With Kiyotaka Ayakoji not having a pawn in Class C, and his semi-free-range state of Suzune Horikita, no matter how resourceful he is, he can’t change what is going on out of thin air.

And the person concerned, Horikita Suzune, still doesn’t seem to know anything about it until now, and she doesn’t seem to have taken into account that in the sports festival, something else will happen too much.

There is no way around it, Suzune Horikita is a very straightforward person, and it is difficult for her to think about practices outside the rules.

If it was an exam with strict rules, maybe Horikita Suzune would be able to get unusual results, but in this school that is quite free in private, Horikita Suzune is tantamount to putting himself in a shackle and limiting himself.

It is conceivable that those who limit themselves will inevitably not be able to exert their full strength, and the final outcome can be imagined.

Compared to Horikita Suzune, Sho Ryuzono and Kiyotaka Ayakoji are people who like to break through the rules and restrictions, as long as they can think of it and there is a feasible approach, they will try it, and they will not hesitate.

Under this premise, of course, the self-tied Horikita Suzune is not so easy to display his talents, and he will continue to fall into disadvantages in the future, which is a foreseeable 190 love.

“Then, it’s really just a matter of waiting. ”

Haruki Yamauchi put down his phone, and after turning on the computer again to check the information of the sports festival, he lay down on the bed and began to sleep.

A few days passed in a flash, and before I knew it, it was the beginning of October, and the sports festival finally began.

From Year 3 to Year 1, all students are required to line up to enter the field, there is no intermission and cheerleading performances, and all competitions are over in one day.

This also highlights the aspect of the sports festival even more, because there is nothing but competitions.

“The 100-meter race is about to take place, and the participants need to prepare immediately. ”

Yosuke Hirata, dressed in tracksuits, shouting loudly with a list in front of him, is organizing personnel.

Because there will be a situation where the whole game will be played, theoretically speaking, everyone needs to play, except for those who have a physical condition like Sakayanagi Yusu.

Haruki Yamauchi also changed into a tracksuit, and then he went to the tent of the first-grade D class to sit and began to quietly observe the upcoming game.

Because Haruki Yamauchi showed too much non-cooperation, he didn’t have many competitions to participate in, basically only all the competitions that he had to participate in, and there were competitions that required strength such as the tug-of-war of the four directions.

At other times, Haruki Yamauchi can watch from the sidelines or take a break.

At the extreme, Haruki Yamauchi can leave the playground directly, and no one will care, at most he can come back when he competes.

To put it bluntly, this sports festival is almost equivalent to a special exam, and even if the student gives up, there will be no punishment, but the class will suffer.

If it weren’t for that, it would not have been possible for Koenji Rokusuke to decide not to participate in any of the games so dashingly, because the sports festival would have no effect on the individual without fouling.

Even if the individual score is in the bottom ten of the grade, it is only a deduction of ten points from the written test score, which is not a punishment at all for a person with excellent grades like Koenji Rokusuke.

With Haruki Yamauchi’s current results, he doesn’t need to worry about being deducted ten points, at least he hasn’t reached the point where he will fail at least ten points.

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As soon as the whistle blew, Ken Sudo rushed out in the 100-meter race of the first group.

Because he wanted to get off to a good start, the 100-meter race in which Ken Sudo participated was ranked in the first group, probably to boost morale.

Although Haruki Yamauchi didn’t understand why this would boost morale, he could only accept it, anyway, it didn’t matter.

Looking at the other side, not many people in Class D paid attention to Sudo’s game. The news he got from Chiaki Matsushita was similar to what Haruki Yamauchi saw now, Ken Sudo’s temper seemed a little irritable, and although he wanted to do something for Class D, he did it in the wrong way, and all he got was the dissatisfaction and disgust of the Class D students.

Even when Ken Sudo has become much more restrained because of his deflated hands at Haruki Yamauchi, he is still strong in many ways.

This is also normal, people who are used to threatening others will not change easily, but using this method to guide others is undoubtedly a big wrong choice.

At this point, Horikita Suzune is the same, she basically doesn’t care about others, of course, she can’t see Sudo Ken’s problem, which makes the atmosphere inside the class worse and worse. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although you think you are doing it for Class D, in fact, there are basically no people in Class D who need you to do this, and I don’t think they will thank you in their hearts.

Haruki Yamauchi just smiled indifferently and turned his head away from looking that way.

“The tug-of-war has begun, boys, hurry up!”

Yosuke Hirata ran towards the D-class area and began to shout loudly, and many boys ran towards him.

Haruki Yamauchi heard the sound and ran to the tug-of-war, which is a project that all boys have to participate in, and Haruki Yamauchi is one of them.

“Are the defective products of Class D going to compare with us? Just let me throw you in the trash!”

Long Yuanxiang on the other end smiled disdainfully and mocked indifferently, but his eyes kept staring at Sudo Ken.

The contempt in it can be felt even by a child, and Sudo Ken immediately clenched his fists, his snort was much heavier, and he looked impatient.

Today’s Sudo Ken, in the previous games, played very well, almost unbeatable, which also made Sudo Ken’s self-confidence begin to swell extremely.

Since entering this school, Sudo Ken has felt that he is the most proud today, if he was ridiculed like this by Long Yuanxiang before, with the previous lesson, Sudo Ken would not be so angry.

But at this time, being so scorned by Long Yuanxiang, Sudo Ken began to feel the anger in his heart burning.

“Wait, when I defeat you, I hope you can still be so happy and able to laugh!”

“What is this guy talking about? He seems to be a fool. ”

In the face of Sudo Ken’s very serious words, Long Yuanxiang showed that he didn’t understand at all, and while laughing, he turned around and made fun of the people in his class.

Seeing this scene, Sudo Ken’s face suddenly became gloomy, and there was a sound of clicking bones on his body, obviously because he was so angry.

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