If it had been earlier, there would have been people who couldn’t accept this and became chaotic.

But in the current D class, they should have realized that the D class is the worst batch of all the classes.

It is precisely because of this that in the face of today’s results, no one feels that there is anything wrong, and at the same time, it is difficult to accept it, and at the same time, it feels taken for granted.

This is class D, the worst class in school, and the treatment that defective products should have.

INTERVIEWER There are probably many people who think this way.

Haruki Yamauchi could vaguely sense what they were thinking, but he didn’t seem to care, because no matter how they thought or what they thought, the final result was only one way, and they were just reduced to pawns.

Other than that, all they can do is quietly accept everything, as it is now.

It can be said that in this class, except for a few people who have been working hard to get to class A, everyone else has the feeling of going with the flow, because they have become numb and used to it.

Since it was Class D from the beginning, when I entered the school, there was already a gap like 863 with other classes, even if it was a little worse, it didn’t matter.

This is known as the broken window effect, when a house is in good condition, everyone consciously maintains it.

But when the windows of the house are broken and left unattended, everyone will not care about it, and even actively make it worse.

Today’s Class D is such a room with broken windows, even ordinary students in Class D don’t care about it.

If you want to change this, you have to at least give them hope, and only then will these people work hard to cheer up.

A class with extremely low ability and morale…

Haruki Yamauchi was eating and making comments as if nothing had happened, which was also his true thoughts about Class D.

From time to time, Haruki Yamauchi could still detect eyes looking at him, mostly from Chiaki Matsushita, and a small part from Megumi Karuizawa.

Needless to say, Chiaki Matsushita should be very puzzled by what is happening in Class D today, even if Haruki Yamauchi told her something in advance, she should still be very incomprehensible.

For example, Haruki Yamauchi said that he wanted to get Class D to A, but so far, he has done nothing.

If it is replaced by other people in the position of Panasonic Chiaki, it is estimated that there are few people who can understand, which is also a matter of course.

There is also Karui Zehui, by now, she should have almost realized the consequences of calling Yosuke Hirata away, and she could vaguely guess the intention of Haruki Yamauchi at that time, and it was impossible to let this matter go so lightly.

If Karuizawa Megumi hadn’t separated Yosuke Hirata, then Ken Sudo and Rokusuke Koenji might not have been able to fight at all, and at that time, things would not have reached the irreparable place they are now.

It is estimated that thinking of this, Karuizawa Megumi will also regret it a little in her heart, feeling that she was a little hasty at the time, and she didn’t think at all that if Yosuke Hirata didn’t host the scene, what would be the consequences.

However, that’s the end of it, based on the protection of herself, it is impossible for Karuizawa Megumi to tell this matter, and it is impossible to tell others the truth about this matter.

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The reason is simple, Karuizawa only has courage in protecting her own things, and if she says things that may damage her position, she will be hurt even more.

Having said that, in reality, not too many people would have thought that Yosuke Hirata leaving the playground was a coincidence.

Because Megumi Karuizawa is usually the kind of person who will be unreasonable, what kind of behavior she will behave is impossible for others to predict, and no one can use this to blame her. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It is estimated that even Yosuke Hirata himself will sigh at most that he left at a critical time.

After all, no one could have imagined in advance that Ken Sudo would still be so irritable after going through so many things, and often cause trouble for the class.

Considering this, it is estimated that it is difficult for anyone to be able to connect these things with Haruki Yamauchi, and no matter how rich their imagination is, it is impossible to link this matter with a Haruki Yamauchi who was not present at the time.

Except for one person, Kiyotaka Ayakoji…

After talking to Karuizawa at that time, Kiyotaka Ayakoji came over, and he should have understood that Haruki Yamauchi had some contact with Karuizawa.

Inferring from this, Kiyotaka Ayakoji can understand that Yosuke Hirata’s departure is not a coincidence, but something that has been premeditated for a long time.

If you think about other aspects, even if you can’t deduce everything, you can still understand a lot of things to a certain extent.

At that time, I had already observed the surrounding situation, and there was no Kiyotaka Ayakoji, who should have come from a distance when I was facing my back to Megumi Karuizawa.

In that case, there is no need to worry about Kiyotaka Ayakoji overhearing the conversation between Haruki Yamauchi and Megumi Karuizawa, but if these two aspects are connected, even if Kiyotaka Ayakoji doesn’t know what Haruki Yamauchi and Megumi Karuizawa said, he can probably guess.

Because Karuizawa Megumi then called Yosuke Hirata away, and then Sudo Ken began to break out, and then no one came out to preside over the scene, which caused things to be a little bigger, which should be able to be seen.

It doesn’t matter, just such a small clue can’t be investigated at all.

What’s more, just as I discovered Kiyotaka Ayakoji, he should have begun to realize me, which is nothing.

Anyway, Haruki Yamauchi has a lot to do next, but being recognized as extraordinary doesn’t affect him at all.

Because next, Haruki Yamauchi has to show his abilities more accurately, which is of course an aspect that cannot be hidden, and it will also catch people off guard.

Before I knew it, the bell rang for the end of school, and after the sports festival, the physical education classes that had been added were also canceled, so many people picked up their school bags and prepared to go home.

It’s not like before, you have to wait until the sports are over to understand it.

Haruki Yamauchi glanced behind him, he could feel that the gaze behind him was more condensed, it should be that he was about to catch up after school.

Thinking so, Haruki Yamauchi picked up his schoolbag and went to the hidden place near the teaching building, without leaving immediately.

This can also be seen as an invitation, if you have any questions, you can catch up and ask, Haruki Yamauchi believes that the person behind him, can understand what he means, and it is not difficult to understand.

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