would lock up this possibility in advance so that he would not be exposed to additional threats.

Even Haruki Yamauchi suspected that even if he didn’t remind him in advance, maybe Long Yuan Sho would take the initiative to ask Kushida Kikyo for this.

It’s just that at that time, I’m afraid that Kushida Kikyo won’t have any personal point income.

The difference between active and passive is so big, and it is related to many things.

Moreover, Ryūen Sho may not care about the personal points that Kushida Kikyo is going to take, the reason is simple, he can get back the points he paid from Horikita Suzune.

For Long Yuanxiang, these should have been the parts that he thought of when he made this plan, otherwise he would not have set up such a convenient condition for threats.

Those things are none of Haruki’s business, after all, all he needs is to let Long Yuanxiang do this.

The rest of the things will be left to Sho Long Yuan and Suzune Horikita to solve by themselves, Haruki Yamauchi doesn’t intend to be so deeply involved in this matter.

Just a few days before the sports festival, Haruki Yamauchi walked outside, only to see Sae Sae, a tea pillar waving at him.

Haruki Yamauchi saw it, and immediately walked over to her.

Originally, Haruki Yamauchi had expected that Sae Chazhu would probably come over to find her recently, and her ability to persist until now had already made Haruki Yamauchi sigh at her patience.

After all, Sae Chazhu seems to care about nothing, but in fact he is a person who has a very strong desire to lead Class D to Class A.

Haruki Yamauchi doesn’t want to comment on this ideal, but when he thinks about things, he won’t leave it out.

“Yamauchi-san, you’ve been unexpectedly quiet lately, except for your outburst. ”

On the way to the teacher’s office, Sae Chazhu looked ahead without squinting and sighed.

The thing that broke out, of course, is the matter of Haruki Yamauchi and Ken Sudo.

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Even in the classroom, there were monitors everywhere, and Haruki Yamauchi didn’t expect her to find out.

The main thing is that Sudo Ken and Haruki Yamauchi didn’t make a big fuss, and there was no particularly serious incident, and neither of them had any intention of pursuing it.

In this case, the school will not know, and this is the style of this school. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In other words, even if there is a violent incident, as long as both parties do not care and do not report it to the school, it is estimated that the school will be unaware.

It is a school that seems to be strict, but is actually very lenient, and Haruki Yamauchi feels this again.

As for the words of the tea pillar Sae, Haruki Yamauchi just smiled slightly, and there was no superfluous reaction.

“Teacher Chazhu, you called me over, did you just ask about that time?”

Of course, this is impossible, the school does not care about things, and there is no possibility for the class teacher to care, otherwise it is a dereliction of duty… 0

Without a valid reason, the class guide must not intervene in the student’s previous disputes, which is also a school rule.

“I’m looking for you because there’s something else, and I’m sure you’ve got some guesses, so let’s talk about that when we go into the office. ”

Sae had no intention of talking here, and in such a crowded place, it was easy to be heard what he was saying.

This kind of thing obviously won’t be what Sae Chazhu wants, she was also one of the students of this school, and of course she understands the importance of secrecy.

To talk about something important in public is to keep telling others, “Eavesdrop!”

This is very stupid behavior.

At this moment, Saeda’s footsteps paused, and she looked at the person walking in front of her.

It was the class leader of Class B, Hoshinomiya Chie, who was wearing a women’s suit, her hair was scattered behind her back, and she had a gentle and sweet smile, and now she was looking over with her mouth pursed.

Saeda took the boy to the office again. ”

Although Hoshinomiya Chie was joking, Haruki Yamauchi could clearly feel that she was paying attention to herself.

Sae’s face also turned cold, although she and Hoshinomiya Chie have been friends for a long time, they are also rivals, and their mentality of secrecy is stronger.

“This student was implicated in a previous violent incident in the class, and I’m going to talk to him next, it’s none of your business. ”

Obviously, when Haruki Yamauchi hadn’t come here at 4.3, Sae Chazhu also thought of a reason, and then he said it directly.

Hearing about the tea pillar Sae, the star palace Chie nodded as if she remembered something.

“Oh, that’s the thing, I didn’t expect that Yamauchi-san’s seemingly ordinary man is an unexpectedly tough man!”

Even if it happened in Class D, but with cameras in place, it is obvious that Hoshinomiya Chie also learned about the specific state of affairs.

Haruki Yamauchi understood this more and more, but he quickly lowered his head and said nothing, as if he didn’t know anything.

“I’ll go first. ”

Sae Sae didn’t mean to chat with Chie of the Star Palace at all.,After saying hello.,And walked into the office with Haruki Yamauchi.。。

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