With a plopping sound, when Haruki Yamauchi turned back in surprise, he saw that Horikita Suzune had already knelt down, and even his head was lowered on the ground.

There is no doubt that this is the seat of the earth, and even here, it is a high courtesy.

Even Haruki Yamauchi didn’t expect that Horikita Suzune would do this suddenly, obviously he thought that Horikita Suzune would want to blame himself even more.

“What do you mean by that?”

Although he was a little surprised, Haruki Yamauchi didn’t show much concern for Suzune Horikita.

The reason is simple, now, Haruki Yamauchi no longer needs to act according to the will or ideas of others, he just needs to do what he wants to do.

Whether Horikita Suzune is angry and beleading, there is only one way Haruki Yamauchi can respond, and that is to do what he wants to do according to his own ideas.

“Maybe in your own opinion, you’ve made a great deal of sacrifice, but I may not care, you should be able to understand that, right?”

didn’t mean to deliberately mock Horikita Suzune, Haruki Yamauchi didn’t look at her more, showing that he didn’t care.

Frankly speaking, no matter what kind of reaction Horikita Suzune has, as long as he can’t impress Haruki Yamauchi, his thoughts probably won’t change.

This is what Haruki Yamauchi thinks now, and it is also what he shows to do.

“I know you’re not that easily shaken, but you must have something you want to do, a goal you want to achieve. ”

Horikita Suzune lowered her head tightly, without the slightest intention of lifting up, and her voice became dull.

“So, I just wanted you to be able to lead us, lead me, all the way to A!”


Haruki Yamauchi was silent and didn’t speak, he kept moving his mouse hand, and finally stopped, slowly looking at Horikita Suzune.

“Is that all. ?”

“If that’s all there is, I’ll do it even if you don’t say anything. ”

This was Haruki Yamauchi’s goal in the first place, and he didn’t mean to hide it, or rather, there was no need to hide these things at all.

“I see, so… Just do your best!”

After saying this, Horikita Suzune stood up and slowly retreated, walking outside.

Haruki Yamauchi looked at Horikita Suzune’s back with some surprise, not understanding what Horikita Suzune meant at all, but he didn’t care much either.

It’s just that the only thing that is certain is that Horikita Suzunon definitely has changed something in the process.

At least Horikita Suzune in the past would never have done such a thing as today, and she was even more arrogant than she had shown.

“So, what is the reason? was it stimulated by Long Yuanxiang, or did you suddenly realize the huge gap between you and me?”

Haruki Yamauchi shook his head, he couldn’t think of a specific reason, and he probably couldn’t guess even if he wanted to.

“One thing I need to be concerned about, at least tell Horikita that Tachibana Akane leaked the connection between me and him. ”

Although I don’t know where Horikita got Haruki Yamauchi’s contact information, when he sent a message to Haruki Yamauchi, Haruki Yamauchi also knew his contact information.

Perhaps, this can be regarded as Horikita’s recognition of Haruki Yamauchi, otherwise, he should not have done such a thing.

The message was sent quickly, and then about five minutes later, Haruki Yamauchi picked up the phone.

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“I’m sorry!”

On the phone, Horikita’s apologetic voice was clearly heard.

“There won’t be anything like this again!”

With a beep sound, the phone has been hung up.

Haruki Yamauchi could only glance at his phone speechlessly, slightly emotional.

“It’s really Horikita’s style, it’s really vigorous and resolute. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Quickly finished talking about things, and then quickly hung up the phone, if someone who didn’t know received this call, it is estimated that he didn’t even know what Horikita was talking about.

“Just believe him for the time being, anyway, even if these things are publicized, there will be no problem, with Horikita Gakuin in front, I don’t need to worry too much. ”

“Anyway, Horikita Suzune wouldn’t do this, after all, in this matter, it involves her dearest brother. ”

With this in mind, Haruki Yamauchi casually threw his phone on the bed and continued to browse the computer.

“From now on, maybe I should familiarize myself with meditation and the like, because I’ll be using that soon. ”

“It’s still not safe to just rely on grinding guns in battle, and you have to learn it yourself, which can be regarded as a preview. ”

Anyway, being idle is also idle, and Haruki Yamauchi soon began to study meditation and other knowledge.

Now it has become Haruki Yamauchi’s habit to plan for a rainy day, and he has been choosing to do so until now.

Now, the knowledge in the classroom is no longer a problem, and Haruki Yamauchi has begun to focus on other aspects.

And just like that, time passed unhurriedly, and finally it was late October.

“Next, I would like to invite the student president, Horikita Manaku, to give a final speech!”

Under the host’s reminder, Horikita walked over to the podium.

Haruki Yamauchi watched this scene quietly, not too touched.

Today, it’s finally time for Horikita to step down from the student council, and now it’s just a formal summary.

“Thank you very much, and I am very proud to be the student president of this school, thank you!”

After bowing slightly, Horikita walked along with this brief speech, seemingly unconcerned that he was no longer the student council president.

Some people were surprised by Horikita’s boldness, and some people admired Horikita’s calmness, but then, everyone’s eyes were attracted by the blond-haired figure who walked onto the stage.

He had brilliant blonde hair, a slender and well-proportioned body, and looked quite handsome, and at this time he came to the podium with a smile on his face.

“My name is Nan Yunya, and I am the new student president, and the next thing I want to do is to change the outdated concept of this school and turn this school into a school where strength is completely paramount, and I will try my best. ”

“Therefore, those who have strength can climb as high as possible when the time comes, and you will not regret your life. ”

When the lowly people heard this, they were all in an uproar, and Nan Yunya just looked at the reactions of the students below indifferently, and he even looked a little enjoyable.


Haruki Yamauchi glanced up a few times, then chose to ignore him and didn’t look up again.

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