Haruki Yamauchi should be the most vocal in this regard, he didn’t understand anything when he first came here, and he took advantage of the opportunity to get a lot of personal points halfway through, so he got to where he is now.

It’s just that Haruki Yamauchi can’t tell anyone else about these experiences, so he can only keep them a secret alone.

“Maybe I’m not fit to stay here for the rest of the day, so I’ll be back when it’s time to play. ”

Haruki Yamauchi still remembers that the game he needs to play should be in the afternoon, but by that time, it is not necessary to play yet.

Thinking about it this way, Haruki Yamauchi really didn’t have to stay here, with this thought, he walked directly to the dormitory.

“It’s already noon, and it’s almost time to eat. ”

In this way, Haruki Yamauchi returned to the dormitory, he had already done everything he had to do, and then he continued to wait.

Although Haruki Yamauchi is not in the stadium, he believes that if he is not there, the result will not be different.

Sure enough, by the afternoon, Haruki Yamauchi’s mobile phone had no message sent, and no one had asked him to participate in the next game.

And this only means one thing, that is, in this sports festival, it will be difficult for Class D to even play normal games.

While Suzune Horikita fell into the trap of Class C, Takeru Sudo caused a new incident that prevented him from participating in the next matches.

In this way, in a series of things caused by this, it doesn’t matter whether Haruki Yamauchi goes to the competition or not, and naturally no one will notify Haruki Yamauchi to participate in the competition.

For example, the tug-of-war in the four directions, a total of five people participated, and suddenly Ken Sudo did not participate, four people against five people in other classes, of course, this is almost incomparable, it doesn’t matter if Haruki Yamauchi goes or not…

Because the difference between three-on-five and four-on-five is not that big, they both lose anyway, unless someone can say that they have twice the strength of ordinary people, they can try it.

It’s just that when a series of events have occurred in Class D, it is estimated that those people will lose even the idea of trying, but directly choose to give up.

“That’s why I said it doesn’t matter, whether I agree to participate in this competition or not, the result doesn’t make a difference…”

Haruki Yamauchi remembered Suzune Horikita, who had always insisted on letting him participate in the competition, and also sighed slightly.

“If you can’t control the power, you can’t call it your own power, it’s better not to use it. ”

“Because in that case, it could bring worse results than the original at any time, whether it’s me or the six sukes of Takaenji. ”

At this point, the final result of Class D is almost the same as before, but it has become even worse.

It’s just that if it is not broken, it will not stand, and Haruki Yamauchi is not unaware of this.

It can’t get worse anyway, and in that case, it’s better to be thorough and let all the problems be exposed.

When Haruki Yamauchi went to class the next day, he didn’t see Sudo Ken, his place was empty, and no one was sitting there.

From time to time, the students in Class D glanced over and quickly withdrew their gaze.

In addition, there were some more abrasions on Goenji Rokusuke’s face, but he didn’t care at all, and he still listened to the lecture by himself.

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At this time, many people saw his gaze, which was similar to the way they looked at Haruki Yamauchi at that time, mixed with curiosity and fear.

At the back of the classroom, Horikita Suzune, who used to listen carefully in the past, now becomes often distracted, and she seems to be full of preoccupations, always looking down from time to time, thinking about something.

Without having to listen to what other people say, just by looking at it from time to time between classes, Haruki Yamauchi can probably imagine what is going on.

Under the constant provocation of Long Yuan Xiang, coupled with the stimulation of Goenji Rokusuke, Sudo Ken finally couldn’t help but fight with Goenji Rokusuke.

Because Sudo Ken was that kind of person, it was not surprising that he would do such a thing, and the incident caused by Sudo Ken in the first semester is still fresh in people’s minds.

Although Rokusuke Koenji seems to be indifferent to everything, he is not a person who will give in easily, and if Ken Sudo makes a move on him, he will of course fight back.

Because Haruki Yamauchi has long said that the relationship between letting Karuizawa Megumi call Yosuke Hirata away in advance is the meaning of separating him.

As a result, there was no one in the field to stop the conflict between Sudo Ken and Takaenji Rokusuke.

In the end, they caused a conflict within the class, because it was Sudo Ken who did it first, plus his original personality, so the main responsibility is, of course, Sudo Ken.

As a punishment, there is a high probability that Ken Sudo will be suspended from class now, and he will not be able to come to class now.

The main thing about Goenji Rokusuke is to fight back, the responsibility is not on him, it should be just some verbal criticism and warnings, and he has not been punished too much.

Of course, Horikita Suzune was threatened by Sho Long Yuan with the help of the previous incident, and now he is thinking of a solution.

Because of Haruki Yamauchi’s suggestion, Kushida Kikyo received a large amount of personal points from Class C, and Long Yuanxiang readily agreed at that time.

Now, Ryūn Sho should be trying to find a way to get back his lost personal points from Horikita Suzune, right?

Although Long Yuanxiang aimed at Class D to attack this time, in terms of the loss of class points, both classes lost 100 class points, which can be described as a lose-loser.

It’s just that Long Yuanxiang has other gains in this sports festival, so he shouldn’t be too frustrated, at least he can hit Horikita Suzune, which should be something he wants to see very much. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The personal points that were supposed to be distributed yesterday have been postponed to today, and with the new 500,000 personal points, I can continue to make new personal improvements.

Normally, the distribution of individual points will be delayed only because the class points will change.

Yesterday was the time when the class points changed, because there was a sports festival, and after the class ranking, there will be rewards and punishments for class points.

Of course, Haruki Yamauchi didn’t receive new personal points yesterday because it wasn’t yet time for the school to issue personal points.

During recess, Haruki Yamauchi was eating lunch when he heard the students in his class talking about the sports festival, and he confirmed his guess and didn’t ask anything.

Ken Sudo was suspended from school for more than half a month, and he was not allowed to participate in club activities during this period, which was the punishment given to him.

The only good thing is that Class D was not affected and was punished with class points, probably because the two sides of the conflict were from the same class.

Since it is a conflict that has nothing to do with the special exam, the school did not consider the punishment of class points.

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