When Haruki Yamauchi saw this scene, he had already anticipated the next scene, and he didn’t look like he was going to make a sound, but hid in silence.

“Tug of war, let’s go!”

With the referee’s order, everyone suddenly took the rope and began to exert force in their own direction.

Just when it was about to reach the stalemate stage, Haruki Yamauchi suddenly felt the rope in his hand loosen, followed by an exclamation~.

Looking around again, there was no one who could stand, staggering, and in the case of Class C’s sudden letting go, a group of people were caught off guard and fell over.

Even the people in Class B, who were with Class C, also fell forward, and only the people in Class C were not affected by anything because they had been prepared.

Long Yuanxiang stood in the area of Class C, looking down, looking down on Class D, looking at Class D here and laughing.

“I can’t see this garbage-like score, so I’ll throw it in the garbage heap of Class D. ”

Sudo sat on the ground, his eyes a little red, and he punched the sand on the ground, and his teeth were clenched.

When Yosuke Hirata saw this scene, he quickly grabbed him and whispered to him beside him.

“Sudo-san, don’t be provoked, then you’ll fall for their tricks, now we should calm down!”

Sudo Ken glanced at Yosuke Hirata coldly, didn’t mean to speak, and stood up in silence.

Although the students who were watching around were also extremely surprised by the scene in front of them, they couldn’t do anything, because Class C’s behavior of voluntarily giving up the game was not a violation at all.

There are no restrictions on this sports festival other than deliberately interfering with the sports festival itself and using a foul to play.

In other words, whether you don’t participate in the competition, or simply give up the competition, it is allowed by the school.

Anyway, if you don’t break the rules, it’s the student’s freedom to do whatever they want, and it’s impossible for the school to interfere with that.

At the end of the day, the loss of class points is also the result that students should bear.

According to general logic, it is difficult to imagine that there will be a class to give up the game, at least the people of Class B, who are now united with Class C, are glaring at Class C, and it is obvious that they are also unaware.

But that’s according to the general situation, Long Yuanxiang didn’t pay so much attention to class points, especially now that he wants to fight Class D, it can be said that he will use any means.

In many cases, Long Yuanxiang is a person who can fairly abide by the rules, but in special exams, he often has no scruples, he will try to use any method, and it is already a mistake to think about him with common sense.

“Game 2, start!”

Of course, the tug-of-war will not be a one-game winner-loser, a total of three games, a best-of-three system.

“Class C boys, I don’t care about the rest of the games, but if you lose this game, you should know what will happen when you go back. ”

This time, Long Yuanxiang actually encouraged him before the war, but the method of his encouragement was obviously different from what ordinary people imagined, and it was closer to the means of threat.

Under the power of this threat, the students of Class C burst out with unimaginable motivation and directly pulled the rope over and won the victory.

“See, I just let you in the last game, as long as I want to win, I can win any kind of game. ”

Long Yuanxiang came to Sudo Ken again, smiling defiantly, and it was obvious that he had targeted Sudo Ken, an athlete in Class D, because Sudo Ken was a person who could easily get angry.

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As long as you keep stimulating Sudo like this, Sudo will have problems, and this is easy to see.

Komiya and Kondo in class C are both in the basketball club, and they and Ken Sudo can also be said to get along day and night, and Long Yuanxiang should know Ken Sudo very well.

And Sudo Ken’s powder keg-like personality, which burns at a point, should be the weakness of Class D.

From the first time Long Yuanxiang made a move, it can be understood that the incident that caused Class C and Class D can be understood, he has long seen the character of Ken Sudo, so he constantly uses this to target Class D.

As long as Sudo Ken’s character can’t be corrected, this will always be a weakness, at least now Long Yuanxiang is still using it as a weapon and constantly using it.

Sudo Ken probably realized this, he just gasped and didn’t say anything, probably planning to solve these problems by sports means.

By the time of the third game, Class C and Class B had really lost, they had just exploded their strength, and before they could recover from it, they had already started a new game, so they lost as a matter of course.

0 for flowers0

They were originally able to have strength because of Long Yuanxiang’s threat, but Long Yuanxiang only asked for that one game, so it was not surprising that they lost.

Seeing this scene, Sudo Ken suddenly became happy, and he wanted to go to Long Yuanxiang’s side to show off his might.

But at this time, Long Yuanxiang had already walked away, and he didn’t care about Sudo Ken behind him at all, and completely hung him there.

This kind of attitude, as if the self-esteem is infinitely raised in this sports festival, Sudo Ken said, I didn’t take you seriously at all.

On the contrary, although Ken Sudo won this game, he was like a defeated rooster, and it was like a punch in the air, and he felt like he wanted to vomit blood.

“Damn! coward!”

He cursed a few words in a low voice and kicked the sand hard, and the sand made many people frown, including the people in Class D.

Sudo Ken is such a character, as long as he feels dissatisfied, he will immediately get angry, which is why people will dislike it even more.

Yosuke Hirata saw this scene and immediately approached Ken Sudo with some concern.

“Sudo-san, calm down…” (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Ken Sudo, who was able to listen to Yosuke Hirata before, didn’t even let Yosuke Hirata finish his words this time, so he impatiently opened Yosuke Hirata’s hand.

Yosuke Hirata was also a little caught off guard, and stood there in a daze, and Sudo Ken had already walked away.

Usually, everyone knows a little bit about Sudo Ken’s character, but after seeing that Yosuke Hirata, who is very good to people, is also so rude, they all look at Sudo Ken’s gaze and are a little angry.

Haruki Yamauchi has been quietly watching all this from the side, and there is no surprise.

Sudo Ken’s personality flaws are bigger than Horikita Suzune, at least Horikita Suzunin rarely causes trouble to the people around him, but Sudo Ken gets angry, and even the teacher will not scruple about it.

In this case, Long Yuan Xiang regarded provoking Ken Sudo as a tactic, which is a matter of course.

“It’s time to do what I need to do. ”

Seeing this scene, Haruki Yamauchi decided not to wait any longer, because now is the time when he needs to play.

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